Experimental project which uses the newest features of Javascript on frontend & backend without any transpilation or build step
- hyperHTML in ES2015 Module mode
- onpushstate and custom made dynamic ES2015 Module-based router
- native fetch for API
- native async/await
- native EventTarget & Event
<script type="module">
- native WeakMap
- koa
- koa-static
- koa-send
- koa-mount
- koa-compose
- experimental HTTP/2
- experimental ES2015 Modules
- native async/await
- yarn
- node 9.5.0
The goal is to have very lightweight environment for single-page app creation.
It requires to add probably those dependencies:
- tachyons for CSS
- unistore as a state container
- koa-websockets and sockette for "live" capabilities