Welcome to Sphinx Tribes - a decentralized message broker designed for public groups in Sphinx Chat. Empowering users to run their own Sphinx Tribes server, this platform seamlessly routes group messages for various applications such as sphinx-relay nodes, apps, websites, or IoT devices.
Additionally, a subset of Sphinx Tribes is the Bounties Platform - a global marketplace for work paid out in bitcoin bounties.
Sphinx Tribes operates as an MQTT broker that any node can subscribe to. Message topics always consist of two parts: {receiverPubKey}/{groupUUID}
. Only the group owner has the privilege to publish messages, and all messages from group members are required to be submitted to the owner as a Lightning keysend payment. The group uuid
is essentially a timestamp signed by the owner.
The sphinx-tribes-frontend also contains the frontend for the bounties platform website. In order to run the website locally on your computer, you'll need to run sphinx-tribes-frontend as a whole. You can find the backend repo at sphinx-tribes.
The authentication process is seamlessly handled by sphinx-auth.
To run the tribes frontend locally, utilize the following ports:
- Tribes:
yarn start:tribes:docker
(localhost:23000) - People:
yarn start:people:docker
If you wish to run only the frontend, follow these steps:
- Modify line 10 in
- Change
'localhost:3000': AppMode.TRIBES
to'localhost:3000': AppMode.COMMUNITY
- Modify line 27 in
- Change
return hosts[host] || AppMode.TRIBES;
toreturn hosts[host] || AppMode.COMMUNITY;
- Modify line 6 in
- Change
return host;
toreturn 'people-test.sphinx.chat';
- Open the terminal. Locate your folder and then run:
yarn install
to install the dependenciesyarn start
to run the frontend locally
All code contributions, including those of people having commit access, must go through a pull request and be approved by a core developer before being merged. This is to ensure a proper review of all the code.
We truly β€οΈ pull requests! If you wish to help, you can learn more about how you can contribute to this project in the contribution guide.
Join our community on Forum/Chat to connect with other users and get support.
The authentication process is seamlessly handled by sphinx-auth.
To run the tribes frontend locally, utilize the following ports:
- Tribes:
yarn start:tribes:docker
(localhost:23000) - People:
yarn start:people:docker
If you wish to run only the frontend, follow these steps:
- Modify line 10 in
- Change
'localhost:3000': AppMode.TRIBES
to'localhost:3000': AppMode.COMMUNITY
- Modify line 27 in
- Change
return hosts[host] || AppMode.TRIBES;
toreturn hosts[host] || AppMode.COMMUNITY;
- Modify line 6 in
- Change
return host;
toreturn 'people-test.sphinx.chat';
- Open the terminal. Locate your folder and then run:
yarn install
to install the dependenciesyarn start
to run the frontend locally
All code contributions, including those of people having commit access, must go through a pull request and be approved by a core developer before being merged. This is to ensure a proper review of all the code.
We truly β€οΈ pull requests! If you wish to help, you can learn more about how you can contribute to this project in the contribution guide.
Join our community on Forum/Chat to connect with other users and get support.
Feel free to explore the potential of sphinx-tribes and contribute to its vibrant ecosystem! π
To write cypress test, read the cypress guide for setting up your environment for cypress testing cypress guide.