To run the application, ensure you have Go installed and set up.
Also install all the required dependency and set up PostgresSQL in your machine.
go get github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.1 go get gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.5.7 go get gorm.io/gorm v1.25.10 go get github.com/joho/godotenv v1.5.1 go get github.com/golang-jwt/jwt v3.2.2+incompatible
Use the following command to start the server:
go run main.go
Create a .env
file in the root directory of the project with the following structure:
# Database Configuration
#smtp credentials
SMTP_SERVER = smtp.example.com
SMTP_PORT = port-no.
EMAIL_USER = senders-email
EMAIL_PASSWORD = sender-email-password
Working of API's for managing alumni profiles, events, professional information, and achievements etc are given below.
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Authenticate and log in an alumni user, returning a JWT token and storing it in cookies.
- Request Body:
{ "Email": "[email protected]", "Password": "password" }
- Success Response:
200 OK
{ "message": "Login successful" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
To create an alumni profile with validation
- Parameters:
No parameters
- Request Body:
{ "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Fathername": "Michael Doe", "Password": "password123", "Status": "student", // "student" or "alumni" "Branch": "CSE", "BatchYear": 2022, "MobileNo": "1234567890", // unique "Email": "[email protected]", // unique "EnrollmentNo": "ENR123456", // unique "Degree": "B.Tech" }
- Success Response:
200 OK
{ "message": "OTP sent successfully" }
- Error Responses:
400 Bad Request
:{ "error": "Password cannot be empty" }
409 Conflict
(if email already exists):{ "error": "Email already exists" }
500 Internal Server Error
:{ "error": "Internal server error" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function: To check if the input OTP is correct and to register the alumni
- Parameters: None
- Request Body:
{ "Email": "[email protected]", // unique "OTP": "247077" }
- Success Response:
200 OK
{ "message":"User Verified Successfully", }
- Error Responses:
400 Bad Request
:{ "message": "Invalid OTP" }
409 Conflict
(if email already exists):{ "error": "Email already exists" }
400 Bad Reques
:{ "message": "OTP expired" }
500 Internal Server Error
:{ "error": "Internal server error" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function: To send a password reset email to the user
- Parameters: None
- Headers: None
- Request Body:
{ "email": "[email protected]" }
- Success Response:
200 OK
{ "message": "Email received for reset Password", "token": "generated_token", "email": "[email protected]" }
- Error Responses:
400 Bad Request
:{ "message": "Invalid request payload" }
404 Not Found
:{ "message": "Email not found in AlumniProfile" }
500 Internal Server Error
:{ "error": "Internal server error" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function: To reset the user's password using the token sent to their email
- Parameters: None
- Headers: None
- Request Body:
{ "NewPassWord": "newpassword123", "token": "generated_token", "email": "[email protected]", "ConfirmNewPassword": "newpassword123" }
- Success Response:
200 OK
- Description: Password has been reset successfully.
- Body:
{ "Password has been reset successfully" }
- Error Responses:
400 Bad Request
Description: Invalid input or token.
- If the request body is invalid
{ "Invalid input" }
- If the token is empty:
{ "Invalid token" }
- If the token is invalid or expired:
{ "Invalid or expired token" }
- If the token has expired:
{ "Token has expired" }
- If the passwords do not match:
{ "Passwords do not match" }
- If the request body is invalid
404 Not Found
Description: Alumni not found.
{ "Alumni not found" }
500 Internal Server Error
Description: Internal server error.
- If there is an error hashing the password:
{ "Failed to hash password" }
- If there is an error finding the alumni by email:
{ "Internal server error" }
- If there is an error updating the password:
{ "Failed to update password" }
- If there is an error hashing the password:
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to send the details of ContactUS form to the designated email address/admin.
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Request Body:
{ "Name": "John Doe", "Email": "[email protected]", "Contact": "1234567890", "Subject": "Inquiry about Alumni Event", "Message": "I would like to know more about the upcoming alumni event." }
- Success Response:
200 OK
- Description: A JSON object indicating the success of the email sending operation.
- Body:
{ "message": "mail sent successfully" }
- Error Responses:
500 Internal Server Error
- Description: Returned if there is an error sending the email.
{ "error": "Failed to send email" }
400 Bad Request
:- Description: Returned if the request body is not properly formatted JSON or missing required fields.
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to send the Feedback to the designated email address/admin.
