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Scripts for Sony PRS-T2 Ebook Reader

Display and manipulate the SQlite databases on the Sony PRS-T2 Ebook Reader. Maybe this script works also for other Sony Ebook Readers, but the author does not have access to any and cannot test that. You are welcome to let me know if it does for you. Jailbreaking/rooting the device is not needed.

This script generates "collections" on the ebook reader according to the folder structure below the Sony_Reader/books/ folder. See the ./ --help message for more details.


Say, the folder structure on your Reader below /media/sonyprst2/Sony_Reader/media/books is

  |  |-Thermodynamics & Statistics
  |-Statistische Methoden
  |  |-a-student-s-guide-to-data-and-error-analysis
  |  |-a-student-s-guide-to-dimensional-analysis
  |  |-Bayesian Books
  |  |  |-Bayesian econometric methods
  |  |  |-computer-age-statistical-inference
  |  |-A practical guide to scientific data analysis
  |  |-hacking
  |  |  |-Security Humblebundle
  |  |  |-Phrack
  |  |  |  |-phrack69
  |  |  |-physical-layer-security
  |  |  |-turing-s-imitation-game
  |  |  |-wireless-internet-security
  |  |-RFCs
  |  |-Amateurfunk
  |  |  |-adaptive-wireless-communications
  |  |  |-analysis-and-modeling-of-radio-wave-propagation

then this script will allow to quickly generate collections like this. Note that depth can be arbitrary but the number of characters displayed is limited.

First Screenshot Second Screenshot

how to use it

  1. Connect the reader to your computer, using usb.
  2. Touch the "yes I want to connect to a PC" button on the screen of the reader.
  3. Mount it. On my linux system, I just need to click on the device icons in the file manager.

If you insert an SD card into the reader, you have two places to store books, the internal memory and the SD card. It seems to me they are equivalent, and they have independent databases. Since I just store all ebooks on the SD card, I do not know anything about a mixed usage, i.e. how things behave if ones puts some files on the internal memory.

Let's assume your reader's storage (or the SD card) is mounted to /media/sonyprst2/ .

  1. Copy your ebook files onto the reader. I put my files somewhere below /media/sonyprst2/Sony_Reader/media/books/

  2. Unmount and disconnect the reader.

  3. Wait for the reader to index all new files. While the PRS-T2 is working to index the new files, you'll see the rotating arrow symbol in the topleft corner.

  4. When indexing has finished, connect the reader to the computer again and mount.

  5. Execute the script. Typically like this:

    ./ --delete-collections --generate-collections /media/sonyprst2

    This first deletes all existing collections and then generates new collections, based on the folder structure below /media/sonyprst2/Sony_media/media/books

  6. Unmount and disconnect the reader, wait again for the reader to devour the changes. If one does not wait until the reader has finished its works, the collections list may look empty. Then just shutdown and switch the reader on again.

This script converts drawings to svg files. This is done very quickly by applying only a few lines of XSLT. Please see the help message for more information on how to invoke it: --help

This only downloads a list of RFCs from their official location at, using wget.