I don't quite work right. Fix me up!
- Look for instructions in index.html
- Fork me from: https://github.com/sshepard/TestMe_NG
- For the non-AngularJS version of the test go to https://github.com/sshepard/TestMe_lite
extra credit:
- Mock a "good" or "bad" reply from the server.
- Make another column that lists the checkboxes as you select them (this kind of thing is helpful when there's a long list of checkboxes).
- Use LESS/SASS, etc
- Deploy the project with Grunt to a .tgz
- Serve/Deploy with Yeoman.
- Create a NodeJS server with a reverse proxy and an app server that serves up the checkboxes in JSON format with data supplied by Solr.
- Serve with NodeJS or PHP or LAMP or ?
- Improve the Docs.
- Tell us how to improve the test or specific parts of the test.
- WOW us with your 1337 skilz.
When you're done, cut a branch and send me a pull request! https://github.com/sshepard/TestMe_NG
If you can't because you are against pulls or are all out of forks, then email [email protected] and we'll work out a solution.