Comps Presentation Slides Link
- Make sure node 16.18.0 is installed - you can do this using nvm (node version manger)
cd wikichange
npm install
npm run start
(dev build) ornpm run build
(production build)- Visit chrome://extensions/ and toggle developper mode ON
- For dev build click on
Load unpacked
and select the wikichange/dist folder
NOTE: The dist folder is autogenerated code based off of what is in the src folder.
Use enums.js as inputs for some of the parameters if needed.
import { getPageViewTimeseries } from "./timeseriesService.js";
// Get page views for the Pasta article
const pastaResponse = await getPageViewTimeseries("Pasta", new Date("2015-07-01"), new Date("2022-01-01"));
x: ["7/1/2015", "7/2/2015", ...]
y: [2406, 2076, ...]
import { getPageRevisionCountTimeseries } from "./timeseriesService.js";
// Get revision count for the Pasta article from Jan 2022
const pastaRevisionResponse = await getPageRevisionCountTimeseries(
new Date("2022-01-01"),
new Date("2022-01-31")
x: ["1/1/2022", ..., "1/8/2022", ...]
y: [0, 0, ..., 1, ...]
Highlighting needs to be given raw content (text, including bolding and links). To highlight something, we need a context dictionary, with what is supposed to be highlighted, the content after and before.
We have 3 highlighting methods (HighlightType.NODE, HighlightType.TAGGING_CHAR, HighlightType.TAGGING_WORD). Each one has its pros and cons. For more info, look at the enums.js file, and read the next sections.
To change methods, go to root.js
and change the var HIGHLIGHT_TYPE
In this method, we go over the DOM tree text nodes searching for what should be highlighted, and only do so if the context before and after matches. There are several edge cases, so sometimes we use short context before/after. This type of highlighting is not ideal when the content to be highlighted is in different text nodes.
const arr = [
content_before: "800-acre ",
highlight: "Cowling Arboretum",
content_after: ", which",
content_before: "Teaching by ",
highlight: "U.S. News & World Report",
content_after: " for over a decade",
content_before: "was ",
highlight: "founded in",
content_after: " 1866",
let arrayLength = arr.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
highlightContentUsingNodes(arr[i], "#99FF84");
This method will tag the entire wikipedia page, and we can highlight the given text by setting some CSS matching the given class. We can do highlighting in one pass.
The highlight node code in content.js keeps track of the changes that it managed to highlight and the changes that it failed to highlight. You can get the length attribute of the arrays to get a count.
The markContent funciton reutrns an object of with a succeed and fail array of the content. You can get the length attribute of the arrays to get a count.
markContent(arr, "#AFE1AF").then(({ succeed, fail }) => {;
We don't collect user data, however, we need some permissions to run our extension:
- Storage: To store data in chrome extension's storage, as we implemented a feature to select the highlighting color (options page).
- Host permission: We need to change the Wikipedia's HTML to render our changes.
Furthermore, we use remote code to render a chart using Chart.js, and we use bootstrap css scripts.