A Python library to connect to Deye 德业 Cloud and control Deye dehumidifier devices.
Supported devices:
- DYD-B12A3
- DYD-D50A3
- DYD-D50B3
- DYD-E12A3
- DYD-G25A3
- DYD-N20A3
- DYD-L48A3
- DYD-T22A3
- DYD-U20A3
- DYD-U20Air
- DYD-V58A3
- DYD-W20A3
- DYD-W20A3-京鱼座
- DYD-X20A3
- DYD-Z12A3
- DYD-Z20B3
- DYD-Z20B3-天猫精灵
- DYD-S12A3
- DYD-F20C3
- JD121EC
- JD201FC
- TM208FC
- DY-612S
- DY-620S
- DY-8220C
- DY-890C
- DY-890T
- DY-6138A
- DY-8138C
- DY-8158C
- DY-8158T
For devices not in the above list, consider adding your own definitions here.
This library also includes a command-line tool for testing and interacting with Deye devices.
The CLI tool is automatically installed when you install the library:
pip install libdeye
# List all devices
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD devices
# List all available product types
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD products
# Get device state
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD get --device-id YOUR_DEVICE_ID
# Set device state
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD set --device-id YOUR_DEVICE_ID --power on --target-humidity 50
# Set device mode and fan speed
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD set --device-id YOUR_DEVICE_ID --mode Auto --fan-speed High
# Set additional device features
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD set --device-id YOUR_DEVICE_ID --anion on --oscillating on --child-lock off
# Monitor device state changes in real-time
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD monitor --device-id YOUR_DEVICE_ID
# Get MQTT information for Classic platform
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD classic-mqtt
# Get MQTT information for Fog platform
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD fog-mqtt
# Enable debug logging
deye-cli --debug --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD devices
# Print authentication token (useful for saving to .env file)
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD print-token
# Force refresh the authentication token
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD refresh-token
You can store your credentials in a .env file to avoid typing them in each command:
# Create a .env file in your working directory
echo "DEYE_USERNAME=your_username" > .env
echo "DEYE_PASSWORD=your_password" >> .env
# Now you can run commands without specifying credentials
deye-cli devices
# You can also specify a different .env file location
deye-cli --env-file /path/to/your/.env devices
The .env file format is simple:
# Optional: store auth token to avoid login each time
# Optional: store device and product IDs for quick access
With device and product IDs in your .env file, you can simplify commands:
# Get device state without specifying device-id
deye-cli get
# Set device state without specifying device-id
deye-cli set --power on --target-humidity 50
# Monitor device state changes
deye-cli monitor
To avoid sending your username and password with each request, you can use an authentication token:
# Get your authentication token
deye-cli --username YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_PASSWORD print-token
# Copy the token and add it to your .env file
echo "DEYE_AUTH_TOKEN=your_token_here" >> .env
# Now you can use the token instead of username/password
deye-cli devices
# If your token expires, you can refresh it
deye-cli --token YOUR_TOKEN refresh-token
: List all devices connected to your accountproducts
: List all available product typesget
: Get the current state of a deviceset
: Set the state of a device (power, mode, fan speed, etc.)monitor
: Monitor device state changes in real-timeprint-token
: Print the authentication token for use in .env filerefresh-token
: Force refresh the authentication tokenclassic-mqtt
: Get MQTT information for Classic platformfog-mqtt
: Get MQTT information for Fog platform
For more options, run:
deye-cli --help
import asyncio
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import aiohttp
from libdeye.cloud_api import DeyeApiResponseDeviceInfo, DeyeCloudApi, DeyeIotPlatform
from libdeye.device_state import DeyeDeviceState
from libdeye.mqtt_client import DeyeClassicMqttClient, DeyeFogMqttClient
async def main() -> None:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
# You can authenticate with username/password
cloud_api = DeyeCloudApi(client, "18976602834", "jsq2627_tf2")
await cloud_api.authenticate()
# Get the list of devices
devices: List[DeyeApiResponseDeviceInfo] = await cloud_api.get_device_list()
if not devices:
print("No devices found")
# Get the first device
device = devices[0]
product_id: str = device["product_id"]
device_id: str = device["device_id"]
platform: DeyeIotPlatform = DeyeIotPlatform(device["platform"])
print(f"Device: {device['device_name']} (ID: {device_id})")
f"Platform: {'Classic' if platform == DeyeIotPlatform.Classic else 'Fog'}"
mqtt_client: Optional[Union[DeyeClassicMqttClient, DeyeFogMqttClient]] = None
# Handle device based on platform
if platform == DeyeIotPlatform.Classic:
# Create MQTT client for Classic platform
mqtt_client = DeyeClassicMqttClient(cloud_api)
await mqtt_client.connect()
elif platform == DeyeIotPlatform.Fog:
# Create MQTT client for Fog platform
mqtt_client = DeyeFogMqttClient(cloud_api)
await mqtt_client.connect()
assert mqtt_client is not None
# Query current state
state: DeyeDeviceState = await mqtt_client.query_device_state(
product_id, device_id
f"Current humidity: {state.environment_humidity}% (Target: {state.target_humidity}%)"
# Subscribe to state changes
def on_state_update(state: DeyeDeviceState) -> None:
f"Device state updated. Current humidity: {state.environment_humidity}% (Target: {state.target_humidity}%)"
# Subscribe to availability changes
def on_availability_change(available: bool) -> None:
f"Device availability changed: {'Online' if available else 'Offline'}"
# Set up subscriptions
unsubscribe_state = mqtt_client.subscribe_state_change(
product_id, device_id, on_state_update
unsubscribe_availability = mqtt_client.subscribe_availability_change(
product_id, device_id, on_availability_change
# Set target humidity
state.target_humidity = 40
await mqtt_client.publish_command(product_id, device_id, state.to_command())
await asyncio.sleep(30)
# Unsubscribe from state changes
# Run the example
if __name__ == "__main__":