- EAddressType
- EAvailableNetworks
- EBoostType
- EElectrumNetworks
- EFeeId
- EPaymentType
- EProtocol
- EScanningStrategy
- EUnit
- IAddInput
- IAddress
- IAddressData
- IAddressType
- IAddressTypeData
- IAddresses
- IBoostedTransaction
- IBoostedTransactions
- ICreateTransaction
- ICustomGetAddress
- ICustomGetScriptHash
- IElectrumGetAddressBalanceRes
- IFormattedPeerData
- IFormattedTransaction
- IFormattedTransactions
- IGenerateAddresses
- IGenerateAddressesResponse
- IGetAddress
- IGetAddressBalanceRes
- IGetAddressByPath
- IGetAddressHistoryResponse
- IGetAddressResponse
- IGetAddressScriptHashBalances
- IGetAddressScriptHashesHistoryResponse
- IGetAddressTxResponse
- IGetAddressesFromKeyPair
- IGetAddressesFromPrivateKey
- IGetDerivationPath
- IGetFeeEstimatesResponse
- IGetHeaderResponse
- IGetNextAvailableAddressResponse
- IGetTransactions
- IGetTransactionsFromInputs
- IGetUtxosResponse
- IHeader
- IIndexes
- IKeyDerivationPath
- IKeyDerivationPathData
- INewBlock
- IOnchainFees
- IOutput
- IPeerData
- IPrivateKeyInfo
- IRbfData
- ISend
- ISendTransaction
- ISendTx
- ISetupTransaction
- ISubscribeToAddress
- ISubscribeToHeader
- ISweepPrivateKey
- ISweepPrivateKeyRes
- ITargets
- ITransaction
- ITxHash
- ITxHashes
- IUtxo
- IVin
- IVout
- IWallet
- IWalletData
- ElectrumConnectionPubSub
- ElectrumConnectionSubscription
- InputData
- ObjectKeys
- Result
- TAddressIndexInfo
- TAddressLabel
- TAddressTxResponse
- TAddressType
- TAddressTypeContent
- TAddressTypes
- TAvailableNetworks
- TConnectToElectrumRes
- TDecodeRawTx
- TElectrumNetworks
- TGapLimitOptions
- TGetAddressHistory
- TGetByteCountInput
- TGetByteCountInputs
- TGetByteCountOutput
- TGetByteCountOutputs
- TGetData
- TGetTotalFeeObj
- TKeyDerivationAccount
- TKeyDerivationChange
- TKeyDerivationCoinType
- TKeyDerivationIndex
- TKeyDerivationPurpose
- TMessageDataMap
- TMessageKeys
- TOnMessage
- TProcessUnconfirmedTransactions
- TProtocol
- TServer
- TSetData
- TSetupTransactionResponse
- TStorage
- TSubscribedReceive
- TTransactionMessage
- TTxDetails
- TTxResponse
- TTxResult
- TUnspentAddressScriptHashData
- TWalletDataKeys
- availableNetworks
- constructByteCountParam
- decodeOpReturnMessage
- decodeRawTransaction
- err
- filterAddressesForGapLimit
- filterAddressesObjForGapLimit
- filterAddressesObjForSingleIndex
- filterAddressesObjForStartingIndex
- formatKeyDerivationPath
- formatPeerData
- generateMnemonic
- generateWalletId
- getAddressFromKeyPair
- getAddressFromScriptPubKey
- getAddressIndexDiff
- getAddressTypeFromPath
- getAddressesFromPrivateKey
- getByteCount
- getDataFallback
- getDefaultPort
- getDefaultWalletData
- getDefaultWalletDataKeys
- getElectrumNetwork
- getHighestUsedIndexFromTxHashes
- getKeyDerivationPath
- getKeyDerivationPathObject
- getKeyDerivationPathString
- getKeyValue
- getPeers
- getProtocolForPort
- getScriptHash
- getSeed
- getSeedHash
- getSha256
- getStorageKeyValues
- getTapRootAddressFromPublicKey
- getTxFee
- getWalletDataStorageKey
- isP2trPrefix
- isPositive
- isValidBech32mEncodedString
- objectKeys
- objectsMatch
- ok
- parseOnChainPaymentRequest
- reduceValue
- removeDustOutputs
- setReplaceByFee
- shuffleArray
- sleep
- validateAddress
- validateMnemonic
- validateTransaction
Ƭ ElectrumConnectionPubSub: Object
Name | Type |
publish |
(isConnected : boolean ) => void |
subscribe |
(callback : (isConnected : boolean ) => void ) => ElectrumConnectionSubscription |
Ƭ ElectrumConnectionSubscription: Object
Name | Type |
remove |
() => void |
Ƭ InputData: Object
▪ [key: string
]: { addresses
: string
[] ; value
: number
Ƭ ObjectKeys<T
>: `${Exclude<keyof T, symbol>}`
Name | Type |
T |
extends object |
Ƭ Result<T
>: Ok
> | Err
Represents a result that can be successful (Ok) or contain an error (Err).
