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WARNING : This readme is the process of beeing updated for SD Card support info, a lot of information could be wrong or obsolete


You can follow my (sylverb) work on

SD-Card support

Features :

  • Allow to store your roms/dsk games in a SD Card (FAT32 or exFat formated) and to play them on your G&W
  • 4 savestate slots by game
  • Covers support (need to create a section to explain how it works)
  • Easy update of Retro-Go SD version
  • Preliminar utf-8 unicode support (only latin and cyrillic characters supported for now)
  • TBC

Current limitations :

  • Up to 1000 roms/disks will be visible for each system
  • Dual boot (to keep original firmware) is not supported
  • Cheat codes are not supported
  • Disk change is not available for MSX and Amstrad systems
  • TBC


The Retro-Go SD code is designed to run with my bootloader.

The purpose of this bootloader is to allow installing/updating Retro-Go or anything else from a file on SD Card ! This is a major feature allowing to make sure that anyone will be able to keep his Retro-Go version up to date without the need of a complicated setup for compiling the project and flashing using jtag usb adapter.

How to install/update Retro-Go SD

To install/update your version of Retro-Go SD, just download latest release retro-go_update.bin file in Releases section and copy it to the root folder of the SD Card in your G&W. Turn on your G&W and wait for the install/update to be done.


This repository is the result of the contribution of several participants :

  • Ducalex : Original Retro-Go for Odroid-Go devices.
  • kbeckmann & stacksmashing : Original hack and Retro-Go port.
  • Tim Schuerewegen : SD Card reader hardware & flex PCB design.
  • Yota9 : Another design of SD Card support, but with some issues to be solved.
  • orzeus : Retro-Go with major UI refactoring (Covers, ...).
  • bzhxx : LCD-Game-Emulator port, Genesis emulator, overclocking and many other things.
  • Benjamin Sølberg : Tamalib port, many improvements about synchronization of audio and screen.
  • Brian Pugh : game-and-watch-patch, gnwmanager, lots of improvements
  • Macs : PC Engine improvements
  • tfmoe__ : Ports of Zelda 3 and Super Mario World
  • Sylver Bruneau (me) : Several emulators ports, lots of various improvements, SD Card support.

I'm probably missing some people

Emulator collection for Nintendo® Game & Watch™

This is a port of the retro-go emulator collection that runs on the Nintendo® Game & Watch™: Zelda system with SD Card reader installed.

Supported emulators:

  • Amstrad CPC6128 beta (amstrad) (check Amstrad CPC6128 Emulator section for details about the Amstrad CPC6128 emulator)
  • Atari 7800 (a7800)
  • ColecoVision (col)
  • Gameboy / Gameboy Color (gb/gbc)
  • Game & Watch / LCD Games (gw)
  • MSX1/2/2+ (msx) (check MSX Emulator section for details about MSX emulator)
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (nes) (check NES Emulator section for details about NES emulator)
  • PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 (pce)
  • Sega Game Gear (gg)
  • Sega Genesis / Megadrive (md)
  • Sega Master System (sms)
  • Sega SG-1000 (sg)
  • Tamagotchi P1 (tama)
  • Videopac / Odyssey2 (videopac)
  • Watara Supervision (wsv)

Supported SNES game ports:

  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • Super Mario World

Supported Homebrew ports:

  • ccleste (a port of Pico-8 version of Celeste Classic)

Table of Contents


Buttons are mapped as you would expect for each emulator. GAME is mapped to START, and TIME is mapped to SELECT. PAUSE/SET brings up the emulator menu.

By default, pressing the power-button while in a game will automatically trigger a save-state prior to putting the system to sleep. Note that this WILL overwrite the previous save-state for the current game.


Holding the PAUSE/SET button while pressing other buttons have the following actions:

Button combination Action
PAUSE/SET + GAME Store a screenshot. (Disabled by default on 1MB flash builds)
PAUSE/SET + TIME Toggle speedup between 1x and the last non-1x speed. Defaults to 1.5x.
PAUSE/SET + UP Brightness up.
PAUSE/SET + DOWN Brightness down.
PAUSE/SET + RIGHT Volume up.
PAUSE/SET + LEFT Volume down.
PAUSE/SET + B Load state.
PAUSE/SET + A Save state.
PAUSE/SET + POWER Poweroff WITHOUT save-stating.

