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CSV File Data Dictionary
Jason Walonoski edited this page Apr 29, 2024
55 revisions
Synthea can be configured to export data as CSV into ./output/csv
. Test
To export CSV, edit ./src/main/resources/synthea.properties
and change this setting:
exporter.csv.export = true
After running Synthea, the CSV exporter will create these files:
File | Description |
allergies.csv |
Patient allergy data. |
careplans.csv |
Patient care plan data, including goals. |
claims.csv |
Patient claim data. |
claims_transactions.csv |
Transactions per line item per claim. |
conditions.csv |
Patient conditions or diagnoses. |
devices.csv |
Patient-affixed permanent and semi-permanent devices. |
encounters.csv |
Patient encounter data. |
imaging_studies.csv |
Patient imaging metadata. |
immunizations.csv |
Patient immunization data. |
medications.csv |
Patient medication data. |
observations.csv |
Patient observations including vital signs and lab reports. |
organizations.csv |
Provider organizations including hospitals. |
patients.csv |
Patient demographic data. |
payer_transitions.csv |
Payer Transition data (i.e. changes in health insurance). |
payers.csv |
Payer organization data. |
procedures.csv |
Patient procedure data including surgeries. |
providers.csv |
Clinicians that provide patient care. |
supplies.csv |
Supplies used in the provision of care. |
Data Dictionary information for each CSV table follows below.
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Start | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
true |
The date the allergy was diagnosed. | |
Stop | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
false |
The date the allergy ended, if applicable. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter when the allergy was diagnosed. |
Code | String | true |
Allergy code | |
System | String | true |
Terminology system of the Allergy code. RxNorm if this is a medication allergy, otherwise SNOMED-CT . |
Description | String | true |
Description of the Allergy | |
Type | String | false |
Identify entry as an allergy or intolerance . |
Category | String | false |
Identify the category as drug , medication , food , or environment . |
Reaction1 | String | false |
Optional SNOMED code of the patients reaction. | |
Description1 | String | false |
Optional description of the Reaction1 SNOMED code. |
Severity1 | String | false |
Severity of the reaction: MILD , MODERATE , or SEVERE . |
Reaction2 | String | false |
Optional SNOMED code of the patients second reaction. | |
Description2 | String | false |
Optional description of the Reaction2 SNOMED code. |
Severity2 | String | false |
Severity of the second reaction: MILD , MODERATE , or SEVERE . |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the care plan. |
Start | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
true |
The date the care plan was initiated. | |
Stop | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
false |
The date the care plan ended, if applicable. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter when the care plan was initiated. |
Code | String | true |
Code from SNOMED-CT | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the care plan. | |
ReasonCode | String | true |
Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT that this care plan addresses. | |
ReasonDescription | String | true |
Description of the reason code. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the claim. |
🗝️ | Patient ID | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Provider ID | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Provider. |
🗝️ | Primary Patient Insurance ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the primary Payer. |
🗝️ | Secondary Patient Insurance ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the second Payer. |
Department ID | Numeric | true |
Placeholder for department. | |
Patient Department ID | Numeric | true |
Placeholder for patient department. | |
Diagnosis1 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis2 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis3 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis4 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis5 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis6 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis7 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
Diagnosis8 | String | false |
SNOMED-CT code corresponding to a diagnosis related to the claim. | |
🗝️ | Referring Provider ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the Provider who made the referral. |
🗝️ | Appointment ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the Encounter. |
Current Illness Date | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date the patient experienced symptoms. | |
Service Date | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date of the services on the claim. | |
🗝️ | Supervising Provider ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the supervising Provider. |
Status1 | String | false |
Status of the claim from the Primary Insurance. BILLED or CLOSED . |
Status2 | String | false |
Status of the claim from the Secondary Insurance. BILLED or CLOSED . |
StatusP | String | false |
Status of the claim from the Patient. BILLED or CLOSED . |
Outstanding1 | Numeric | false |
Total amount of money owed by Primary Insurance. | |
Outstanding2 | Numeric | false |
Total amount of money owed by Secondary Insurance. | |
OutstandingP | Numeric | false |
Total amount of money owed by Patient. | |
LastBilledDate1 | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
Date the claim was sent to Primary Insurance. | |
LastBilledDate2 | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
