Here the 2.5D version of the eTF code to evolve the "extended Two-Fluid" plasma model equations
The eTF model is presented in: Cerri et al., Phys. Plasmas 20, 112112 (2013). Refer to this paper if using this code.
See eTFdocumentation.pdf for installation and compilation guidelines.
parallel (MPI) code
"2.5D" code: two-dimensional (x,y) simulation domani (no variation along z, d/dz = 0), fully 3D vectors (e.g., B = (Bx, By, Bz))
simulation boundaries: open conditions along x, periodic conditions along y
generalized Ohm’s law with: Hall term (JxB), thermo-electric effect (div[P_e])
anisotropic pressures for both species (protons and electrons)
1st-order finite-Larmor-radius (FLR) corrections of the ions (assumes B mainly along z)
double-adiabatic closure (zero heat fluxes)
massless electrons (no electron-inertia effects)
default initial condition: FLR-corrected shear-flow layer (e.g., Kelvin-Helmholtz instability)