Troubleshooting / FAQ

  • Run make help to get a list of options to configure the build, and targets to perform various actions.
  • Do you have any changed files, even if you didn't intentionally change them? Please run git reset --hard to ensure an unchanged state.
  • Did you run git pull but forgot to update the submodule? Run git submodule update --init --recursive to ensure that the submodules are in sync or run git pull --recurse-submodules instead.
  • Run make clean and then build again. The makefile should handle incremental builds, but please try this first before reporting issues.
  • If you have limited resources on your computer, remove the -j$(nproc) flag from the make command, i.e. run make flash.
  • If you have changed the external flash and are having problems:
    • If your chip was bought from e.g. ebay, aliexpress or similar places, you might have gotten a fake or bad clone chip. You can set EXTFLASH_FORCE_SPI=1 to disable quad mode which seems to help for some chips.
  • It is still not working? Try the classic trouble shooting methods: Disconnect power to your debugger and G&W and connect again. Try programming the Base project first to ensure you can actually program your device.
  • Still not working? Ok, head over to #support on the discord and let's see what's going on.

How to build


  • You will need version 10 or later of arm-gcc-none-eabi toolchain. 10.2.0 and later are known to work well. Please make sure it's installed either in your PATH, or set the environment variable GCC_PATH to the bin directory inside the extracted directory (e.g. /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin, /Applications/ARM/bin for macOS).
  • GnWManager for flashing firmware and managing the filesystem.
  • In order to run this on a Nintendo® Game & Watch™ you need to first unlock it.


Note: make -j8 is used as an example. You may use make -j$(nproc) on Linux or make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) on Mac, or just write the number of threads you want to use, e.g. make -j8.

# Configure the debug adapter you want to use.
# stlink is also the default, but you may set it to something else:
# export ADAPTER=jlink
# export ADAPTER=rpi
export ADAPTER=stlink

# Clone this repo with submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

cd game-and-watch-retro-go-sd

# Install python dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Place roms in the appropriate folders:
# cp /path/to/ ./roms/gb/
# cp /path/to/rom.nes ./roms/nes/
# etc. for each rom-emulator combination.

# On a Mac running make < v4 you have to manually download the HAL package by running:
# make download_sdk

# Build and program external and internal flash.
# Notes:
#     * If you are using a modified unit with a larger external flash,
#       set the EXTFLASH_SIZE_MB to its size in megabytes (MB) (16MB used in the example):
#           make -j8 EXTFLASH_SIZE_MB=16 flash
#     * If you have the Zelda version you can set GNW_TARGET=zelda to have the appropriate
#       flash size and theme set. If you want to stick with the red theme you can set
#       EXTFLASH_SIZE_MB=4 on your Zelda model.

make -j8 flash

Information for developers

If you need to change the project settings and generate c-code from stm32cubemx, make sure to not have a dirty working copy as the tool will overwrite files that will need to be perhaps partially reverted. Also update Makefile.common in case new drivers are used.

Build and flash using Docker

If you are familiar with Docker and prefer a solution where you don't have to manually install toolchains and so on, expand this section and read on.

To reduce the number of potential pitfalls in installation of various software, a Dockerfile is provided containing everything needed to compile and flash retro-go to your Nintendo® Game & Watch™: Super Mario Bros. system. This Dockerfile is written tageting an x86-64 machine running Linux.

Steps to build and flash from a docker container (running on Linux, e.g. Archlinux or Ubuntu):

# Clone this repo
git clone --recursive

# cd into it
cd game-and-watch-retro-go-sd

# Place roms in the appropriate directory inside ./roms/

# Build the docker image (takes a while)
make docker_build

# Run the container.
# The current directory will be mounted into the container and the current user/group will be used.
# In order to be able to flash the device, the container is started with --priviliged and also mounts
# in /dev/bus/usb. See Makefile.common for the exact command line that is executed if curious.
make docker

# Build and flash from inside the container:
docker@76f83f2fc562:/opt/workdir$ make ADAPTER=stlink EXTFLASH_SIZE_MB=1 -j$(nproc) flash

Backing up and restoring save state files

Save states can be backed up by running make flash_saves_backup.