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Request Body:
{ "Name": "John Doe", "Email": "[email protected]", "Feedback": "I really enjoyed using the platform. It is very user-friendly and efficient." }
- Success Response:
200 OK
- Description: A JSON object indicating the success of the email sending operation.
- Body:
{ "message": "mail sent successfully" }
- Error Responses:
500 Internal Server Error
- Description: Returned if there is an error sending the email.
{ "error": "Failed to send email" }
400 Bad Request
:- Description: Returned if the request body is not properly formatted JSON or missing required fields.
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to create an alumni
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Request Body:
{ "FirstName": "Mohit", "LastName": "Gusain", "Branch": "CSE", "BatchYear": 2022, "MobileNo": "966979696",//unique "Email": "[email protected]",//unique "EnrollmentNo": "08520702722",//unique "Tenth": "89.5", "Xllth": "90", "Degree": "B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile": "github.com/mohitgusain8671", "LeetCodeProfile": "leetcode.com/mohitgusain8671", "LinkedInProfile": "linkedin.com", "CodeforceProfile": "link.com", "CodeChefProfile": "", "ProfilePicture": "", "InstagramProfile": "", "TwitterProfile": "" // if any field is not mention then it value is null }
- Success Response:
{ "AlumniID":8, "FirstName":"Mohit", "LastName":"Gusain", "Branch":"CSE", "BatchYear":2022, "MobileNo":"96697nn696", "Email":"[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo":"08529702722", "Tenth":"89.5", "Xllth":"", "Degree":"B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile":"github.com/mohitgusain8671", "LeetCodeProfile":"leetcode.com/mohitgusain8671", "LinkedInProfile":"linkedin.com", "CodeforceProfile":"link.com", "CodeChefProfile":"", "ProfilePicture":"", "InstagramProfile": "", "TwitterProfile": "", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T14:06:08.561+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T14:06:08.561+05:30", }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to get details of all alumni
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Success Response:
[ { "AlumniID":8, "FirstName":"Mohit", "LastName":"Gusain", "Status": "Student", "Branch":"CSE", "BatchYear":2022, "MobileNo":"96697nn696", "Email":"[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo":"08529702722", "Tenth":"89.5", "Xllth":"", "Degree":"B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile":"github.com/mohitgusain8671", "LeetCodeProfile":"leetcode.com/mohitgusain8671", "LinkedInProfile":"linkedin.com", "CodeforceProfile":"link.com", "CodeChefProfile":"", "ProfilePicture":"", "InstagramProfile": "", "TwitterProfile": "", "GeeksForGeeksProfile": "", "CodingNinjasProfile": "", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T14:06:08.561+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T14:06:08.561+05:30" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to get details of an particular alumni by its ID
- Parameter:
here id represent AlumniID
- Success Response:
{ "AlumniID":2, "FirstName":"Sahil", "LastName":"Chauham", "Status": "Student", "Branch":"CSE", "BatchYear":2022, "MobileNo":"9839493490", "Email":"[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo":"08220802722", "Tenth":"95.5", "Xllth":"94", "Degree":"B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile":"github.com/sahil0603", "LeetCodeProfile":"leetcode.com/sahil0603", "LinkedInProfile":"linkedin.com/sahilChauhan", "CodeforceProfile":null, "CodeChefProfile":null, "ProfilePicture":null, "InstagramProfile": "", "TwitterProfile": "", "GeeksForGeeksProfile": "", "CodingNinjasProfile": "", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:02:34.902+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:02:34.902+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to update the details of an alumni
- Parameter:
Here id represent AlumniID
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID":2, "FirstName":"Vikas", "LastName":"", "MobileNo":"96684436456", "Email":"[email protected]", "Tenth":"54", "Xllth":"84", "CodeChefProfile":null // only put the item you want to update }
- Success Response:
{ "AlumniID":2, "FirstName":"Vikas", "LastName":"", "Branch":"CSE", "BatchYear":2022, "MobileNo":"96684436456", "Email":"[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo":"08220802722", "Tenth":"54", "Xllth":"84", "Degree":"B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile":"github.com/sahil0603", "LeetCodeProfile":"leetcode.com/sahil0603", "LinkedInProfile":"linkedin.com/sahilChauhan", "CodeforceProfile":null, "CodeChefProfile":null, "ProfilePicture":null, "InstagramProfile": null, "TwitterProfile": null, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:02:34.902+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T18:38:02.965+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to delete a alumni
- Parameter:
Here id represent AlumniID
- Response:
204 No Content
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to create a new event
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Request Body:
{ "title": "Annual Alumni Meetup", "description": "Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "eventType": "Networking", "modeOfEvent": "Virtual", "location": "Online", "eventDateTime": "2024-08-15T10:00:00Z" }
- Success Response:
{ "EventID":5, "Title":"Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description":"Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType":"Networking", "ModeOfEvent":"Virtual", "Location":"Online", "EventDateTime":"2024-08-15T10:00:00Z", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
return the list of all event
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Success Response:
[ { "EventID":3, "Title":"Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description":"Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType":"Networking", "ModeOfEvent":"Virtual", "Location":"Online", "EventDateTime":"2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T17:04:58.344+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T17:04:58.344+05:30" }, { "EventID":5, "Title":"Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description":"Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType":"Networking", "ModeOfEvent":"Virtual", "Location":"Online", "EventDateTime":"2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
