In this project Simple handwritten degit recognizer is created using python
> git clone .\Digit_Recognizer
> Explorer Digit_Recognizer
- Open Capture.png in paint.
- In powershell Run Predictor_live.
- keep drawing and Ctrl+Z to clear and draw again.
- Open Capture.png in paint.
- In Powershell Run
- Keep drawing the digit told in powershell withing the given interval. use Ctrl+Z for clearing screen
- By default the program is set to capture 50 images for each digit.
- Once all the images are captured. Verify images by visiting Orig_images folder and respective digit folders.
- Run and wait for generation of dataset.csv file
- Run,
tweak the SVM parameters and model name if required for better results. Do share your tweaked parameters by branching or creating pull request
- Once model is generated run the project by above method.