Name |
T |
Ƭ TAddressIndexInfo: Object
Name | Type |
addressIndex |
IAddress |
changeAddressIndex |
IAddress |
lastUsedAddressIndex |
IAddress |
lastUsedChangeAddressIndex |
IAddress |
Ƭ TAddressLabel: "bech32"
| "segwit"
| "legacy"
Ƭ TAddressTxResponse: Object
Name | Type |
data |
string |
error? |
{ code : number ; message : string } |
error.code |
number |
error.message |
string |
id |
number |
jsonrpc |
string |
param |
string |
result |
TTxResult [] |
Ƭ TAddressType: "p2wpkh"
| "p2sh"
| "p2pkh"
Ƭ TAddressTypeContent<T
>: { [key in EAddressType]: T }
Name |
T |
Ƭ TAddressTypes: { [key in EAddressType]: Readonly<IAddressTypeData> }
Ƭ TAvailableNetworks: "bitcoin"
| "testnet"
| "regtest"
Ƭ TConnectToElectrumRes: string
Ƭ TDecodeRawTx: Object
Name | Type |
locktime |
number |
size |
number |
tx_hash |
string |
txid |
string |
version |
number |
vin |
IVin [] |
vout |
IVout [] |
vsize |
number |
weight |
number |
Ƭ TElectrumNetworks: "bitcoin"
| "bitcoinTestnet"
| "bitcoinRegtest"
Ƭ TGapLimitOptions: Object
Name | Type |
lookAhead |
number |
lookBehind |
number |
Ƭ TGetAddressHistory: Object
Name | Type |
height |
number |
txid |
string |
Ƭ TGetByteCountInput: `MULTISIG-P2SH:${number}-${number}` | `MULTISIG-P2WSH:${number}-${number}` | `MULTISIG-P2SH-P2WSH:${number}-${number}` | "P2SH-P2WPKH"
| "P2PKH"
| "p2pkh"
| "P2WPKH"
| "p2wpkh"
| "P2SH"
| "p2sh"
| "P2TR"
| "p2tr"
Ƭ TGetByteCountInputs: { [key in TGetByteCountInput]?: number }
Ƭ TGetByteCountOutput: "P2SH"
| "P2PKH"
| "P2WPKH"
| "P2WSH"
| "p2wpkh"
| "p2sh"
| "p2pkh"
| "P2TR"
| "p2tr"
Ƭ TGetByteCountOutputs: { [key in TGetByteCountOutput]?: number }
Ƭ TGetData: <K>(key
: string
) => Promise
▸ <K
): Promise
Name | Type |
K |
extends keyof IWalletData |
Name | Type |
key |
string |
Ƭ TGetTotalFeeObj: Object
Name | Type |
maxSatPerByte |
number |
satsPerByte |
number |
totalFee |
number |
transactionByteCount |
number |
Ƭ TKeyDerivationAccount: "0"
| string
Ƭ TKeyDerivationChange: "0"
| "1"
Ƭ TKeyDerivationCoinType: "0"
| "1"
| string
Ƭ TKeyDerivationIndex: string
Ƭ TKeyDerivationPurpose: "84"
| "49"
| "44"
| string
Ƭ TMessageDataMap: Object
Name | Type |
connectedToElectrum |
boolean |
newBlock |
INewBlock |
rbf |
string [] |
reorg |
IUtxo [] |
transactionConfirmed |
TTransactionMessage |
transactionReceived |
TTransactionMessage |
transactionSent |
TTransactionMessage |
Ƭ TMessageKeys: keyof TMessageDataMap
Ƭ TOnMessage: <K>(key
: K
, data
: TMessageDataMap
]) => void
▸ <K
, data
): void
Name | Type |
K |
extends keyof TMessageDataMap |
Name | Type |
key |
K |
data |
TMessageDataMap [K ] |
Ƭ TProcessUnconfirmedTransactions: Object
Name | Type |
ghostTxs |
string [] |
outdatedTxs |
IUtxo [] |
unconfirmedTxs |
IFormattedTransactions |
Ƭ TProtocol: "tcp"
| "ssl"
Ƭ TServer: Object
Name | Type |
host |
string |
protocol |
EProtocol |
ssl |
number |
tcp |
number |
Ƭ TSetData: <K>(key
: string
, value
: IWalletData
]) => Promise
▸ <K
, value
): Promise
Name | Type |
K |
extends keyof IWalletData |
Name | Type |
key |
string |
value |
IWalletData [K ] |
Ƭ TSetupTransactionResponse: Result
Ƭ TStorage: Object
Name | Type |
getData? |
TGetData |
setData? |
TSetData |
