StaticBackend's JavaScript client library.
$> npm install @staticbackend/js
import { Backend } from "@staticbackend/js";
const bkn = new Backend("your-public-token", "na1");
- Your public key
- The region (we only supports
for now)
If using the development server:
You may initiate the client like this for development:
const bkn = new Backend("anything", "dev");
When using the development server you don't need a valid public key.
register(email: string, password: string)
All you users will need a session token to perform CRUD operations against your database. Note that it's possible to have public repository.
const registerButton = document.getElementById("registerButton");
registerButton.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
const result = await bkn.register("[email protected]", "their-password");
if (!result.ok) {
// could not register that user
// you must use this token on all sub-sequent requests:
const token = result.content;
// Ideally you'd store that somewhere for that user to retrieve like
// SessionStorage for instance.
login(email: string, password: string)
The login
function is identical to the register
. You'll receive a session
token on successful login.
const result = await bkn.login(email, pass);
// handle result.ok == false or result.content contains their token.
create(token: string, repo: string, doc)
createProjectButton.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
// thos values would come from <input> or something from your app
const project = {
name: "New project name",
active: false,
created: new Date()
const result = await bkn.create(token, "projects", project);
// handle !result.ok or created document in result.content
list(token: string, repo: string)
const result = await bkn.list(token, "projects");
// handle !result.ok or result.content is an object
"page": 1,
"total": 159,
"results": [{
id: "an id",
name: "New project name",
active: false,
created: "20201223T07:48:24"
getById(token: string, repo: string, id: string)
This return the document by ID.
query(token: string, repo: string, filters)
const filters = [
["active", "==", false]
const result = await bkn.query(token, "projects", filters)
// handle !result.ok or result.content contains same as list().
The filters
is an array or array having the following format:
["field-name", "operator", value]
The supported operators are:
"==", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "in", "!in"
update(token: string, repo: string, id: string, doc)
Update a document by its ID, and only for the properties in the doc
delete(token: string, repo: string, id: string)
Delete a document by its ID
<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file" />
<button id="upbtn">upload file</button>
const upbtn = document.getElementById("upbtn");
upbtn.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
// you can grab your form by ID or whatever
const form = document.forms[0];
const result = await bkn.storeFile(token, form);
if (!result.ok) {
console.log("file url", result.content);
When using the development server the URLs return will not be fully qualified domain name.
In production our CDN URL are returned.