Date the claim was sent to Secondary Insurance. | |
LastBilledDateP | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
Date the claim was sent to the Patient. | |
HealthcareClaimTypeID1 | Numeric | false |
Type of claim: 1 is professional, 2 is institutional. |
HealthcareClaimTypeID2 | Numeric | false |
Type of claim: 1 is professional, 2 is institutional. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the claim transaction. |
🗝️ | Claim ID | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Claim. |
Charge ID | Numeric | true |
Charge ID. | |
🗝️ | Patient ID | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
Type | String | true |
CHARGE : original line item. PAYMENT : payment made against a charge by an insurance company (aka Payer) or patient. ADJUSTMENT : change in the charge without a payment, made by an insurance company. TRANSFERIN and TRANSFEROUT : transfer of the balance from one insurance company to another, or to a patient. |
Amount | Numeric | false |
Dollar amount for a CHARGE or TRANSFERIN . |
Method | String | false |
Payment made by CASH , CHECK , ECHECK , COPAY , SYSTEM (adjustments without payment), or CC (credit card). |
From Date | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
Transaction start date. | |
To Date | Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
Transaction end date. | |
🗝️ | Place of Service | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Organization. |
Procedure Code | String | true |
SNOMED-CT or other code (e.g. CVX for Vaccines) for the service. | |
Modifier1 | String | false |
Unused. Modifier on procedure code. | |
Modifier2 | String | false |
Unused. Modifier on procedure code. | |
DiagnosisRef1 | Numeric | false |
Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options. | |
DiagnosisRef2 | Numeric | false |
Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options. | |
DiagnosisRef3 | Numeric | false |
Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options. | |
DiagnosisRef4 | Numeric | false |
Number indicating which diagnosis code from the claim applies to this transaction, 1-8 are valid options. | |
Units | Numeric | false |
Number of units of the service. | |
Department ID | Numeric | false |
Placeholder for department. | |
Notes | String | false |
Description of the service or transaction. | |
Unit Amount | Numeric | false |
Cost per unit. | |
Transfer Out ID | Numeric | false |
If the transaction is a TRANSFERIN , the Charge ID of the corresponding TRANSFEROUT row. |
Transfer Type | String | false |
1 if transferred to the primary insurance, 2 if transferred to the secondary insurance, or p if transferred to the patient. |
Payments | Numeric | false |
Dollar amount of a payment for a PAYMENT row. |
Adjustments | Numeric | false |
Dollar amount of an adjustment for an ADJUSTMENTS row. |
Transfers | Numeric | false |
Dollar amount of a transfer for a TRANSFERIN or TRANSFEROUT row. |
Outstanding | Numeric | false |
Dollar amount left unpaid after this transaction was applied. | |
🗝️ | Appointment ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the Encounter. |
Line Note | String | false |
Note. | |
🗝️ | Patient Insurance ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the Payer Transitions table member ID. |
Fee Schedule ID | Numeric | false |
Fixed to 1 . |
🗝️ | Provider ID | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Provider. |
🗝️ | Supervising Provider ID | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the supervising Provider. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Start | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
true |
The date the condition was diagnosed. | |
Stop | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
false |
The date the condition resolved, if applicable. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter when the condition was diagnosed. |
Code | String | true |
Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the condition. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Start | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date and time the device was associated to the patient. | |
Stop | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
The date and time the device was removed, if applicable. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter when the device was associated. |
Code | String | true |
Type of device, from SNOMED-CT | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the device. | |
UDI | String | true |
Unique Device Identifier for the device. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the encounter. |
Start | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date and time the encounter started. | |
Stop | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
The date and time the encounter concluded. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Organization | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Organization. |
🗝️ | Provider | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Provider. |
🗝️ | Payer | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Payer. |
EncounterClass | String | true |
The class of the encounter, such as ambulatory , emergency , inpatient , wellness , or urgentcare
Code | String | true |
Encounter code from SNOMED-CT | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the type of encounter. | |
Base_Encounter_Cost | Numeric | true |
The base cost of the encounter, not including any line item costs related to medications, immunizations, procedures, or other services. | |
Total_Claim_Cost | Numeric | true |
The total cost of the encounter, including all line items. | |
Payer_Coverage | Numeric | true |
The amount of cost covered by the Payer. | |
