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This is a simple masked text (normal text and input text) component for React-Native.

Thanks to vanilla-masker =). Thanks to moment =).

Supported Versions

React-native: 0.32.0 or higher


npm install react-native-masked-text --save

Usage (TextInputMask)

import React, {Component} from 'react';

// import the component
import {TextInputMask} from 'react-native-masked-text';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
	constructor(props) {

	isValid() {
		// isValid method returns if the inputed value is valid.
		// Ex: if you input 40/02/1990 30:20:20, it will return false
		//	   because in this case, the day and the hour is invalid.
		let valid = this.refs['myDateText'].isValid();

		// get converted value. Using type=datetime, it returns the moment object.
		// If it's using type=money, it returns a Number object.
		let rawValue = this.refs['myDateText'].getRawValue();

	render() {
		// the type is required but options is required only for some specific types.
		return (
					format: 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss'
				}} />



credit-card: use the mask 9999 9999 9999 9999. It accepts options (see later in this doc).
cpf: use the mask 999.999.999-99 and numeric keyboard.
cnpj: use the mask 99.999.999/9999-99 and numeric keyboard.
zip-code: use the mask 99999-999 and numeric keyboard.
only-numbers: accept only numbers on field with numeric keyboard.
money: use the mask R$ 0,00 on the field with numeric keyboard. It accepts options (see later in this doc).
cel-phone: use the mask (99) 9999-9999 or (99) 99999-9999 (changing automaticaly by length). It accepts options (see later in this doc).
datetime: use datetime mask with moment format (default DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss). It accepts options (see later in this doc).
custom: use your custom mask (see the options props later in this doc).

TextInput Props
You can use the native props of TextInput, with this in mind:

  • onChangeText is intercepted by component.
  • value is intercepted by component.
  • if you pass keyboardType, it will override the keyboardType of masked component.

Some types accept options, use it like this: <TextInputMask type={'money'} options={{ unit: 'US$' }} />

For type={'money'}

  • options={...}
    • precision (Number, default 2): the decimal places.
    • separator (String, default ','): the decimal separator.
    • delimiter (String, default '.'): the thousand separator.
    • unit: (String, default 'R$'): the prefix text.
    • suffixUnit (String, default ''): the suffix text.
    • zeroCents (Boolean, default false): if must show cents.

For type={'cel-phone'}

  • options={...}
    • withDDD (Boolean, default true): if the ddd will be include in the mask.
    • dddMask (String, default '(99) '): the default mask applied if withDDD is true.

For type={'datetime'}

  • options={...}
    • format (String, default DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss): moment date format. It accepts the following:
      • DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss
      • DD/MM/YYYY
      • MM/DD/YYYY
      • YYYY/MM/DD
      • HH:mm:ss
      • HH:mm
      • HH
      • You can use all of dates with - instead of / if you want

For type={'custom'}

  • options={...}
    • mask (String, default ''): your mask template.
      • 9: accept digit.
      • A: accept alpha.
      • S: accept alphanumeric.
    • validator (Function, default returns true): the function use to validate value. Must return true if valid or false if invalid.
      • The function receives 2 parameters:
        • value: current value.
        • settings: current settings
    • getRawValue (Function, default returns the current value): the function that's invoked when getRawValue method from component is called.
      • The function receives 2 parameters:
        • value: current value.
        • settings: current settings

For type={'credit-card'}

  • options={...}
    • obfuscated (Boolean, default false): if the mask must be 9999 **** **** 9999


  • getElement(): return the instance of TextInput component.
  • isValid(): if the value inputed is valid for the mask.
    • credit-card: return true if the mask is complete.
    • cpf: return true if the mask is complete and cpf is valid.
    • cnpj: return true if the mask is complete and cnpj is valid.
    • zip-code: return true if the mask is complete.
    • only-numbers: always returns true.
    • money: always returns true.
    • cel-phone: return true if the mask is complete.
    • datetime: return true if the date value is valid for format.
    • custom: use custom validation, if it not exist, always returns true.
  • getRawValue(): get the converted value of mask.
    • credit-card: return the array with the value parts. Ex: 1234 1234 1234 1234 returns [1234, 1234, 1234, 1234].
    • cpf: return the value without mask.
    • cnpj: return the value without mask.
    • zip-code: return the value without mask.
    • only-numbers: return the value without mask.
    • money: return the Number value. Ex: R$ 1.234,56 returns 1234.56.
    • cel-phone: return the value without mask.
    • datetime: return the moment object for the date and format.
    • custom: use custom method (passed in options). If it not exists, returns the current value.

Usage (TextMask)

import React, {Component} from 'react';

// import the component
import {TextMask} from 'react-native-masked-text';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
	constructor(props) {
		this.state = {
			text: '4567123409871234'

	render() {
		// the type is required but options is required only for some specific types.
		// the sample below will output 4567 **** **** 1234
		return (
					obfuscated: true
				}} />


The same of TextInputMask, but for React-Native Text component instead TextInput.
Warning: if the value not match the mask, it will not appear.


getElement(): return the instance of Text component.

Extra (MaskService)

If you want, we expose the MaskService. You can use it:


  • static toMask(type, value, settings): mask a value.
    • type (String, required): the type of the mask (cpf, datetime, etc...)
    • value (String, required): the value to be masked
    • settings (Object, optional): if the mask type accepts options, pass it in the settings parameter
  • static isValid(type, value, settings): validate if the mask and the value match.
    • type (String, required): the type of the mask (cpf, datetime, etc...)
    • value (String, required): the value to be masked
    • settings (Object, optional): if the mask type accepts options, pass it in the settings parameter


import {MaskService} from 'react-native-masked-text'

var money = MaskService.toMask('money', '123', {
	unit: 'US$',
	separator: '.',
	delimiter: ','

// money -> US$ 1.23


  • If the es2015 error throw by babel, try run react-native start --reset-cache




  • Fix: fixing white space after unit on money mask.


  • Adding getRawValue.


  • Fixing toolbox-service reference (thanks to ziftinpeki).


  • Adding credit-card mask.
  • Refactoring base mask to contain helpfull functions.


  • Adding datetime and cnpj masks.
  • [Breaking Change] Refactoring MaskService.
  • Separate mask handlers for better extensibility.
  • Adding tests for all mask handlers.
  • Refactoring Components for use new mask handlers.


  • Fix vanilla-mask path on windows.


A simple masked text and input text component for React-Native.






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