Ƭ TSubscribedReceive: [string
, string
Ƭ TTransactionMessage: Object
Name | Type |
transaction |
IFormattedTransaction |
Ƭ TTxDetails: Object
Name | Type |
blockhash |
string |
blocktime? |
number |
confirmations |
number |
hash |
string |
hex |
string |
locktime |
number |
size |
number |
time? |
number |
txid |
string |
version |
number |
vin |
IVin [] |
vout |
IVout [] |
vsize |
number |
weight |
number |
Ƭ TTxResponse: Object
Name | Type |
data |
IAddress |
id |
number |
jsonrpc |
string |
param |
string |
result |
TTxResult [] |
Ƭ TTxResult: Object
Name | Type |
height |
number |
tx_hash |
string |
Ƭ TUnspentAddressScriptHashData: Object
▪ [x: string
]: IUtxo
| IAddress
Ƭ TWalletDataKeys: keyof IWalletData
• Const
defaultElectrumPorts: string
• Const
electrumConnection: ElectrumConnectionPubSub
Background task that checks the connection to the Electrum server with a PubSub If connection was lost this will try to reconnect in the specified interval
▸ availableNetworks(): EAvailableNetworks
Returns an array of all available networks from the networks object.
▸ constructByteCountParam(addresses
, increaseAddressCount?
): TGetByteCountInputs
| TGetByteCountOutputs
Constructs the parameter for getByteCount via an array of addresses.
Name | Type | Default value |
addresses |
string [] |
undefined |
increaseAddressCount |
{ addrType : EAddressType ; count : number }[] |
[] |
| TGetByteCountOutputs
▸ decodeOpReturnMessage(opReturn?
): string
Name | Type | Default value |
opReturn |
string |
'' |
▸ decodeRawTransaction(hex
, _network?
): Result
Attempts to decode a raw tx hex. Source: bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib#1606 (comment)
Name | Type |
hex |
string |
_network? |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ err<T
): Err
Construct a new Err result value.
Name |
T |
Name | Type | Description |
error |
string | Error |
The error message or Error object to be wrapped in an Err result. |
An Err result containing the given error.
▸ filterAddressesForGapLimit(«destructured»
): IAddress
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addresses |
IAddress [] |
› gapLimitOptions |
TGapLimitOptions |
› index |
number |
▸ filterAddressesObjForGapLimit(«destructured»
): IAddresses
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addresses |
IAddresses |
› gapLimitOptions |
TGapLimitOptions |
› index |
number |
▸ filterAddressesObjForSingleIndex(«destructured»
): IAddresses
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addressIndex |
number |
› addresses |
IAddresses |
▸ filterAddressesObjForStartingIndex(«destructured»
): IAddresses
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addresses |
IAddresses |
› index |
number |
▸ formatKeyDerivationPath(«destructured»
): Result
Formats and returns the provided derivation path string and object.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addressType? |
EAddressType |
› changeAddress? |
boolean |
› index? |
string |
› network |
EAvailableNetworks |
› path |
string | IKeyDerivationPath |
› purpose? |
string |
Derivation Path Data
▸ formatPeerData(data
): Result
Formats the peer data response from an Electrum server.