❗ Note that INTFLASH_BANK or INTFLASH_ADDRESS must be the same value as when initially flashed. This is best done with export VARIABLE=value. Usually, if you only have retro-go installed, then this doesn't need to be specified. If you are dual-booting, then you probably want to specify INTFLASH_BANK=2.

This downloads all save states to the local directory ./backup/savestate. Each save state will be located in ./save_states/<emu>/<rom name>/0.

After this, it is safe to change roms, pull new code and build & flash the device. If just flashing new firmware/roms while keeping other parameters the same, the save states on-device will persist.

Save states can be restored by running make flash_saves_restore. Again, INTFLASH_BANK or INTFLASH_ADDRESS must be set appropriately.

You can also erase the filesystem (and thusly all saves) by running make format while the device is on.


Screenshots can be captured by pressing PAUSE/SET + GAME.

Screenshots can be downloaded by running make dump_screenshot, and will be saved as a 24-bit RGB PNG to ./screenshot.png.

Cheat codes

Note: Currently cheat codes are only working with GB, GBC, NES, PCE and MSX games.

To enable, add CHEAT_CODES=1 to your make command. If you have already compiled without CHEAT_CODES=1, I recommend running make clean first. To enable or disable cheats, select a game then select "Cheat Codes". You will be able to select cheats you want to enable/disable. Then you can start/resume a game and selected cheats will be applied. On GB, GBC and MSX systems, you can enable/disable cheats during game.

Cheat codes on NES System

To add Game Genie codes, create a file ending in .ggcodes in the /cheats/nes/ directory with the same name as your rom. For instance, for "/roms/nes/Super Mario Bros.nes" make a file called "/cheats/nes/Super Mario Bros.ggcodes". In that file, each line can have up to 3 Game Genie codes and a maximum of 16 lines of active codes (for a max of 3 x 16 = 48 codes). Each line can also have a description (up to 25 characters long). You can comment out a line by prefixing with # or //. For example:

SXIOPO, Inf lives
YSAOPE+YEAOZA+YEAPYA, Start on World 8-1
GOZSXX, Invincibility
# TVVOAE, Circus music

You can enable / disable each of your codes in the game selection screen.

A collection of codes can be found here:

Cheat codes on GB System

To add Game Genie/Game Shark codes, create a file ending in .ggcodes in the /cheats/gb/ or /cheats/gbc/ directory with the same name as your rom. For instance, for "/roms/gb/Wario Land" make a file called "/cheats/gb/Wario Land 3.ggcodes". In that file, each line can have several Game Genie / Game Shark codes (separate them using a +) and a maximum of 16 lines of active codes. Each line can also have a description (up to 25 characters long). You can comment out a line by prefixing with # or //. For example:

SXIOPO, Inf lives
YSAOPE+YEAOZA+YEAPYA, Start on World 8-1
GOZSXX, Invincibility
# TVVOAE, Circus music

You can enable / disable each of your codes in the game selection screen or during game.

Cheat codes on PCE System

Now you can define rom patch for PCE Roms. You can found patch info from Here. To add PCE rom patcher, create a file ending in .pceplus in the /cheats/pce/ directory with the same name as your rom. For instance, for "/roms/pce/1943 Kai (J).pce" make a file called "/cheats/pce/1943 Kai (J).pceplus". A collection of codes file can be found here.

Each line of pceplus is defined as:

01822fbd,018330bd,0188fcbd,	Hacked Version
[patchcommand],[...], patch desc

Each patch command is a hex string defined as:

|how much byte to patched
   |patch start address, subtract pce rom header size if had.
       |bytes data to patched from start address

Cheat codes on MSX System

You can use blueMSX MCF cheat files with your Game & Watch. A nice collection of patch files is available Here. Just copy the wanted MCF files in the /cheats/msx/ folder with the same name as the corresponding rom/dsk file. On MSX system, you can enable/disable cheats while playing. Just press the Pause/Set button and choose "Cheat Codes" menu to choose which cheats you want to enable or disable.

