Go study repo 2022 March
- Can implement Go Backend Service(in this season, 1)Simple Auth Server, 2)Simple Data API)
To acheive the goal, we need to learn golang, MongoDB and REST API.
Go is language implemented by Google. Motivation of Go is to replace Java, C++, Python which were used as main programming languages in Google at the moment. Many characteristics of Go are took from those three languages; powerful typings from Java, pointers and struct styled coding from C++, fast compilation from Python etc. Also from the begining, go was implemented as backend service programming. Packages that backend needs (such as tcp, fileio, http, json, logging, etc.) are included out of box. This kind of feature kept go the most lightweight and biable backend programming language in the market.
*Is Golang Dying in 2022?! - Golang Dojo - explaining current trend of Go
MongoDB is NoSql database application. Unlike RDB(Relational Database) which uses tables and relations, MongoDB uses BSON to store the data. In fact, RDB would be much suited for this project since Users are related to all kinds of data. However, for beginners who doesn't have backgrounds for database systems, NoSql concept would be much easier to learn. Also the most important feature to choose MongoDB for this project is that it provides free database.
- Download and install - Go
- Go / Golang Crash Course - Traversy Media (start from 5:55, skip the install part, ignore GOPATH related thing)
- MongoDB Atlas
- Developing a RESTful API with Golang and a MongoDB NoSQL Database - The Polyglot Developer (same, ignore GOPATH stuff)
*NOTE: Please skip install part (before 5:55) in [Go / Golang Crash Course - Traversy Media]. It is obsolete in current GO version.
- git clone this repo
- Create Branch with your name
- Create folder with your name
- Do whatever you want in your folder(follow tutorials)
- Server NDX: Porting Server Legacy from TypeScript to Go code.
- Server Auth: Authentication server of talent-handong.site