Python application which calculates the rate of dark and light parts of objects in the input picture.
For accurate results, the input image shouldn't have a very colourful background. The bigger part of the image the object, the better the results are. To avoid segmentation, the input image should have a one colour background.
Packages used:
How to use:
- [optional step] Before launch, cut the important part out from the original picture to make the calculation more accurate.
- Launch program, choose image.
- 3 window appears: a hsv colour palette, the original input image, a window which will show the segmented area.
- Let's designate a black part of the object on the original image. Can be done by one click, or by designating with a rectangle by holding the left mouse button.
- We can make the segmented area more accurate by
,Shift + h
,Shift + s
,Shift + v
buttons. The hsv colour palette may help for experts, but it's easy to reach optimal result without understanding it. - Once the segmentated area is accurate enough, we can save it in a variable. In case of black part: press b button.
- Designating the white part works the same way. Once it is ready press w button to save. (The colour sequence is optional, and works both way)
- If the 2 aera is ready and the b and w button was pushed, the results appear in the console.