MyBankApp is a banking app that allows users to create an account, make deposits and withdrawals and view transactions.
- Download the Zipped folder from GitHub.
- Extract all files.
- Open the solution file in Visual Studio.
- Delete "Migration" folder if there is any.
- In "Package Manager Console", enter "Add-Migration SomeMigrationName" command followed by "Update-database" command.
- Set "BankApp" as the startup project and run the project.
- Follow the instructions in the Console to create a new account.
- Follow the above steps.
- Set "BankUI" as the startup project and run the project in IIS Express.
- In the web view, use the "Register" link to log in using the same email address as in the above steps and set a password.
- Use "Account" link to create new account, view account related data and make deposits and withdrawals.