Name | Type |
data |
[string , string , [string , string , string ]] |
▸ generateMnemonic(strength?
, rng?
, wordlist?
): string
Extends bip39's generateMnemonic function.
Name | Type |
strength? |
number |
rng? |
(size : number ) => Buffer |
wordlist? |
string [] |
▸ generateWalletId(seed
): string
Name | Type |
seed |
Buffer |
▸ getAddressFromKeyPair(«destructured»
): Result
Get address from key pair.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addressType |
EAddressType |
› keyPair |
BIP32Interface | ECPairInterface |
› network |
Network |
▸ getAddressFromScriptPubKey(scriptPubKey
, selectedNetwork
): string
Get address for a given scriptPubKey.
Name | Type |
scriptPubKey |
string |
selectedNetwork |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ getAddressIndexDiff(addrIndex1?
, addrIndex2?
): number
Returns the difference between two address indexes.
Name | Type | Default value |
addrIndex1 |
number |
0 |
addrIndex2 |
number |
0 |
▸ getAddressTypeFromPath(path
): Result
Returns the address type from the specified derivation path.
Name | Type |
path |
string | IKeyDerivationPath |
▸ getAddressesFromPrivateKey(«destructured»
): Result
Get addresses from a private key.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addrTypes? |
EAddressType [] |
› network? |
Network |
› privateKey |
string |
▸ getByteCount(inputs
, outputs
, message?
, minByteCount?
): number
Name | Type | Default value |
inputs |
TGetByteCountInputs |
undefined |
outputs |
TGetByteCountOutputs |
undefined |
message? |
string |
undefined |
minByteCount |
number |
166 |
▸ getDataFallback<K
): Promise
Name | Type |
K |
extends keyof IWalletData |
Name | Type |
key |
string |
▸ getDefaultPort(selectedNetwork?
, protocol?
): number
Returns the default port for the given network and protocol.
Name | Type |
selectedNetwork? |
EAvailableNetworks |
protocol? |
TProtocol |
▸ getDefaultWalletData(): IWalletData
Returns the default wallet data object.
▸ getDefaultWalletDataKeys(): keyof IWalletData
Returns the keys from the default wallet data object.
keyof IWalletData
▸ getElectrumNetwork(network?
): EElectrumNetworks
Returns the network string for use with Electrum methods.
Name | Type |
network? |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ getHighestUsedIndexFromTxHashes(«destructured»
): Result
Returns the highest used index from the provided txHashes.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addressIndex |
IAddress |
› addresses |
IAddresses |
› changeAddressIndex |
IAddress |
› changeAddresses |
IAddresses |
› txHashes |
ITxHashes [] |
▸ getKeyDerivationPath(«destructured»
): Result
Returns the derivation path object for the specified addressType and network.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› addressType |
EAddressType |
› network |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ getKeyDerivationPathObject(«destructured»
): Result
Parses a key derivation path in string format Ex: "m/84'/0'/0'/0/0" and returns IKeyDerivationPath.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› changeAddress? |
boolean |
› index? |
string |
› network |
EAvailableNetworks |
› path |
string |
› purpose? |
string |
▸ getKeyDerivationPathString(«destructured»
): Result
Parses a key derivation path object and returns it in string format. Ex: "m/84'/0'/0'/0/0"
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› accountType? |
string | number |
› addressType |
EAddressType |
› changeAddress? |
boolean |
› index? |
string | number |
› network |
EAvailableNetworks |
› path? |
IKeyDerivationPath |
› purpose? |
string |
▸ getKeyValue(key
): string
Returns last value between hyphens in a string.
Name | Type |
key |
string |
▸ getPeers(selectedNetwork?
): Promise
Returns an array of peers. If unable to acquire peers from an Electrum server the method will default to the hardcoded peers in peers.json.
Name | Type |
selectedNetwork? |
Object |
selectedNetwork.selectedNetwork |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ getProtocolForPort(port?
, network?