return specific event
- Parameter:
Here id represent EventID
- Success Response:
{ "EventID":5, "Title":"Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description":"Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType":"Networking", "ModeOfEvent":"Virtual", "Location":"Online", "EventDateTime":"2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
to update the details of an event
- Parameter:
Here id represent EventID
- Request Body:
{ "location": "Google Meet", "eventDateTime": "2024-10-28T10:00:00Z" // only put the item you want to update }
- Success Response:
{ "EventID":5, "Title":"Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description":"Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType":"Networking", "ModeOfEvent":"Virtual","Location":"Google Meet", "EventDateTime":"2024-10-28T10:00:00Z", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:03:17.431+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:09:26.716+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to delete an event
- Parameter:
Here id represent EventID
- Success Response:
204 No Content
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to add professionalInfo of an alumni
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID": 2, "companyName": "Tech Solutions Inc.", "position": "Software Engineer", "startDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "endDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30" // null for current company }
- Success Response:
{ "ProfID":5, "AlumniID":2, "CompanyName":"Tech Solutions Inc.", "Position":"Software Engineer", "StartDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":null,"CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","DeletedAt":null}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
return the list of all professional Informations
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Success Response:
[ { "ProfID":1, "AlumniID":0, "CompanyName":"Tech Solutions Inc.", "Position":"Software Engineer", "StartDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"InstagramProfile":null,"TwitterProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":"","CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:10:43.344+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:10:43.344+05:30" }, { "ProfID":2, "AlumniID":2, "CompanyName":"Microsoft", "Position":"Software Engineer Intern", "StartDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"InstagramProfile":null,"TwitterProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":"","CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:11:25.505+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:11:25.505+05:30" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
return the list of all professionalInfo of an alumni
- Parameter:
url accept the params id here id represent AlumniID
- Success Response:
[ { "ProfID":4, "AlumniID":2, "CompanyName":"Tech Solutions Inc.", "Position":"Software Engineer intern", "StartDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":null,"CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","DeletedAt":null}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:43:50.428+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-03T16:17:13.509+05:30" }, { "ProfID":5, "AlumniID":2, "CompanyName":"Tech Solutions Inc.", "Position":"Software Engineer", "startDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "endDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":null,"CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","DeletedAt":null}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to update a professionalInfo of an alumni
- Parameter:
url accept the params id here id represent profID
- Request Body:
{ "companyName": "Tech Solutions Inc.", "position": "Software Engineer", "startDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "endDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30" // only put the item you want to update }
- Success Response:
{ "ProfID":4, "AlumniID":2, "CompanyName":"Tech Solutions Inc.", "Position":"Software Engineer", "startDate": "2022-07-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "endDate": "2024-02-04T19:14:09.058+05:30", "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":null,"CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","DeletedAt":null}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:43:50.428+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:22:37.061+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to delete the professionalInfo of an alumni
- Parameter:
url accept the params id here id represent profID
- Success Response:
204 No Content
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to add achievement of an alumni
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID": 1, "title": "First Prize in Coding Competition", "description": "Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "dateAchieved": "2023-05-20T15:04:05Z" }
- Success Response:
{ "AchievementID":7, "AlumniID":1, "Title":"First Prize in Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T15:04:05Z", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:24:59.596+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:24:59.596+05:30" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
return the list of all achievement
- Parameter:
No Parameter
- Success Response:
[ { "AchievementID":1, "AlumniID":1, "Title":"Winner of Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T20:34:05+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:39:00.826+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:29:20.524+05:30" }, { "AchievementID":2, "AlumniID":2, "Title":"First Prize in Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T20:34:05+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:39:46.213+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:39:46.213+05:30" }, { "AchievementID":3, "AlumniID":1, "Title":"First Prize in Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.","DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T20:34:05+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:41:20.823+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:41:20.823+05:30" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to list all achivements of an alumni
