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sycmio committed Dec 3, 2017
1 parent c508e46 commit a407cfa
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Showing 12 changed files with 360 additions and 0 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions DoGdetector.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
function [locsDoG, GaussianPyramid] = DoGdetector(im, sigma0, k, ...
levels, th_contrast, th_r)
% Putting it all together
% Inputs Description
% im Grayscale image with range [0,1].
% sigma0 Scale of the 0th image pyramid.
% k Pyramid Factor. Suggest sqrt(2).
% levels Levels of pyramid to construct. Suggest -1:4.
% th_contrast DoG contrast threshold. Suggest 0.03.
% th_r Principal Ratio threshold. Suggest 13
% Outputs Description
% locsDoG N x 3 matrix where the DoG pyramid achieves a local extrema
% in both scale and space, and satisfies the two thresholds.
% GaussianPyramid A matrix of grayscale images of size (size(im),numel(levels))
GaussianPyramid = createGaussianPyramid(im, sigma0, k, levels);
[DoGPyramid, DoGLevels] = createDoGPyramid(GaussianPyramid, levels);
PrincipalCurvature = computePrincipalCurvature(DoGPyramid);
locsDoG = getLocalExtrema(DoGPyramid, DoGLevels, PrincipalCurvature, th_contrast, th_r);

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions computeGradient.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
function g_histogram = computeGradient(patch)
[m,n] = size(patch);
[FX,FY] = gradient(patch);
g_histogram = zeros(1,8);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
if FX(i,j)>0 && -tan(pi/8)<(FY(i,j)/FX(i,j)) && (FY(i,j)/FX(i,j))<=tan(pi/8)
g_histogram(1) = g_histogram(1)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
elseif FX(i,j)>0 && FY(i,j)>0 && tan(pi/8)<(FY(i,j)/FX(i,j)) && (FY(i,j)/FX(i,j))<=tan(3*pi/8)
g_histogram(2) = g_histogram(2)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
elseif FY(i,j)>0 && tan(3*pi/8)<=abs((FY(i,j)/FX(i,j)))
g_histogram(3) = g_histogram(3)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
elseif FX(i,j)<0 && FY(i,j)>0 && tan(5*pi/8)<=(FY(i,j)/FX(i,j)) && (FY(i,j)/FX(i,j))<=tan(7*pi/8)
g_histogram(4) = g_histogram(4)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
elseif FX(i,j)<0 && abs((FY(i,j)/FX(i,j)))<=tan(pi/8)
g_histogram(5) = g_histogram(5)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
elseif FX(i,j)<0 && FY(i,j)<0 && tan(9*pi/8)<=(FY(i,j)/FX(i,j)) && (FY(i,j)/FX(i,j))<=tan(11*pi/8)
g_histogram(6) = g_histogram(6)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
elseif FY(i,j)<0 && (FY(i,j)/FX(i,j))<=tan(11*pi/8)
g_histogram(7) = g_histogram(7)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);
g_histogram(8) = g_histogram(8)+norm([FY(i,j) FX(i,j)]);

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions computePrincipalCurvature.m
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function PrincipalCurvature = computePrincipalCurvature(DoGPyramid)
%%Edge Suppression
% Takes in DoGPyramid generated in createDoGPyramid and returns
% PrincipalCurvature,a matrix of the same size where each point contains the
% curvature ratio R for the corre-sponding point in the DoG pyramid
% DoG Pyramid - size (size(im), numel(levels) - 1) matrix of the DoG pyramid
% PrincipalCurvature - size (size(im), numel(levels) - 1) matrix where each
% point contains the curvature ratio R for the
% corresponding point in the DoG pyramid
[R,C,L] = size(DoGPyramid);
PrincipalCurvature = zeros(R,C,L);
for k=1:L
[Dx,Dy] = gradient(DoGPyramid(:,:,k));
[Dxx,Dxy] = gradient(Dx);
[Dyx,Dyy] = gradient(Dy);
for i=1:R
for j=1:C
H = [Dxx(i,j) Dxy(i,j);Dyx(i,j) Dyy(i,j)];
PrincipalCurvature(i,j,k) = trace(H)^2/det(H);

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions computeSIFT.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
function [locs,desc] = computeSIFT(im, GaussianPyramid, locsDoG, k, levels)
[R,C,L] = size(GaussianPyramid);
patchWidth = 9;
locs = zeros(0,3);
desc = zeros(0,128);
norm_patch_size = 64;

for i=1:size(locsDoG,1)
level = find(levels==locsDoG(i,3));
patch_half_size = floor(8*k^(1+levels(level)-levels(1)));
bound = floor(sqrt(2)*patch_half_size);
if locsDoG(i,1)>=bound && locsDoG(i,2)>=bound && locsDoG(i,1)<=C-bound && locsDoG(i,2)<=R-bound
locs = [locs;locsDoG(i,:)];
% compute 128-D discriptor