): undefined
| TProtocol
Returns the protocol for the given network and default port.
Name | Type |
port? |
string |
network? |
EAvailableNetworks |
| TProtocol
▸ getScriptHash(«destructured»
): string
Get scriptHash for a given address
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› address |
string |
› network |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ getSeed(mnemonic
, bip39Passphrase
): Buffer
Returns the seed for a given mnemonic and passphrase.
Name | Type |
mnemonic |
any |
bip39Passphrase |
any |
▸ getSeedHash(seed
): string
Returns the seed hash for a given mnemonic and passphrase.
Name | Type |
seed |
Buffer |
▸ getSha256(str
): string
Get sha256 hash of a given string.
Name | Type |
str |
string |
▸ getStorageKeyValues(storageKey
): Object
Name | Type |
storageKey |
string |
Name | Type |
network |
EAvailableNetworks |
value |
keyof IWalletData |
walletName |
string |
▸ getTapRootAddressFromPublicKey(«destructured»
): Result
<{ address
: string
; internalPubkey
: Buffer
; output
: Buffer
Returns taproot address information from the provided public key.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› network |
Network |
› publicKey |
Buffer |
<{ address
: string
; internalPubkey
: Buffer
; output
: Buffer
▸ getTxFee(«destructured»
): number
Returns the total fee in sats for a transaction at a given size (transactionByteCount) times the desired satsPerByte.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› satsPerByte |
number |
› transactionByteCount |
number |
▸ getWalletDataStorageKey(name
, network
, key
): string
Name | Type |
name |
string |
network |
EAvailableNetworks |
key |
keyof IWalletData |
▸ isP2trPrefix(address
): boolean
Quickly attempts to determine if the provided address is a valid p2tr/taproot address prefix. For a more robust check, use isValidBech32mEncodedString.
Name | Type |
address |
string |
▸ isPositive(num
): boolean
Name | Type |
num |
number |
▸ isValidBech32mEncodedString(address
): Object
Returns if the provided string is a valid Bech32m encoded string (taproot/p2tr address).
Name | Type |
address |
string |
Name | Type |
isValid |
boolean |
network |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ objectKeys<Type
): `${Exclude<keyof Type, symbol>}`[]
Returns the keys of a given object.
Name | Type |
Type |
extends object |
Name | Type |
value |
Type |
`${Exclude<keyof Type, symbol>}`[]
▸ objectsMatch(obj1
, obj2
): boolean
Determines if the two objects passed as params match.
Name | Type |
obj1 |
any |
obj2 |
any |
▸ ok<T
): Ok
Construct a new Ok result value.
Name |
T |
Name | Type | Description |
value |
T |
The value to be wrapped in an Ok result. |
An Ok result containing the given value.
▸ parseOnChainPaymentRequest(data
, network?
): Result
<{ address
: string
; message
: string
; network
: EAvailableNetworks
; sats
: number
Name | Type |
data |
string |
network? |
EAvailableNetworks |
<{ address
: string
; message
: string
; network
: EAvailableNetworks
; sats
: number
▸ reduceValue<T
): Result
Sum a specific value in an array of objects.
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› arr |
T [] |
› value |
keyof T |
▸ removeDustOutputs(outputs
): IOutput
Removes outputs that are below the dust limit.
Name | Type |
outputs |
IOutput [] |
▸ setReplaceByFee(«destructured»
): void
Sets RBF for the provided psbt.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› psbt |
Psbt |
› setRbf |
boolean |
▸ shuffleArray<T
): T
Shuffles a given array.
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
array |
T [] |
▸ sleep(ms
): Promise
Name | Type |
ms |
any |
▸ validateAddress(«destructured»
): Object
Validate address for a given network. If no address is provided, it will attempt to validate the address for all available networks.
Name | Type |
«destructured» |
Object |
› address |
string |
› network? |
EAvailableNetworks |
Name | Type |
isValid |
boolean |
network |
EAvailableNetworks |
▸ validateMnemonic(mnemonic?
): boolean
Attempts to validate the provided mnemonic.
Name | Type | Default value |
mnemonic |
string |
'' |
▸ validateTransaction(transaction
): Result
Used to validate transaction form data.
Name | Type |
transaction |
ISendTransaction |