ReasonCode | String | false |
Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT, only if this encounter targeted a specific condition. | |
ReasonDescription | String | false |
Description of the reason code. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Id | UUID | true |
Non-unique identifier of the imaging study. An imaging study may have multiple rows. | |
Date | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date and time the imaging study was conducted. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter where the imaging study was conducted. |
Series UID | String | true |
Imaging Study series DICOM UID. | |
Body Site Code | String | true |
A SNOMED Body Structures code describing what part of the body the images in the series were taken of. | |
Body Site Description | String | true |
Description of the body site. | |
Modality Code | String | true |
A DICOM-DCM code describing the method used to take the images. | |
Modality Description | String | true |
Description of the modality. | |
Instance UID | String | true |
Imaging Study instance DICOM UID. | |
SOP Code | String | true |
A DICOM-SOP code describing the Subject-Object Pair (SOP) that constitutes the image. | |
SOP Description | String | true |
Description of the SOP code. | |
Procedure Code | String | true |
Procedure code from SNOMED-CT. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Date | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date the immunization was administered. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter where the immunization was administered. |
Code | String | true |
Immunization code from CVX. | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the immunization. | |
Cost | Numeric | true |
The line item cost of the immunization. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Start | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date and time the medication was prescribed. | |
Stop | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
The date and time the prescription ended, if applicable. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Payer | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Payer. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter where the medication was prescribed. |
Code | String | true |
Medication code from RxNorm. | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the medication. | |
Base_Cost | Numeric | true |
The line item cost of the medication. | |
Payer_Coverage | Numeric | true |
The amount covered or reimbursed by the Payer. | |
Dispenses | Numeric | true |
The number of times the prescription was filled. | |
TotalCost | Numeric | true |
The total cost of the prescription, including all dispenses. | |
ReasonCode | String | false |
Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT specifying why this medication was prescribed. | |
ReasonDescription | String | false |
Description of the reason code. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Date | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date and time the observation was performed. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter where the observation was performed. |
Category | String | false |
Observation category. | |
Code | String | true |
Observation or Lab code from LOINC | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the observation or lab. | |
Value | String | true |
The recorded value of the observation. | |
Units | String | false |
The units of measure for the value. | |
Type | String | true |
The datatype of Value : text or numeric
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary key of the Organization. |
Name | String | true |
Name of the Organization. | |
Address | String | true |
Organization's street address without commas or newlines. | |
City | String | true |
Street address city. | |
State | String | false |
Street address state abbreviation. | |
Zip | String | false |
Street address zip or postal code. | |
Lat | Numeric | false |
Latitude of Organization's address. | |
Lon | Numeric | false |
Longitude of Organization's address. | |
Phone | String | false |
Organization's phone number. | |
Revenue | Numeric | true |
The monetary revenue of the organization during the entire simulation. | |
Utilization | Numeric | true |
The number of Encounters performed by this Organization. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary Key. Unique Identifier of the patient. |
BirthDate | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
true |
The date the patient was born. | |
DeathDate | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
false |
The date the patient died. | |
SSN | String | true |
Patient Social Security identifier. | |
Drivers | String | false |
Patient Drivers License identifier. | |
Passport | String | false |
Patient Passport identifier. | |
Prefix | String | false |
Name prefix, such as Mr. , Mrs. , Dr. , etc. |
First | String | true |
First name of the patient. | |
Middle | String | false |
Middle name of the patient. | |
Last | String | true |
Last or surname of the patient. | |
Suffix | String | false |
Name suffix, such as PhD , MD , JD , etc. |
Maiden | String | false |
Maiden name of the patient. | |
Marital | String | false |
Marital Status. M is married, S is single. Currently no support for divorce (D ) or widowing (W ) |
Race | String | true |
Description of the patient's primary race. | |
Ethnicity | String | true |
Description of the patient's primary ethnicity. | |
Gender | String | true |
Gender. M is male, F is female. |
BirthPlace | String | true |
Name of the town where the patient was born. | |
Address | String | true |
Patient's street address without commas or newlines. | |
