Environment Variable | Description | Example value |
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE | Point to a Django settings module | service.settings.common |
YARDSALE_DATABASE_NAME | Name of the database schema | "yardsale" |
YARDSALE_DATABASE_USER | Database user that is allowed to reach and modify the database schema | "postgres" |
YARDSALE_DATABASE_PASSWORD | Password for the database user | "password" |
YARDSALE_DATABASE_HOST | Host through which the service will be able to reach the database service | "<host>" |
YARDSALE_DATABASE_PORT | Port on which the database service is listening | <port> |
ALLOWED_HOSTS | Django's allowed hosts protection configuration - define the host through which the service will be reached (comma separated for many values) | "" |
SNIPEIT_URL | URL through which the service will be able to reach the SnipeIt service | "<url>" |
SNIPEIT_HTTPS_VERIFY | Unix path to the ca-storage containing self-signed certificates or string false do disable https verification |
"false" |
EMAIL_HOST | Host through which the service will be able to reach the SMTP service | "smtp" |
EMAIL_PORT | Port on which the SMTP service is listening | 1025 |
EMAIL_FROM | Specifies the from field in an outgoing email from the service | "<email>" |
EMAIL_HOST_USER | Username to authenticate in the SMTP service (if required) | "<email>" |
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD | Password for the SMTP user (if required) | "smtp_pass" |
SENTRY_DSN | Provide your Sentry DSN to enable Sentry logging | "https://<key>@sentry.io/<project>" |
ADMIN_EMAIL | Inventory admin's email address | "<email>" |
ACCOUNTANT_EMAIL | Accountant's email address | "<email>" |
Update [and initialize] the submodules.
$ git submodule update --init
You can use the db and smtp defined in compose
$ docker-compose up -d smtp db
Then run as normal
$ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports app
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml build app
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d app web