The polyClustR package provides an R implementation of the pipeline described in polyCluster: Defining Communities of Reconciled Cancer Subtypes with Biological and Prognostic Significance; K. Eason, G. Nyamundanda and A. Sadandandam.
# Example breast dataset is provided with installation
exampleGE <- system.file('extdata', 'chin_breast_example_GE.txt', package = 'polyClustR')
exampleKnownSubtypes <- system.file('extdata', 'chin_breast_example_known_subtypes.txt', package = 'polyClustR')
polyCluster(exampleGE, clusterAlg = c('hc', 'km'), phenoFile = exampleKnownSubtypes, ref = 'test_run')
# Output is written to the current working directory.
For full details of the arguments required to run polyCluster
, see ?polyCluster
If you have any issues running polyClustR, please report them using the "Issues" tab above.
Default clustering parameters are:
Parameter | Value |
Consensus resamplings | 100 |
Proportion of items sampled per subsample | 0.8 |
Clustering distance | Euclidean (km), Pearson (hc) |
Heirarchical linkage method for subsampling | Average |
Heirarchical linkage method for consensus matrix | Average |