This is a repo to keep track of my dotfiles. Each OS is a branch. Right now I have an OSX and Linux(Ubuntu) specific branch. As I experiment with more distros I will add more branches.
Added in shell scripts and list of brew & brew cask packages
- git clone target ~/bin/
- ln -s original target vimrc, bashrc, bash_profile, gitconfig, gitignore_global => must use full path
- git prompt => git clone https://github.com/magicmonty/bash-git-prompt.git ~/.bash-git-prompt --depth=1
- vim plugin mngr: vim-plug => mkdir ~/.vim/autoload/ => download vim-plug => vim any file run :PlugInstall => reload vim
- iterm2: config/MC_NORD
Formulae | Casks |
bash-completion | alfred |
bash-git-prompt | iterm2 |
python3 |
- TODO's
- add in gulpfile & separate bash/js scripts => concat
- include all npm packages set up to global
- create bash script to setup new workstation
- create bash script to setup new server
- clean up vimrc
- locate all .rc files for current packages/apps