The package allows for scanning directories in parallel.
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use folder::scan;
let filter = |path: &Path| path.ends_with(".rs");
let map = |path: PathBuf, _| path.metadata().unwrap().len();
let fold = |sum, value| sum + value;
let _ = scan("src", filter, map, (), None).fold(0, fold);
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use folder::asynchronous::scan;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
let filter = |path: &Path| path.ends_with(".rs");
let map = |path: PathBuf, _| async move { path.metadata().unwrap().len() };
let fold = |sum, value| async move { sum + value };
let _ = scan("src", filter, map, (), None).fold(0, fold).await;
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