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Character ifstates

Super edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

One of the new features of FNF BR is character ifstatements, allowing you to preform certain actions depending on variables in Playstate.hx, These are case sensitive:

Name Description
variable The variable to check in PlayState.hx, curStep and curBeat might be all you need though
type Valid types are 'equal', 'more','less' and 'contains', if you use contains then the value should be a list of values, like [480,838,521], etc.
value The value to check variable against, if type is contains, then this should be a list. Otherwise use the same type as the variable in the game
check 1 = curStep, 0 = curBeat. this has to be the same as variable if you use curStep or curBeat, otherwise you should use the one that plays your animation at the most accurate time


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