Usage the usage is straight forward. Just start the container with the environment variables.
When using with an AVRO schema the USE_AVRO_SCHEMA environment must be set.
The docker-compose.yml shows a basic usage which comes with a (basic) Kafka environment.
- WS_HOST "exposed websocket address" default = localhost
- WS_PORT "exposed websocket port" default = 8080
- KAFKA_HOST "kafka host address" default = localhost
- KAFKA_HOST_PORT "kafka host port" default = 9092
- KAFKA_TOPIC "topic to consume" default = default
- KAFKA_GROUP_ID "group id" default = consumer-1
- USE_AVRO_SCHEMA "is a Avro Schema is used?" *default = nothing ! it only checks if a value is set so passing false will be the same as passing true
- SCHEMA_REGISTRY "the url of the Schema registry is used" default = http://localhost:8081
- partition.eof = false
- session timeout = 6000ms
- auto commit = true
all other options are the default values from rdkafka