- Parameter:
url accept the params id here id represent AlumniID
- Success Response:
[ { "AchievementID":1, "AlumniID":1, "Title":"First position in Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T20:34:05+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:39:00.826+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-03T16:55:15.801+05:30", }, { "AchievementID":3, "AlumniID":1, "Title":"First Prize in Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T20:34:05+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:41:20.823+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:41:20.823+05:30" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Function:
used to update achievements of an alumni
- Parameter:
url accept the params id here id represent AchievementID
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID":1, "Title":"Winner of Coding Competition" // only put the item you want to update }
- Success Response:
{ "AchievementID":1, "AlumniID":1, "Title":"Winner of Coding Competition", "Description":"Won first prize in the national coding competition organized by ACM.", "DateAchieved":"2023-05-20T20:34:05+05:30", "CreatedAt":"2024-07-02T16:39:00.826+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-04T19:29:20.524+05:30", }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes an Achievement record by its ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the Achievement to delete.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
204 No Content
- Content: Empty response body.
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Creates a new interest or hobby for an alumni.
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID": 1, "InterestHobby": "Listening rap" }
- Success Response:
- Code:
201 Created
- Content:
{ "InterestID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "InterestHobby": "Listening rap", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Updates an existing interest or hobby by its ID.
- Request Body:
{ "InterestHobby": "Playing Videogames" }
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the interest hobby to update.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "InterestID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "InterestHobby": "Playing Videogames", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes an interest or hobby by its ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the interest hobby to delete.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
204 No Content
- Content: Empty response body.
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all interest hobbies for a specific alumni by their ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the alumni.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "InterestID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "InterestHobby": "Listening rap", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }, { "InterestID": 2, "AlumniID": 1, "InterestHobby": "Playing football", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Creates a new interview experience record for an alumni.
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Google", "JobTitle": "Backend Golang Developer", "Description": "First round is coding round and second is ...", "InterviewDate": "2024-07-01T09:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The interview went well, and I received a follow-up for the next round." }
- Success Response:
- Code:
201 Created
- Content:
{ "ExperienceID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Google", "JobTitle": "Backend Golang Developer", "Description": "First round is coding round and second is ...", "InterviewDate": "2024-07-01T09:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The interview went well, and I received a follow-up for the next round.", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description:
return the list of all Interview Experience
- Success Response:
200 Ok
[ { "ExperienceID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Google", "JobTitle": "Backend Golang Developer", "Description": "First round is coding round and second is ...", "InterviewDate": "2024-07-01T09:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The interview went well, and I received a follow-up for the next round.", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }, { "ExperienceID": 2, "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Amazon", "JobTitle": "MERN Stack Developer", "Description": "First round is DSA round, 2nd round is project showcase, 3rd is interview...", "InterviewDate": "2024-06-15T11:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The interview was challenging, but I am waiting for the results.", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Updates an existing interview experience record by its ID.
- Request Body:
{ "CompanyName": "Amazon", "Description": "First round is DSA round, 2nd round is project showcase, 3rd is interview...", "InterviewDate": "2024-08-01T10:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The final round went well and I am optimistic about the outcome." }
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the interview experience to update.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "ExperienceID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Amazon", "JobTitle": "MERN Stack Developer", "Description": "First round is DSA round, 2nd round is project showcase, 3rd is interview...", "InterviewDate": "2024-08-01T10:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The final round went well and I am optimistic about the outcome.", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes an interview experience record by its ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the interview experience to delete.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
204 No Content
- Content: Empty response body.
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all interview experiences for a specific alumni by their ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the alumni.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "ExperienceID": 1, "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Google", "JobTitle": "Backend Golang Developer", "Description": "First round is coding round and second is ...", "InterviewDate": "2024-07-01T09:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The interview went well, and I received a follow-up for the next round.", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" }, { "ExperienceID": 2, "AlumniID": 1, "CompanyName": "Amazon", "JobTitle": "MERN Stack Developer", "Description": "First round is DSA round, 2nd round is project showcase, 3rd is interview...", "InterviewDate": "2024-06-15T11:00:00Z", "OnCampus": false, "Referral": false, "Conclusion": "The interview was challenging, but I am waiting for the results.", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-06T12:00:00Z" } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Creates a new alumni attending record.
- Request Body:
{ "EventID" : 3, "AlumniID" : 8 }
- Success Response:
- Code:
201 Created
- Content:
{ "AttendID":4, "EventID":3, "AlumniID":8, "Event":{"EventID":0,"Title":"","Description":"","EventType":"","ModeOfEvent":"","Location":"","EventDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}, "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"InstagramProfile":null,"TwitterProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":"","CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-09T17:41:31.794+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-09T17:41:31.794+05:30" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all Alumni Details who are attending specific event by help of EventID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the Event.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "AlumniID": 8, "FirstName": "Mohit", "LastName": "Gusain", "Branch": "CSE", "BatchYear": 2022, "MobileNo": "96697nn696", "Email": "[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo": "08529702722", "Tenth": "89.5", "Xllth": "", "Degree": "B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile": "github.com/mohitgusain8671", "LeetCodeProfile": "leetcode.com/mohitgusain8671", "LinkedInProfile": "linkedin.com", "CodeforceProfile": "link.com", "CodeChefProfile": "", "InstagramProfile": null, "TwitterProfile": null, "ProfilePicture": "", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-04T14:06:08.561+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-04T14:06:08.561+05:30" }, { "AlumniID": 2, "FirstName": "Vikas", "LastName": "", "Branch": "CSE", "BatchYear": 2022, "MobileNo": "96684436456", "Email": "[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo": "08220802722", "Tenth": "54", "Xllth": "84", "Degree": "B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile": "github.com/sahil0603", "LeetCodeProfile": "leetcode.com/sahil0603", "LinkedInProfile": "linkedin.com/sahilChauhan", "CodeforceProfile": null, "CodeChefProfile": null, "InstagramProfile": null, "TwitterProfile": null, "ProfilePicture": "", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-02T16:02:34.902+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-04T18:38:02.965+05:30" } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all Event Details who are attending specific event by help of EventID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the Alumni.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "EventID": 1, "Title": "Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description": "Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType": "Networking", "ModeOfEvent": "Virtual", "Location": "Google Meet", "EventDateTime": "2024-10-28T15:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-02T16:03:19.83+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-02T16:50:09.953+05:30" }, { "EventID": 3, "Title": "Annual Alumni Meetup", "Description": "Join us for our annual alumni meetup where we reconnect and reminisce about our college days.", "EventType": "Networking", "ModeOfEvent": "Virtual", "Location": "Online", "EventDateTime": "2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt": "2024-07-02T17:04:58.344+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-07-02T17:04:58.344+05:30" } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Updates an existing AlumniAttending record by its ID.
- Request Body:
{ "EventID" : 3, "AlumniID" : 8 }
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the AlumniAttending record to update.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "AttendID":1, "EventID":3, "AlumniID":8, "Event":{"EventID":0,"Title":"","Description":"","EventType":"","ModeOfEvent":"","Location":"","EventDateTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}, "Alumni":{"AlumniID":0,"FirstName":"","LastName":"","Branch":"","BatchYear":0,"MobileNo":"","Email":"","EnrollmentNo":"","Tenth":"","Xllth":"","Degree":"","GithubProfile":null,"LeetCodeProfile":null,"LinkedInProfile":null,"CodeforceProfile":null,"CodeChefProfile":null,"InstagramProfile":null,"TwitterProfile":null,"ProfilePicture":"","CreatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","UpdatedAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}, "CreatedAt":"2024-07-09T17:20:55.294+05:30", "UpdatedAt":"2024-07-09T17:35:59.294+05:30" } ```
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes an AlumniAttending record by its ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the AlumniAttending Record to delete.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
204 No Content
- Content: Empty response body.
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Add a new image in gallery
- Request Body:
{ "ImageLink": "image123.jpeg", // image LINK "ImageTitle": "Alumni Reunion 23" }
- Success Response:
- Code:
201 Created
- Content:
{ "ImageID": 1, "ImageLink": "image123.jpeg", // image LINK "ImageTitle": "Alumni Reunion 23", "ImageDescription": "" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Updates an information about existing image in gallery
- Request Body:
{ "ImageDescription": "Reunion event held in 2023 for batch 2022" }
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the image to update.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "ImageID": 1, "ImageLink": "image123.jpeg", // image LINK "ImageTitle": "Alumni Reunion 23", "ImageDescription": "Reunion event held in 2023 for batch 2022" }
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes an image from gallery by its ID.
- URL Params:
- Required:
- The ID of the image to delete.
- Required:
- Success Response:
- Code:
204 No Content
- Content: Empty response body.
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all images from gallery.
- URL Params: No Parameters
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "ImageID": 1, "ImageLink": "image123.jpeg", // image LINK "ImageTitle": "Alumni Reunion 23", "ImageDescription": "Reunion event held in 2023 for batch 2022" } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves a list of album titles with a random image and the count of images for each title.
- URL Params: No Parameters
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "image_title": "Alumni Reunion 21", "image_link": "https://img.com/images/alumni2021.jpg", "image_count": 2 }, { "image_title": "Alumni Reunion 22", "image_link": "https://img.com/images/alumni_reunion_2022.jpg", "image_count": 4 }, { "image_title": "Guest Lecture Series 2024", "image_link": "https://example.com/images/guest_lecture_2024.jpg", "image_count": 1 } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all images that match the specified title.The title should be URL-encoded if it contains special characters (e.g., spaces).
- URL Params:
(path parameter): The title of the images to retrieve. - Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "ImageID": 990504068507566081, "ImageLink": "https://img.com/images/alumni2021.jpg", "ImageTitle": "Alumni Reunion 21", "ImageDescription": "Group photo of the Class of 2012 during their 10-year reunion." }, { "ImageID": 990504088507875329, "ImageLink": "https://img.com/alumni2021.jpg", "ImageTitle": "Alumni Reunion 21", "ImageDescription": "Group photo of the Class of 2012 during their 10-year reunion." } ]
- Code:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all alumnis that are attending any events.
- Success Response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "AttendID": 5674477, "EventID": 34566, "AlumniID": 6745364767, "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Position": "Panelist", "Title": "Annual Alumni Meetup", "EventDateTime": "2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30", "Location": "Online" } ]
- Code:
Description: Creates a new record of an alumni attending an event.
Request Body:
{ "AlumniID": 45789356, "Position": "Speaker", "Title": "TECH TALKS", "Description": "Speaker will give info about webD", "EventType": "Webinar", "ModeOfEvent": "Online", "Location": "Google Meet", "EventDateTime": "2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30" }
201 Created
{ "message": "Event and AlumniAttending created successfully" }
400 Bad Request: Invalid request payload.
500 Internal Server Error: If there’s a server error. and failed to create any table/data
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Update the Details about Event.
- Path Parameters:
(integer): The ID of the event.
- Request Body:
{ "AlumniID": 45789356, "Position": "Panelist", "Title": "TECH TALKS", "Description": "Speaker will give info about webD", "EventType": "Webinar", "ModeOfEvent": "Offline", "Location": "On Campus", "EventDateTime": "2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30" // Only Put field that you want to update }
- Responses:
- 200 OK
{ "message": "Event and AlumniAttending updated successfully" }
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid request payload.
- 404 Not Found: Alumni attending or Event record not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: If there’s a server error or failed to update.
Description: Retrieves all events an alumni is attending based on their
. -
Path Parameters:
(integer): The ID of the alumni.
- 200 OK
[ { "AttendID": 5674477, "EventID": 34566, "AlumniID": 6745364767, "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Position": "Panelist", "Title": "Annual Alumni Meetup", "EventDateTime": "2024-08-15T15:30:00+05:30", "Location": "Online" }, ... ]
404 Not Found: No attending records found for the given alumni ID.
500 Internal Server Error: If there’s a server error.
- URL:
- Method:
Description: Fetches a list of achievements for alumni along with their associated profile information.
Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Successfully retrieved the list of achievements.
- 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred while retrieving the data.
Response Body:
[ { "AchievementID": int64, "AlumniID": int64, "FirstName": "string", "LastName": "string", "Branch": "string", "BatchYear": int64, "Title": "string", "Description": "string", "DateAchieved": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" }, ... ]
- Refer Create API of Student Details:
NOTE:- in Request body provide the ("Status" = "student")
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Fetches a list of students.
- Response: it is same as of Fetch Alumni API
- NOTE: We need two forms one is to add alumni and other is to add professional info of alumni after alumni creation
- Add Alumni Details
- Refer Create API of Alumni Details:
NOTE:- in Request body provide the ("Status" = "alumni")
- Refer Create API of Alumni Details:
- Add Professional Info
- if you are currently working then in Enddate insert today's date
- Refer Create API of Professional Info
- use AlumniID for creation
Description: Fetches a list of alumni and its current company or the last company in which he/she works.
Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Successfully retrieved the list of achievements.
- 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred while retrieving the data.
Response Body:
[ { "AlumniID": 991079807932465153, "FullName": "Mohit Gusain", "BatchYear": 2022, "Branch": "CSE", "Email": "[email protected]", "MobileNo": "9667897066", "CurrentCompany": { "ProfID": 991083253114732545, "AlumniID": 991079807932465153, "CompanyName": "Code Solutions", "Position": "Senior Developer", "StartDate": "2024-07-01T05:30:00+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-12-31T05:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:40:04.615969+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:40:04.615969+05:30" } }, { "AlumniID": 991080155239055361, "FullName": "Mohit Gusain", "BatchYear": 2022, "Branch": "CSE", "Email": "[email protected]", "MobileNo": "96699796896", "CurrentCompany": { "ProfID": 991083122149588993, "AlumniID": 991080155239055361, "CompanyName": "Creative Solutions LLC", "Position": "Marketing Manager", "StartDate": "2022-05-01T05:30:00+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-08-01T05:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:39:24.65292+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:39:24.65292+05:30" } }, ... ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Request Body: None
- Path Parameters:
(integer): The ID of the alumni.
- Response Body: Alumni details in JSON format.
{ "AlumniID": 991080155239055361, "FirstName": "Mohit", "LastName": "Gusain", "Fathername": "", "Password": "", "status": "alumni", "Branch": "CSE", "BatchYear": 2022, "MobileNo": "96699796896", "Email": "[email protected]", "EnrollmentNo": "0895207022", "IsVerified": false, "IsApproved": false, "Code": "", "ExpiresAt": "0001-01-01T05:30:00+05:30", "Tenth": "89.5", "Xllth": "90", "Degree": "B.tech(CSE)", "GithubProfile": "github.com/mohitgusain8671", "LeetCodeProfile": "leetcode.com/mohitgusain8671", "LinkedInProfile": "linkedin.com", "CodeforceProfile": "link.com", "CodeChefProfile": "", "InstagramProfile": "", "TwitterProfile": "", "GeeksForGeeksProfile": null, "CodingNinjasProfile": null, "ProfilePicture": "", "ProfessionalInformation": [ { "ProfID": 991083008906395649, "AlumniID": 991080155239055361, "CompanyName": "Marketing Masters", "Position": "Product Marketing Specialist", "StartDate": "2024-08-02T05:30:00+05:30", "EndDate": "0001-01-01T05:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:38:49.946307+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:38:49.946307+05:30" }, { "ProfID": 991083122149588993, "AlumniID": 991080155239055361, "CompanyName": "Creative Solutions LLC", "Position": "Marketing Manager", "StartDate": "2022-05-01T05:30:00+05:30", "EndDate": "2024-08-01T05:30:00+05:30", "CreatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:39:24.65292+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:39:24.65292+05:30" } ], "Achievements": null, "InterestsHobbies": null, "AlumniAttending": null, "InterviewExperience": null, "CreatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:24:19.164954+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2024-08-01T20:24:19.164954+05:30" }
- NOTE : The news section is generated dynamically from existing tables without creating a dedicated News table. hence we cannot add new/update/delete news directly from here
- URL:
- Method:
- Request Body: None
- Response: JSON object containing all news items
[ { "title": "Achievement", "description": "Mohit Gusain achieved First Prize in Flipkart Grid on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-08-01T20:34:06.988088+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "Mohit Gusain achieved First Prize in Amazon Hackon on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-08-01T20:33:47.105+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "Mohit Gusain achieved First Prize in Hackathon on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-08-01T20:33:16.0039+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "Mohit Gusain achieved First Prize in Coding Competition on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-08-01T20:32:50.042142+05:30" }, { "title": "Upcoming Event", "description": "A TECH TALKS event is going to be held on August 15, 2024 at Google Meet.It is an Online event", "date": "2024-07-31T21:57:16.870142+05:30" }, { "title": "Upcoming Event", "description": "A TECH TALKS event is going to be held on August 15, 2024 at Google Meet.It is an Online event", "date": "2024-07-31T21:57:14.425599+05:30" }, { "title": "Upcoming Event", "description": "A TECH TALKS event is going to be held on August 15, 2024 at Google Meet.It is an Online event", "date": "2024-07-31T21:57:07.913411+05:30" }, { "title": "Upcoming Event", "description": "A TECH TALKS event is going to be held on August 15, 2024 at Google Meet.It is an Online event", "date": "2024-07-31T21:55:37.52872+05:30" }, { "title": "Professional Update", "description": "test test got placed in Google at the position of Software Engineer in 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC", "date": "2024-07-29T21:32:40.166579+05:30" }, { "title": "Professional Update", "description": "test test got placed in Tech Solutions Inc. at the position of Software Engineer in 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC", "date": "2024-07-29T21:32:11.36637+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "test test achieved on January 1, 0001.", "date": "2024-07-29T11:32:49.049891+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "test test achieved Congratulations for qualifying GATE-2023 on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-07-29T11:02:17.194358+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "John Doe achieved Third Prize in ICPC on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-07-29T10:58:38.622578+05:30" }, { "title": "Achievement", "description": "John Doe achieved Won the Flipkart Grid on May 20, 2023.", "date": "2024-07-29T10:51:45.46616+05:30" }, { "title": "Upcoming Event", "description": "A Know your alumni event is going to be held on August 15, 2024 at oncampus.It is an Offline event", "date": "2024-07-20T13:15:51.391998+05:30" }, { "title": "Upcoming Event", "description": "A Annual Alumni Meetup event is going to be held on August 15, 2024 at Online.It is an Virtual event", "date": "2024-07-20T13:14:45.366126+05:30" } ]
Description: Fetches a list of data which is not approved by admin in given table
Query Parameters:
(string): The name of the table to fetch data from. Valid values are:alumni
- 200 OK - Successful retrieval of data.
Response Body:
[ { "AlumniID": 1001, "FullName": "John Doe", "Status": "student", "IsApproved": false // other fields... }, ... ]
- For
[ { "AchievementID": 1, "AlumniID": 1001, "Title": "Top Innovator", "Description": "Awarded for innovative project.", "DateAchieved": "2024-01-15T00:00:00Z", "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Branch": "Computer Science", "BatchYear": 2022, "Email": "[email protected]" }, ... ]
- For
[ { "AlumniID": 1001, "FullName": "John Doe", "CurrentCompany": { "CompanyName": "Tech Innovations", "Position": "Software Engineer", "StartDate": "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z", "EndDate": null }, "Branch": "Computer Science", "BatchYear": 2022, "Email": "[email protected]", "MobileNo": "+1234567890" }, ... ]
- 200 OK - Successful retrieval of data.
400 Bad Request - Invalid
parameter value.-
Response Body:
{ "error": "Invalid table name" }
500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred while fetching data from the database
- Response Body:
{ "error": "Error fetching data" }
Request Body: The request body should be in JSON format and include the following fields:
(string): The type of the request. Valid values are:achievement
(integer): The unique identifier of the request item to be updated or deleted. -
(boolean): The approval status of the request. Iftrue
, the request will be updated to approved. Iffalse
, the request will be deleted. -
Example Request Body:
{ "type": "achievement", "id": 123, "isApproved": true }
- Approval: If isApproved is true, the endpoint updates the isApproved status of the specified request item to true.
- Rejection: If isApproved is false, the endpoint deletes the specified request item.
200 OK
- The approval status was updated successfully.- Response Body:
Approval status updated successfully
400 Bad Request
- The request body is invalid or the type parameter is unknown.- Response Body:
{ "error": "Unknown type" }
500 Internal Server Error
- An error occurred while updating or deleting the request item. Error message can be any internal error- Response Body:
{ "error": "Error message" }
The API will automatically create the necessary database tables if they do not exist when an endpoint is accessed.
The API will return appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages for invalid requests or server errors.
400 Bad Request
: The request was invalid.404 Not Found
: The requested record was not found.500 Internal Server Error
: An error occurred on the server.