Based on js-expression-eval, by Matthew Crumley ([email protected],
Ported to Python and modified by Vera Mazhuga ([email protected],
You are free to use and modify this code in anyway you find useful. Please leave this comment in the code to acknowledge its original source. If you feel like it, I enjoy hearing about projects that use my code, but don't feel like you have to let me know or ask permission.
pip install py_expression_eval
parser = Parser()
parser.parse('2 * 3').evaluate({}) # 6
parser.parse('2 ^ x').evaluate({'x': 3}) # 8
parser.parse('2 * x + 1').evaluate({'x': 3}) # 7
parser.parse('2 + 3 * x').evaluate({'x': 4}) # 14
parser.parse('(2 + 3) * x').evaluate({'x': 4}) # 20
parser.parse('2-3^x').evaluate({'x': 4}) # -79
parser.parse('-2-3^x').evaluate({'x': 4}) # -83
parser.parse('-3^x').evaluate({'x': 4}) # -81
parser.parse('(-3)^x').evaluate({'x': 4}) # 81
parser.parse('2*x + y').evaluate({'x': 4, 'y': 1}) # 9
# substitute
expr = parser.parse('2 * x + 1')
expr2 = expr.substitute('x', '4 * x') # ((2*(4*x))+1)
expr2.evaluate({'x': 3}) # 25
# simplify
expr = parser.parse('x * (y * atan(1))').simplify({'y': 4})
expr.toString() # x*3.141592
expr.evaluate({'x': 2}) # 6.283185307179586
# get variables
expr = parser.parse('x * (y * atan(1))')
expr.variables() # ['x', 'y']
expr.simplify({'y': 4}).variables() # ['x']