Welcome to the Colorful Clock!
This clock was created as part of the Flutter Clock Challenge as seen here flutter.dev/clock.
Colorful clock can show Time, Location, Weather Condition, date and day of the week.
It runs better on the devices with aspect ratio of 5:3 in landscape mode even though it can run on any flutter cabable device.
Here are the snapshots for the two modes the clock supports:
- Dark Mode
- Light Mode
The two mdoes can be demostrated using the gif image below:
To run the clock, do the following:
- Download the Colorful Clock Github repo using
git clone https://github.com/sundayglee/colorful_clock
- Open the downloaded folder in your IDE
- Run the following commands inside the Colorful Clock Cloned folder to get it to work
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade cd colorful_clock flutter create . flutter run
- Make sure you have an android or ios emulator running for the clock to execute correctly.
Colorful clock is released under the BSD-3 Clause Licensel that can be found in the BSD-LICENSE file or read it online here.