missing package installer (mpi) is a simple bash script to install some of the missing software (i like to use) on a fresh installation of (x)ubuntu 16.04 or 14.04. It has the simple purpose to automate the installation of some packages. Therefore the selecetion of the software packages are based and tended on my own opinion. The script was tested only on xubuntu 16.04, 14.04 and LinuxMint 18 (XFCE).
Simply choose from a variety of software package categories you would like to install.
And as always: if you find it usefull, use it at your own risk.
Following packages can be installed with mpi:
mc htop iftop conky imwheel curl keepassx gufw gparted p7zip-full bleachbit compton wmctrl kdocker terminator scrot redshift gtk-redshift synaptic aptitude cups csh lib32stdc++6
build-essential gdb git tig python-pip monodevelop mono-runtime geany geany-common netbeans
vlc soundconverter easytag sound-juicer libdvdread4 brasero ubuntu-restricted-extras
pdfshuffler pdfchain libreoffice-impress
texstudio lyx lyx-common
mumble corebird filezilla polari
mumble filezilla xchat-gnome
imagemagick inkscape gimp xsane
wesnoth hedgewars gweled scummvm burgerspace
“WebUpd8” team - Oracle Java (JDK) 8 Installer.
Git stable releases.
LibreOffice stable releases.
Kodi stable releases.
VLC Daily Build of stable branch
GitHub's Atom, the hackable text editor.
Includes following addons:
- platformio-ide-terminal
- language-vue
- language-ini
- terminal-plus
- python-debugger
- git-time-machine
- git-plus
- autocomplete-python
- activate-power-mode
- pdf-view
- minimap
- project-manager
- bottom-dock
- gulp-manager
- todo-manager
- symbols-tree-view
- pigments
- highlight-selected
- minimap-highlight-selected
- rest-client
Group and private chat, file sharing, and integrations.
Papirus is a free and open source SVG icon theme for Linux.
The Rust Programming Language.
Simply Node.js.
Docker container engine.
A script called mkupdate
gets copied to /usr/bin/
for updating the system.
A script called remove-old-kernels
gets copied to /usr/bin/
for removing old and unused kernels.
No black magic involved.
This script was designed for my own need. If you find this script usefull than it's fine. Use it at your own risk.