#ERDS-pe #Introduction ERDS-pe is a tool designed to detect detect CNVs from whole-exome sequencing (WES) data. ERDS-pe employs RPKM and principal component analysis to normalize WES data and incorporates RD and single-nucleotide variation information together as a hybrid signal into a paired hidden Markov model to infer CNVs from WES data. #Installation ERDS-pe is easy to run. you just need:
Python 2.7+ (Python 3 is not yet supported)
Numpy, PyVCF, Pysam libraries installed.
Target(Probe) files in bed format.
usage: python erds_pe.py [OPTIONS]
Getting RD and transformming to RPKM format
This command is to extract the read depth (RD) signal from the BAM files and to calculate RPKM values for all samples.
usage: python erds_pe.py rpkm [OPTIONS] --target <FILE> Target region file in bed format (required) --input <FILE> A list of bam files list. eg. bam_list_example.txt (required) --output <FILE> Directory for RPKM files (required)
Merge single sample RPKM files to a union data matrix
usage: python erds_pe.py merge_rpkm [OPTIONS] --rpkm_dir <FILE> Giving the RPKM files directory for taking data (required) --target <FILE> Target region file in bed format (required) --output <FILE> Output the data matrix file (optional)
This command is to normalize RPKM data matrix using principal component analysis.
usage: python erds_pe.py svd [OPTIONS] --rpkm_matrix <FILE> Giving the RPKM files PCA normalization (required) --output <FILE> Output the normalized data matrix file (optional)
Calling CNVs
This command is to call CNVs from pooled whole-exome sequencing samples.
usage: python erds_pe.py discover [OPTIONS] --params <FILE> Parameters file for HMM (required) --datafile <FILE> Normalized data matrix file (required) --output <FILE> Output the normalized data matrix file (optional) --sample <STRING> Giving a specific sample for calling (optional) --vcf <FILE> Taking SNV information from vcf file (optional) --hetsnp <BOOL> Using or not take heterogenous SNV information into HMM (optional, default FALSE) --tagsnp <BOOL> Using or not take tagSNP-copy number polymorphism information into HMM (optional, default FALSE) --tagsnp_file <FILE> A file records the linkage disequilibrium information between tagSNP and copy number polymorphism (optional)
#File Instruction
bam list file (three columns)
Column 1: Sample_name Column 2: Path of bam files Column 3: The population of the corresponding sample. e.g CEU, YRI, CHB etc.
NA06984 /data/rjtan/1000GP/exome/NA06984.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20120522.bam CEU NA06985 /data/rjtan/1000GP/exome/NA06985.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20130415.bam CEU NA06994 /data/rjtan/1000GP/exome/NA06994.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20120522.bam CEU NA07000 /data/rjtan/1000GP/exome/NA07000.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20130415.bam CEU ...
#Quick Start & a example
Step 1:
python erds_pe.py rpkm --input $bamlist_file \ --target $target_file \ --output $rpkm_files
Step 2:
python erds_pe.py merge_rpkm --rpkm_dir $rpkm_files \ --target $target_file
Step 3:
python erds_pe.py svd --rpkm_matrix $RPKM_matrix.raw.filtered
Step 4:
python erds_exome.py discover --params params.txt \ --datafile $RPKM_matrix.raw.filtered.SVD \ --sample NA12878 \ --vcf=$snv_vcf_file \ --hetsnp True \ --tagsnp Ture \ --tagsnp_file $tagsnp_file \ --output NA12878.pooled.Het.Tag.cnv
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