Autumn 2024
What's Changed
As mentioned in previous releases, legacy page tagging has been completely removed in this release and replaced with hashtags. Any legacy tags will be updated to hashtags automatically when running either the Find Hashtags command or the Insert Hashtags command, PR #1609
- Added the ability to Search and Replace across sections and notebooks, #1646
- Added an option to search only the current page to the Search Hashtags dialog, #1636
- Added colorization definitions for R and Pascal, #1633
- Added the Reset Checked Tasks command to uncheck all checked tasks, #1626
- Added the Scan Hashtags command, available in the command pallette and for key binding, #1607
- Added option to hide the Bidirectional Link confirmation dialog, #1577
- Added due date to the reminder toast message, #1571
- Added Japanese translations for the OneMoreTray app, thanks to @forestail, PR #1546
- Added the ability to import wikilinks images as used in Obsidian, #1549
- Added support for Mermaid diagrams, similar to the PlantUML support, #1511
- Changed the way new notebooks are discovered by the hashtags scanner #1606
- Small notebooks with less than 100 pages will be included automatically
- Larger notebooks will be noted in the Find Hashtags dialog where you can choose to schedule a scan or run the scan now.
- Changed declaration of logging levels in Settings.xml, see Wiki for more info, PR #1605
- Fixed an issue where the Navigator window headings when resizing the window, #1640
- Fixed an issue where the Search Hashtags command palette didn't redraw correctly, #1639
- Fixed an issue where the Search Hashtags dialog title was incorrect, #1637
- Fixed an issue where Navigator failed to display a pages with special characters, #1618
- Fixed an issue where Export failed with exceedingly long page names, #1615
- Fixed an issue where the Navigator window was not placed on correct display monitor, #1600
- Fixed an issue where styles were not applied to the page title text, #1599
- Fixed an isuse where single digit hashtags were skipped, #1592
- Fixed an issue where the Check for Updates option was not preserved, #1588
- Fixed an issue where the Colorize dialog appeared behind the OneMore window, #1587
- Fixed an issue where Copy as Markdown lost nested indentations, #1583
- Fixed an issue where Copy as Markdown steals focus, #1582
- Fixed an issue where Strikeout Tasks command failed, #1572
- Fixed an issue where Link References failed when using Windows Search, #1568
- Fixed an issue where line breaks were not added to markdown tables, #1565
- Fixed an issue where the PHP colorization files were missing from the installe, #1561
- Fixed an issue where the Update command failed on a prerelease version, #1559
- Fixed an issue where System.Numerics.Vector failed to load, #1538
Known Issues and Proposed Changes
- 🐜Reduced an issue where Command/Quick Palette dialogs would cause the OneNote window to flicker; this changes the opening behavior of the Palette dialogs, hiding the command list until you start typing, #1422. However, the flicker still randomly occurs.
- 🐜 SearchAndReplace doesn't replace the currently highlighted or selected word/phrase; sometimes it doesn't replace other candidates either
- 🐜Replaying a command using Ctrl+Shift+R is done in a single thread, breaking progress.RunModeless; see CreatePagesCommand
- 🐜Select Similar Styles will find differences in colors Auto vs #000000 - make it more fuzzy?
- 🐜PasteText should convert CRLF to hard-breaks, currently creates soft-breaks
- 💡Command to convert friendly URLs to raw URLs; References menu
- 💡Paginate Hashtag search results
- 💡Move Navigator to DB, paginate history panel, provide import/export
- 💡Move Reminders to DB, option in dialog and on-page link to delete completed reminders
- 💡Update the update command to look for #warning keyword (or similar) and display warning to user
- 💡Github PR action to pull ticket# prefix from branch name, e.g. 1234-do-something-cool
Full Changelog: 6.5.2...6.6.0