Author: Gopal Khanal
This repository contains the source code for this project, including all the files for the Assignment B4 of course STAT545 B. The main tasks of this project were:
- Making a plot of the most common words in the book
- Making a function that converts words to custom version of Pig Latin
- Demonstrating the use of
package functionality in modeling
The files included in this repository, and their description is provided below
- This is a description of repository of assignment B4
- Assignment-b4.Rmd: This is the R markdown file for milestone 4 with all codes and tasks. This includes exercises 1, 2 & 3.
The Exercise 1 includes removing the stop words from any book and then making a graph of most frequent words in that book. I have used the book ** Pride and Prejudice** from Jane Austen's collection of novels.
The Exercise 2 contains codes of function that converts words to custom version of Pig Latin.
The Exercise 3 demonstrates the functionality of R package purrr
in the modeling context where functions such as map
, nest
are extremely useful.
- This is a knitted github document that includes all task completed for this assignment
- You can view the outputs of this project by clicking on knitted github documents ( OR
- You can download the zip file by clicking the "< > Code" button in the upper right-hand corner and then go to "Download ZIP" option, and work in your local PC as you want.
- You can also create a new project in RStudio by selecting "Version Control" option, and then pasting the github repository URL in -> "Git" (clone a project from a Git repository) ->. You can then save the cloned project in your local folder. You can pull the main branch of the repository to your pc. You can make necessary changes, suggestions, and commit and push the commits to the online github repo.