A liferay theme for GROW baed on _styled theme.
- After you call npm init in this project please add a "liferay-theme.json" with the following content:
{ "LiferayTheme": { "appServerPath": "#liferay_path\tomcat-8.0.32", "deployPath": "#liferay_path\deploy", "url": "#liferay_url", "appServerPathPlugin": "#theme_path\grow-theme\.web_bundle_build", "deployed": true, "pluginName": "grow-theme" } }
Release Notes:
OWXP-226 Bold texts doesn't work with new grow Theme https://issues.liferay.com/browse/OWXP-226
OWXP-229 Add the permalink to page titles and a function button https://issues.liferay.com/browse/OWXP-229
OWXP-236 Add tags to wiki pages https://issues.liferay.com/browse/OWXP-236
OWXP-237 Create custom GROW favicon https://issues.liferay.com/browse/OWXP-237
OWXP-238 Customize the HTML title of Grow https://issues.liferay.com/browse/OWXP-238