Upgrading the flash

The Nintendo® Game & Watch™ comes with a 1MB external flash. This can be upgraded.

The flash operates at 1.8V so make sure the one you change to also matches this.

The recommended flash to upgrade to is MX25U12835FM2I-10G. It's 16MB, the commands are compatible with the stock firmware and it's also the largest flash that comes in the same package as the original.

❗ Make sure to backup and unlock your device before changing the external flash. The backup process requires the external flash to contain the original data.

Advanced Flash Examples

Custom Firmware (CFW)

In order to install both the CFW (modified stock rom) and retro-go at the same time, a patched version of openocd needs to be installed and used.

In this example, we'll be compiling retro-go to be used with a 64MB (512Mb) MX25U51245GZ4I00 flash chip and custom firmware. The internal custom firmware will be located at 0x08000000, which corresponds to INTFLASH_BANK=1. The internal retro-go firmware will be flashed to 0x08100000, which corresponds to INTFLASH_BANK=2. The configuration of custom firmware described below won't use any extflash, so no EXTFLASH_OFFSET is specified. We can now build and flash the firmware with the following command:

make clean

To flash the custom firmware, follow the CFW README. But basically, after you install the dependencies and place the correct files in the directory, run:

# In the game-and-watch-patch folder
make PATCH_PARAMS="--internal-only" flash_patched_int

NES Emulator

NES emulation was done using nofrendo-go emulator, it doesn't have the best compatibility but has good performances. To handle eveything that is not or badly emulated by nofrendo, fceumm emulator has been ported too. fceumm has very good compatibility but it's using more CPU power, currently about 65-85% of CPU depending on games, disks games (FDS) are taking even more CPU power (about 95%). Due to the large amount of mappers supported by fceumm, it's not possible to embbed all mappers codes in the G&W memory, so the parsing proccess is listing mappers used by games in the rom/nes folder so only needed mappers are loaded in the G&W. If you are using too much different mappers in the games you have selected, you will have runtime problems. The maximum number of mappers you can use will depends on embedded mappers, but basically it should fit most needs.

Mappers compatibility is basically the same as fceumm version from 01/01/2023. Testing all mappers is not possible, so some mappers that could try to allocate too much ram will probably crash. If you find any mapper that crash, please report on discord support, or by opening a ticket on github.

As Game & Watch CPU is not able to emulate YM2413 at 48kHz, mapper 85 (VRC-7) sound will play at 18kHz instead of 48kHz.

FDS support requires you to put the FDS firmware in /bios/nes/disksys.rom file

Note that you can force nofrendo-go usage instead of fceumm by adding FORCE_NOFRENDO=1 option in your make command

MSX Emulator

MSX system is a computer with a keyboard and with multiple extensions possible (like sound cartridges). The system needs bios files to be in the roms/msx_bios folder. Check roms/msx_bios/ file for details.

What is supported :

  • MSX1/2/2+ system are supported. MSX Turbo-R will probably not work on the G&W.
  • ROM cartridges images : roms have to be named with rom, mx1 or mx2 extension.
  • Disks images : disks images have to be named with dsk extension. Due to memory constraints, disks images are read only. Multiple disks games are supported and user can change the current disk using the "Pause/Options/Change Dsk" menu.
  • Cheat codes support (MCF files in old or new format as described Here)
  • The file roms/msx_bios/msxromdb.xml contains control profiles for some games, it allows to configure controls in the best way for some games. If a game has no control profile defined in msxromdb.xml, then controls will be configured as joystick emulation mode.
  • Sometimes games require the user to enter his name using the keyboard, and some games like Metal Gear 1/2 are using F1-F5 keys to acces items/radio/... menus. It is possible to virtually press these keys using the "Pause/Options/Press Key" menu.

Note that the MSX support is done using blueMsx 2.8.2, any game that is not working correctly using this emulator will not work on the Game & Watch. To fit in the G&W, a some features have been removed, so it's possible that some games running on blueMSX will not work in the G&W port. The emulator port is still in progress, consider it as a preview version.

Amstrad CPC6128 Emulator

Amstrad CPC6128 system is a computer with a keyboard and disk drive.