City | String | true |
Patient's address city. | |
State | String | true |
Patient's address state. | |
County | String | false |
Patient's address county. | |
FIPS County Code | String | false |
Patient's FIPS county code. | |
Zip | String | false |
Patient's zip code. | |
Lat | Numeric | false |
Latitude of Patient's address. | |
Lon | Numeric | false |
Longitude of Patient's address. | |
Healthcare_Expenses | Numeric | true |
The total lifetime cost of healthcare to the patient (i.e. what the patient paid). | |
Healthcare_Coverage | Numeric | true |
The total lifetime cost of healthcare services that were covered by Payers (i.e. what the insurance company paid). | |
Income | Numeric | true |
Annual income for the Patient |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
Member ID | UUID | false |
Member ID for the Insurance Plan. | |
Start_Year | Date (YYYY ) |
true |
The year the coverage started (inclusive). | |
End_Year | Date (YYYY ) |
true |
The year the coverage ended (inclusive). | |
🗝️ | Payer | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Payer. |
🗝️ | Secondary Payer | UUID | false |
Foreign key to the Secondary Payer. |
Ownership | String | false |
The owner of the insurance policy. Legal values: Guardian , Self , Spouse . |
Owner Name | String | false |
The name of the insurance policy owner. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary key of the Payer (e.g. Insurance). |
Name | String | true |
Name of the Payer. | |
Address | String | false |
Payer's street address without commas or newlines. | |
City | String | false |
Street address city. | |
State_Headquartered | String | false |
Street address state abbreviation. | |
Zip | String | false |
Street address zip or postal code. | |
Phone | String | false |
Payer's phone number. | |
Amount_Covered | Numeric | true |
The monetary amount paid to Organizations during the entire simulation. | |
Amount_Uncovered | Numeric | true |
The monetary amount not paid to Organizations during the entire simulation, and covered out of pocket by patients. | |
Revenue | Numeric | true |
The monetary revenue of the Payer during the entire simulation. | |
Covered_Encounters | Numeric | true |
The number of Encounters paid for by this Payer. | |
Uncovered_Encounters | Numeric | true |
The number of Encounters not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients. | |
Covered_Medications | Numeric | true |
The number of Medications paid for by this Payer. | |
Uncovered_Medications | Numeric | true |
The number of Medications not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients. | |
Covered_Procedures | Numeric | true |
The number of Procedures paid for by this Payer. | |
Uncovered_Procedures | Numeric | true |
The number of Procedures not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients. | |
Covered_Immunizations | Numeric | true |
The number of Immunizations paid for by this Payer. | |
Uncovered_Immunizations | Numeric | true |
The number of Immunizations not paid for by this Payer, and paid out of pocket by patients. | |
Unique_Customers | Numeric | true |
The number of unique patients enrolled with this Payer during the entire simulation. | |
QOLS_Avg | Numeric | true |
The average Quality of Life Scores (QOLS) for all patients enrolled with this Payer during the entire simulation. | |
Member_Months | Numeric | true |
The total number of months that patients were enrolled with this Payer during the simulation and paid monthly premiums (if any). |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Start ("Date", prior to v3.0.0 ) |
iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
true |
The date and time the procedure was performed. | |
Stop | iso8601 UTC Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z' ) |
false |
The date and time the procedure was completed, if applicable. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter where the procedure was performed. |
Code | String | true |
Procedure code from SNOMED-CT | |
Description | String | true |
Description of the procedure. | |
Base_Cost | Numeric | true |
The line item cost of the procedure. | |
ReasonCode | String | false |
Diagnosis code from SNOMED-CT specifying why this procedure was performed. | |
ReasonDescription | String | false |
Description of the reason code. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
🔑 | Id | UUID | true |
Primary key of the Provider/Clinician. |
🗝️ | Organization | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Organization that employees this provider. |
Name | String | true |
First and last name of the Provider. | |
Gender | String | true |
Gender. M is male, F is female. |
Speciality | String | true |
Provider speciality. | |
Address | String | true |
Provider's street address without commas or newlines. | |
City | String | true |
Street address city. | |
State | String | false |
Street address state abbreviation. | |
Zip | String | false |
Street address zip or postal code. | |
Lat | Numeric | false |
Latitude of Provider's address. | |
Lon | Numeric | false |
Longitude of Provider's address. | |
Utilization | Numeric | true |
The number of Encounter's performed by this provider. |
Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Description | |
Date | Date (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
true |
The date the supplies were used. | |
🗝️ | Patient | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Patient. |
🗝️ | Encounter | UUID | true |
Foreign key to the Encounter when the supplies were used. |
Code | String | true |
Code for the type of supply used, from SNOMED-CT | |
Description | String | true |
Description of supply used. | |
Quantity | Numeric | true |
Quantity of supply used. |