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Carthage Compatible Cocoapods Compatible Swift 2.0

Summerwars is the view inspired by Summerwars.



  • Display like Summerwars!!

What is Summerwars??

  • Summer Wars is a 2009 Japanese animated science fiction film. see wikipedia.
  • Also See this official video


####CocoaPods available on CocoaPods. Just add the following to your project Podfile:

pod 'SummerWars'

####Carthage To integrate into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "suzuki-0000/SummerWars"

##Usage example project would be easy to understand.

// add some contents
let content1 = WarsContent(image:UIImage(), caption: "Hello some caption1.")
let content2 = WarsContent(image:UIImage(), caption: "Hello some caption2.")
let content3 = WarsContent(image:UIImage(), caption: "Hello some caption3.")

let summerWarsView = SummerWarsViewController(contents: [content1, content2, content3])
addChildViewController(summerWarsView, toContainerView: view)

##Options you can customize with some options

one's max radius

SummerwarsOptions.warsMaxRadius = 200

one's min radius

SummerwarsOptions.warsMinRadius = 100

central space

SummerwarsOptions.warsCentralRadius = 50


available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.