patch = GaussianPyramid(locsDoG(i,2)+1-bound:locsDoG(i,2)+bound,locsDoG(i,1)+1-bound:locsDoG(i,1)+bound,level);
% compute major gradient
tmp_patch = GaussianPyramid(locsDoG(i,2)+1-patch_half_size:locsDoG(i,2)+patch_half_size,locsDoG(i,1)+1-patch_half_size:locsDoG(i,1)+patch_half_size,level);
tmp_patch = imresize(tmp_patch, [norm_patch_size norm_patch_size]);
g_histogram = computeGradient(tmp_patch);
[~,major_g_index] = max(g_histogram);
% rotate patch
patch = imrotate(patch,-45*(major_g_index-1));
[h,w] = size(patch);
h = floor(h/2);
w = floor(w/2);
patch = patch(h+1-patch_half_size:h+patch_half_size,w+1-patch_half_size:w+patch_half_size);
patch = imresize(patch, [norm_patch_size norm_patch_size]);

desc = [desc;zeros(1,128)];
for p=1:4
for q=1:4
g_histogram = computeGradient(patch(floor((p-1)*norm_patch_size/4+1):floor(p*norm_patch_size/4), floor((q-1)*norm_patch_size/4+1):floor(q*norm_patch_size/4)));
desc(end,((p-1)*4+q-1)*8+1:((p-1)*4+q)*8) = g_histogram;

% for i=1:size(locsDoG,1)
% level = find(levels==locsDoG(i,3));
% patch_half_size = 16;
% if locsDoG(i,1)>=patch_half_size && locsDoG(i,2)>=patch_half_size && locsDoG(i,1)<=C-patch_half_size && locsDoG(i,2)<=R-patch_half_size
% locs = [locs;locsDoG(i,:)];
% % compute 128-D discriptor
% patch = GaussianPyramid(locsDoG(i,2)+1-patch_half_size:locsDoG(i,2)+patch_half_size,locsDoG(i,1)+1-patch_half_size:locsDoG(i,1)+patch_half_size,level);
% patch = imresize(patch, [norm_patch_size norm_patch_size]);
% desc = [desc;zeros(1,128)];
% for p=1:4
% for q=1:4
% g_histogram = computeGradient(patch(floor((p-1)*norm_patch_size/4+1):floor(p*norm_patch_size/4), floor((q-1)*norm_patch_size/4+1):floor(q*norm_patch_size/4)));
% desc(end,((p-1)*4+q-1)*8+1:((p-1)*4+q)*8) = g_histogram;
% end
% end
% end
% end

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions createDoGPyramid.m
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function [DoGPyramid, DoGLevels] = createDoGPyramid(GaussianPyramid, levels)
%%Produces DoG Pyramid
% inputs
% Gaussian Pyramid - A matrix of grayscale images of size
% (size(im), numel(levels))
% levels - the levels of the pyramid where the blur at each level is
% outputs
% DoG Pyramid - size (size(im), numel(levels) - 1) matrix of the DoG pyramid
% created by differencing the Gaussian Pyramid input
[R,C,L] = size(GaussianPyramid);
DoGLevels = levels(2:end);
DoGPyramid = zeros(R,C,L-1);
for i=1:L-1
DoGPyramid(:,:,i) = GaussianPyramid(:,:,i+1)-GaussianPyramid(:,:,i);

23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions createGaussianPyramid.m
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function [GaussianPyramid] = createGaussianPyramid(im, sigma0, k, levels)
% function [GaussianPyramid] = createGaussianPyramid(im, sigma0, k, levels)
%%Produces Gaussian Pyramid
% inputs
% im - a grayscale image with range 0 to 1
% sigma0 - the standard deviation of the blur at level 0
% k - the multiplicative factor of sigma at each level, where sigma=sigma_0 k^l
% levels - the levels of the pyramid where the blur at each level is
% sigma=sigma0 k^l
% outputs
% A matrix of grayscale images of size (size(im),numel(levels))

im = im2double(im);
if size(im,3)==3
im= rgb2gray(im);

GaussianPyramid = zeros([size(im),length(levels)]);
for i = 1:length(levels)
sigma_ = sigma0*k^levels(i);
h = fspecial('gaussian',floor(3*sigma_*2)+1,sigma_);
GaussianPyramid(:,:,i) = imfilter(im,h);
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions getLocalExtrema.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
function locsDoG = getLocalExtrema(DoGPyramid, DoGLevels, ...
PrincipalCurvature, th_contrast, th_r)
%%Detecting Extrema
% DoG Pyramid - size (size(im), numel(levels) - 1) matrix of the DoG pyramid
% DoG Levels - The levels of the pyramid where the blur at each level is
% outputs
% PrincipalCurvature - size (size(im), numel(levels) - 1) matrix contains the
% curvature ratio R
% th_contrast - remove any point that is a local extremum but does not have a
% DoG response magnitude above this threshold
% th_r - remove any edge-like points that have too large a principal
% curvature ratio
% locsDoG - N x 3 matrix where the DoG pyramid achieves a local extrema in both
% scale and space, and also satisfies the two thresholds.
[R,C,L] = size(DoGPyramid);
locsDoG = zeros(0,3);
for i=1:R
for j=1:C
for k=1:L
isExtrema = 1;
if PrincipalCurvature(i,j,k)<th_r && PrincipalCurvature(i,j,k)>0 && abs(DoGPyramid(i,j,k))>th_contrast
localmax = max(max(DoGPyramid(max(i-1,1):min(i+1,R),max(j-1,1):min(j+1,C),k)));
localmin = min(min(DoGPyramid(max(i-1,1):min(i+1,R),max(j-1,1):min(j+1,C),k)));
if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)~=localmax && DoGPyramid(i,j,k)~=localmin
if k>1
if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)==localmin
if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)>DoGPyramid(i,j,k-1)
isExtrema = 0;