What is supported :

  • Amstrad CPC6128 system is the only supported system. CPC464 could be added if there is any interest in doing this. Note that CPC464+/6128+ systems are not supported (running a around 40% of their normal speed so it has been removed)
  • Disks images : disks images have to be named with dsk extension. Due to memory constraints, disks images are read only. Multiple disks games are supported and user can change the current disk using the "Pause/Options/Change Dsk" menu. Both standard and extended dsk format are supported, moreover a compression mechanism specific to the G&W has been implemented to reduce the size of disk images. Disk compression is automatically handled during the build process.
  • Normally when the amstrad system starts, it will wait the user to enter a run"file or |CPM command to load the content of the disk. As it's not very friendly, the emulator is detecting the name of the file to run and enter automatically the right commant at startup
  • Sometimes games require the user to enter his name using the keyboard. It is possible to virtually press these keys using the "Pause/Options/Press Key" menu.
  • Amstrad screen resolution is 384x272 pixels while G&W resolution is 320x240. The standard screen mode (with no scaling) will show the screen without the borders which will be ok in most cases, but in some cases games are using borders to show some content. If you want to see the whole Amstrad screen on the G&W, set options/scaling to "fit".

Tape support has not been ported, if there is any interest in adding this, it could be considered.

Note that the Amstrad CPC6128 support is done using caprice32 emulator, any game that is not working correctly using this emulator will not work on the Game & Watch. To fit in the G&W, a some features have been removed, so it's possible that some games running on caprice32 will not work in the G&W port. The emulator port is still in progress, consider it as a preview version.

Vectrex/Odyssey2 Emulator

Vectrex/Odyssey2 is provided by a modified version of o2em emulator. Support is currently in development so it's unstable, has lots of bugs and it's not really playable. To play, you need a bios file, for now rename your bios file to bios.bin and put it in the roms/vectrex folder

SNES game ports

Some SNES game have been ported to the G&W.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

To play The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, you need to copy the zelda3_assets.dat file in /roms/homebrew/ folder of your sd card. the zelda3_assets.dat file can be generated by doing the following steps :

  • copy zelda3.sfc (USA version, sha1 = '6d4f10a8b10e10dbe624cb23cf03b88bb8252973') rom to external/zelda3/tables/
  • run 'make -C external/zelda3 tables/zelda3_assets.dat' command The file zelda3_assets.dat will be created in external/smw.

If you want to create zelda3_assets.dat file with several languages, the steps are :

  • copy all zelda3_xx.sfc files (including us zelda3.sfc) from languages you want to include (check names and sha1 below)
  • go in tables folder : 'cd external/zelda3/tables'
  • for each rom run this command : 'python3 --extract-dialogue -r ./zelda3_xx.sfc' (replace _xx with real rom names)
  • run the command to build assets file : 'python3 --extract-from-rom --languages=fr,fr-c,de,en,es,pl,pt,nl' (adapt the languages list to fit the languages you did provide) When playing, you'll be able to change current language by going in the options menu.

Due to the limited set of buttons (especially on the Mario console), the controls are peculiar:

Description Binding on Mario units Binding on Zelda units
A button (Pegasus Boots / Interacting) A A
B button (Sword) B B
X button (Show Map) GAME + B TIME
Y button (Use Item) TIME SELECT
Select button (Save Screen) GAME + TIME GAME + TIME
Start button (Item Selection Screen) GAME + A START
L button (Quick-swapping, if enabled) - GAME + B
R button (Quick-swapping, if enabled) - GAME + A

Some features can be configured with flags:

