In this project I have used a 2d environment for drone, with following reward function,
def reward_function(self,obs):
velocity_x = obs[0]
velocity_y =obs[1]
omega = obs[2]
alpha =obs[3]
distance_x = obs[4]
distance_y = obs[5]
pos_x =obs[6]
pos_y = obs[7]
target_pos_x = 0.0
target_pos_y = 0.0
angle_weight = 0.2
distance_weight = 0.5
rotation_weight = 0.1
#velocity_reward = velocity_weight * (velocity_x ** 2 + velocity_y ** 2)
angle_reward = angle_weight*abs(alpha)
distance_reward = distance_weight *np.sqrt( (1.0/(np.abs(obs[4])+0.1)) + (1.0/(np.abs(obs[5])+0.1)))
rotation_reward = rotation_weight * abs(omega)
reward = distance_reward - rotation_reward - angle_reward
return float(reward)
This project revolved around actor critic two player method, here we have two neural networks that correct themselves as we train mainly actor and critic. The actor predicts action and critic evaluates how good the predicted action is based on previous rewards and states.
Proximal policy optimisation proposes TRPO(Trust Region) to prevent the new policy to not deviate much from old policy.
These are the results from training the agent with the above mentioned reward function
The Research paper for PPO Paper The environment is not completely built by me Repo
Future Updates,
- Creating 3d environment using gazebo ros,
- Implementing this in real drone by reducing the simulation gap as much as possible.