Releases: tdep-developers/tdep
Releases · tdep-developers/tdep
What's Changed
- fix | submodule import for some Intel compilers by @flokno in #41
- Add off-diagonal contribution to the thermal conductivity in BTE solver by @OrbitalC in #48
- Small fixes to recover_dump_dynmat before merge by @flokno in #53
- first stab to recover dump_dynamical_matrices in public branch by @mjv500 in #49
- fix issue 59 | samples_from_md should only be used for MDs by @flokno in #60
- MAINT: lineshape options, simulation dataset by @flokno in #63
- fix | linking for dump_dynamical_matrices (#76) by @flokno in #79
- mdsim | fix displacement unit (-> A), add velocities by @flokno in #85
- ENH: Add phasespace surface by @flokno in #69
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 24.01...24.09
TDEP release 24.01
TDEP public release after JOSS review
What's Changed
- Add code for anharmonic_free_energy by @flokno in #4
- Remove converters for release by @flokno in #5
- Installation instructions by @flokno in #6
- Add Testsuite by @flokno in #7
- Dump U0 plus statistics per default by @flokno in #8
- install | clarify GNUPLOTTERMINAL by @flokno in #13
- refine | re-enable symmetrizing supercells by @flokno in #20
- Correcting forces statistics for high-order force constants in extract_forceconstants by @OrbitalC in #25
- Add docs by @flokno in #9
- BUG: Fix IO for LAMMPS and Siesta by @flokno in #36
- Add a lower limit to the mixing parameter in thermal conductivity by @OrbitalC in #26
- Adding classical limit in anharmonic free energy by @OrbitalC in #18
- Save energies from force constants for each sample by @flokno in #38
- JOSS Paper and release by @flokno in #2
New Contributors
Full Changelog: