Releases: streamthoughts/azkarra-streams
Improvements and Bug fixes
2f966a8 fix(api): fix ComponentNameGenerator with anonymous classes (#129)
0705501 feat(streams): update ComponentScan annotation to support new arguments (#130)
ff02e30 fix(quickstart): fix bad configurations (#131)
ccb2cf7 fix(streams): make azkarra.context config optional (#132)
6e1c04f fix(runtime): fix LocalStreamsExecutionEnvironment initialization (#133)
New Features
689a9e3 feat(ui): enhance Azkarra UI to display the raw string topology description (#126)
3bdaadb feat(runtime): enhance MonitoringStreamsInterceptor to support pluggable reporters (#124)
9d844f3 feat(all): add new tab for displaying state store offsets and lags in Azkarra UI (#123)
1d9d3ad feat(runtime): add a default StateRestoreListener to provide custom KafkaStreams states (#121)
20a7965 feat(api/runtime): add new interface KafkaStreamsContainerAware (#120)
7fa4bce feat(all): fix and move AzkarraRocksDBConfigSetter to azkarra-commons module (#116)
d8980ef feat(ui/client): enhance UI and fix azkarra-client build
3401c86 feat(api): allow more fine-tuning of RocksDB instances (#116)
c6c8d64 feat(streams): add StreamsConfigEntryLoader
eed9aa9 feat(client): add Java Client for Azkarra
4f67fc6 feat(all): refactor and add new endpoints for topologies
acb82f5 feat(api): allow to configure maxBlockingTime on EventStream
Improvements and Bug fixes
f97bd55 fix(api): add missing method withBlockCacheSize to RocksDBConfig
ba57b14 refactor(api/runtime): set default environment name for LocalStreamsExecutionEnvironment
d63ad8e fix(commons): fix resources is not reallocated when stream is restarted
0a71b8e fix(commons): fix NPE LoggingStateRestoreListener
2064b6d fix(runtime): fix producer already closed MonitoringReporter
b390c62 fix(runtime): fix breaking change due to random container id
a5c5100 fix(api): remove deprecated class ConfBuilder
4bce06e fix(ui): add a visited map to prevent duplicate node from showing up
471c3d1 fix(server): enforce content-type to JSON for ExceptionMapper
36f0bb0 fix(server): fix Kafka Streams metric values should be returned with content-type text/plain (#125)
c4b80c4 fix(ui): fix authentication modale does not show up
4ea170b fix(streams): fix regression on server configuration
74a4502 fix(api/runtime): fix IllegalStateException when providing KafkaStreamFactory (#119)
456ece2 fix(metrics): fix missing @component on ConfigEntryLoader
a5c5100 fix(api): remove deprecated class ConfBuilder
781a800 fix(ui/runtime): cleanup UI and fix local container
0cc9862 deps(all): bump kafka streams version to 2.7.x #117
78ce9f4 refactor(all): extract RestApiQueryCall
21ffbc0 sub-taks(all): refactor StreamsExecutionEnvironment
554c4ae sub-task(all): refator Azkarra API to support mutliple containers for a same application per environment
61a2d14 refactor(api): refactor API to query state stores
8259fe1 refactor(all): refactor StreamsExecutionEnvironment interface to support additional implementations
ae4b9be refactor(server): extract new interface InteractiveQueryService
12e1d78 refactor(all): extract interface ComponentScanner
Docker Image
$ docker pull treamthoughts/azkarra-streams-worker:0.9.0
New Features
48c856e feat(runtime): add exclude topics to WaitForSourceTopicsInterceptor (#83)
2922f0e feat(runtime): add timeout option to WaitForSourceTopicsInterceptor (#82)
c8af92c feat(runtime): update MonitoringStreamsInterceptor to report state offset lags (#103)
f7eae4e feat(runtime): add new KafkaBrokerReadyInterceptor (#51)
a0e7cbd feat(api/server): add support for HTTP Server-Sent Event (#100)
d19949f feat(server): allow to only return successfull records from IQ
d9a559d feat(api): add ConfValue annotation
Improvements and Bug fixes
a28ae57 refactor(api): add new params wait.for.topics.enable
d6feb38 refactor(runtime): remove AzkarraContextConfig class (#74)
d383da2 fix(server): load AzkarraRestExtension using external component classLoaders
e80a4e5 fix(api): exclude Kotlin packages during annotation scan (#107)
754651d refactor(runtime): refactor AutoCreateTopicsInterceptor to use adminClient created from streams container
456f6c5 fix(server): fix invalid JSON return from GenericRecordSerializer
c32ccdb fix(server): fix JSON encoding for avro record with logical-type
dcda57a refactor(api): clean and improve Annotation resolution
2f49f83 build(all): bump dependencies versions
dcdfe2e refactor(streams): upgrade to Kafka Streams 2.6
63af93a refactor(streams): normalize the method returning Topology
04165df build(maven): add wrapper for Maven 3.6.3 (#64)
05910a7 refactor(api): extract interface from KafkaStreamsContainer
6d64b46 refactor(api/runtime): refactor creation of KafkaStreamsContainer
401648c build(deps): bump log4j.version from 2.12.1 to 2.13.3
7cd68ce refactor(streams): deprecate ConfBuilder in favor to Conf
Docker Image
$ docker pull streamthoughts/azkarra-streams-worker:0.8.0
Improvements and Bug fixes
f526cc1 fix(metrics): change bad log message
a58ba8c fix(api:): improve KafkaStreamsContainer internal states GH-96
26b6dc8 fix(runtime): resolve bad interceptors order GH-95
1746211 fix(server): should handle /streams/id/stop request with no params GH-94
96864e2 fix(api): ensure that all resources are closed while stopping streams container GH-93
6383626 fix(api): should resolved all annotations even ones on annotation GH-91
89cce18 fix(runtime): fix StreamsLifecycleInterceptor should not break interceptor chain on stop. GH-90
3591c0d refactor(runtime): add error log level on CloseKafkaStreamsOnThreadException
New Features
- 6e9e199 feat(metrics): add built-in support for Micrometer framework [#50]
- 2891108 feat(api): add the capability to eagerly initialize a component
- d6c8eef feat(api): add support for conditional component.
- 899ecc8 feat(api): add support for Secondary component qualifier
- 1c6b7d4 feat(server): add support to register REST extensions [#63]
- 76146ee feat(server): add support to register custom jackson modules for KV records [#61]
- 22d1545 feat(runtime): add new built-in interceptor MonitoringStreamsInterceptor #52
- d9a12aa feat(ui): add Kafka Streams consumers progression bar #58
- 1b888e4feat(ui): add new tabs to display consumer-lags [#58]
- 6cc3da7 feat(api): add a default ConsumerInterceptor to track consumer offsets [#58]
- 22f4fba feat(api): add new Primary annotation to qualify component
- ac4d5c5 feat(runtime): allow to specify custom UncaughtExceptionHandler strategy [#55]
Improvements and Bug fixes
- 6dbed7c refactor(metrics): make MeterRegistryConfigurer interface functional
- beb0b65 refactor(runtime): add InvalidStreamsEnvironmentException when environment not found [#60]
- f96426c fix(streams): fix some issues regarding components scan and creation
- 02ebc36 fix(runtime): fix bad delegating methods
- b7ddf29 fix(runtime): prevent topology to start twice when auto.start is enable [#59]
- 26e589a fix(server): health status must return DOWN when streams instance stop on failure #54