Build flag Description
LIMIT_30FPS Limit to 30 fps for improved stability.
Enabled by default.
Disabling this flag will result in unsteady framerate and stuttering.
FASTER_UI Increase UI speed (item menu, etc.).
Enabled by default.
BATTERY_INDICATOR Display battery indicator in item menu.
Enabled by default.
FEATURE_SWITCH_LR Item switch on L/R. Also allows reordering of items in inventory by pressing Y+direction.
Hold X, L, or R inside of the item selection screen to assign items to those buttons.
If X is reassigned, Select opens the map. Push Select while paused to save or quit.
When L or R are assigned items, those buttons will no longer cycle items.
FEATURE_TURN_WHILE_DASHING Allow turning while dashing.
FEATURE_MIRROR_TO_DARK_WORLD Allow mirror to be used to warp to the Dark World.
FEATURE_COLLECT_ITEMS_WITH_SWORD Collect items (like hearts) with sword instead of having to touch them.
FEATURE_BREAK_POTS_WITH_SWORD Level 2-4 sword can be used to break pots.
FEATURE_DISABLE_LOW_HEALTH_BEEP Disable the low health beep.
FEATURE_SKIP_INTRO_ON_KEYPRESS Avoid waiting too much at the start.
Enabled by default.
FEATURE_SHOW_MAX_ITEMS_IN_YELLOW Display max rupees/bombs/arrows with orange/yellow color.
FEATURE_MORE_ACTIVE_BOMBS Allows up to four bombs active at a time instead of two.
FEATURE_CARRY_MORE_RUPEES Can carry 9999 rupees instead of 999.
FEATURE_MISC_BUG_FIXES Enable various zelda bug fixes.
FEATURE_CANCEL_BIRD_TRAVEL Allow bird travel to be cancelled by hitting the X key.
FEATURE_GAME_CHANGING_BUG_FIXES Enable some more advanced zelda bugfixes that change game behavior.
FEATURE_SWITCH_LR_LIMIT Enable this to limit the ItemSwitchLR item cycling to the first 4 items.

Alternate languages

By default, dialogues extracted from the US ROM are in english. You can replace dialogues with another language by using a localized ROM file. Supported alternate languages are:

Language Origin Naming SHA1 hash
German Original zelda3_de.sfc 2E62494967FB0AFDF5DA1635607F9641DF7C6559
French Original zelda3_fr.sfc 229364A1B92A05167CD38609B1AA98F7041987CC
French (Canada) Original zelda3_fr-c.sfc C1C6C7F76FFF936C534FF11F87A54162FC0AA100
English (Europe) Original zelda3_en.sfc 7C073A222569B9B8E8CA5FCB5DFEC3B5E31DA895
Spanish Romhack zelda3_es.sfc 461FCBD700D1332009C0E85A7A136E2A8E4B111E
Polish Romhack zelda3_pl.sfc 3C4D605EEFDA1D76F101965138F238476655B11D
Portuguese Romhack zelda3_pt.sfc D0D09ED41F9C373FE6AFDCCAFBF0DA8C88D3D90D
Dutch Romhack zelda3_nl.sfc FA8ADFDBA2697C9A54D583A1284A22AC764C7637
Swedish Romhack zelda3_sv.sfc 43CD3438469B2C3FE879EA2F410B3EF3CB3F1CA4

Super Mario World

To play Super Mario world you need to copy the smw_assets.dat file in /roms/homebrew/ folder of your sd card. the smw_assets.dat file can be generated by doing the following steps :

  • copy smw.sfc (USA version, sha1 = '6B47BB75D16514B6A476AA0C73A683A2A4C18765') rom to external/smw/assets/
  • run 'make -C external/smw smw_assets.dat' command The file smw_assets.dat will be created in external/smw.

Due to the limited set of buttons (especially on the Mario console), the controls are peculiar:

Description Binding on Mario units Binding on Zelda units
A button (Spin Jump) GAME + A SELECT
B button (Regular Jump) A A
X/Y button (Dash/Shoot) B B
Select button (Use Reserve Item) TIME TIME
Start button (Pause Game) GAME + TIME START
L button (Scroll Screen Left) - GAME + B
R button (Scroll Screen Right) - GAME + A

Some features can be configured with flags:

Build flag Description
LIMIT_30FPS Limit to 30 fps for improved stability.
Enabled by default.
Disabling this flag will result in unsteady framerate and stuttering.

Homebrew ports

Some homebrew games have been ported to the G&W.

Celeste Classic

This is a port of the Pico-8 version of Celeste Classic. To enable this port, add a roms/homebrew/Celeste.png file.

Discord, support and discussion

Please join the Discord.


This project is licensed under the GPLv2. Some components are also available under the MIT license. Respective copyrights apply to each component.