if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)<DoGPyramid(i,j,k-1)
isExtrema = 0;
if k<L
if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)==localmin
if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)>DoGPyramid(i,j,k+1)
isExtrema = 0;
if DoGPyramid(i,j,k)<DoGPyramid(i,j,k+1)
isExtrema = 0;

if isExtrema
locsDoG = [locsDoG;j i DoGLevels(k)];

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions plotMatches.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
function [] = plotMatches(im1, im2, matches, locs1, locs2)
% im1, im2 - grayscale images, scaled into [0 1]
% matches - the list of matches returned by briefMatch()
% locs1, locs 2 - the locations of keypoints returne by briefLite() .
% m1 x 3 and m2 x3 respectively. each row corresponds to the
% space-scale position: [x_coordinate,y_coordiante,scale]

im1= im2double(im1);
im2= im2double(im2);

width = size(im1,2) + size(im2,2);
height = max(size(im1,1), size(im2,1));
nchannel = size(im1,3);
img = zeros(height, width,nchannel);
% size(img)
img(1:size(im1,1),1:size(im1,2),:) = im1;
img(1:size(im2,1),size(im1,2)+1:size(im1,2) + size(im2,2),:) = im2;

axis equal;
hold on;
for i = 1:size(matches,1)
p1 = locs1(matches(i,1),:);
p2 = locs2(matches(i,2),:);
line([p1(1) size(im1,2)+p2(1)],[p1(2),p2(2)], 'Color','r','LineWidth',1);
hold off;

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions showInterestPoint.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
im = imread('..\data\chickenbroth_01.jpg');
im = im2double(im);
if size(im,3)==3
im= rgb2gray(im);
levels = [-1; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4];
sigma0 = 1;
k = sqrt(2);
th_contrast = 0.03;
th_r = 12;
[locsDoG, GaussianPyramid] = DoGdetector(im, sigma0, k, levels, th_contrast, th_r);
hold on;
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions siftLite.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function [locs, desc] = siftLite(im)
% im - gray image with values between 0 and 1
% locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates
% of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints
% desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors.
% m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary
% n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor
levels = [-1; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4];
sigma0 = 1;
k = sqrt(2);
th_contrast = 0.03;
th_r = 12;
[locsDoG, GaussianPyramid] = DoGdetector(im, sigma0, k, levels, th_contrast, th_r);
[locs,desc] = computeSIFT(im, GaussianPyramid, locsDoG, k, levels);
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions siftMatch.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
function [matches] = siftMatch(desc1, desc2, ratio)
%function [matches] = briefMatch(desc1, desc2, ratio)
% Performs the descriptor matching
% inputs : desc1 , desc2 - m1 x n and m2 x n matrix. m1 and m2 are the number of keypoints in image 1 and 2.
% n is the number of bits in the brief
% outputs : matches - p x 2 matrix. where the first column are indices
% into desc1 and the second column are indices into desc2

if nargin<3
ratio = .8;

% compute the pairwise Hamming distance
[D,I] = pdist2(desc2,desc1,'cityblock','Smallest',2);
ix = 1:size(desc1,1);

% suprress match between descriptors that are not distriminative.
r = D(1,:)./D(2,:);
ix = ix(r < ratio | isnan(r));
I2 = I(1,r < ratio | isnan(r));

matches = [ix' I2'];

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions testMatch.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
im1 = imread('../data/model_chickenbroth.jpg');
% im1 = imread('../data/incline_L.png');
% im1 = imread('../data/pf_scan_scaled.jpg');
im1 = im2double(im1);
if size(im1,3)==3
im1= rgb2gray(im1);
[locs1, desc1] = siftLite(im1);

im2 = imread('../data/chickenbroth_01.jpg');
% im2 = imrotate(im2,180);
% im2 = imread('../data/incline_R.png');
% im2 = imread('../data/pf_stand.jpg');
im2 = im2double(im2);
if size(im2,3)==3
im2= rgb2gray(im2);
[locs2, desc2] = siftLite(im2);

[matches] = siftMatch(desc1, desc2);
plotMatches(im1, im2, matches, locs1, locs2)

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