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gailweiss committed Jun 24, 2018
0 parents commit ddff739
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Showing 18 changed files with 2,303 additions and 0 deletions.
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
import graphviz as gv
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.display import display
import functools
from copy import deepcopy, copy
import itertools
import Lstar
from random import randint, shuffle
import random
from time import clock
import string

digraph = functools.partial(gv.Digraph, format='png')
graph = functools.partial(gv.Graph, format='png')

separator = "_"

class DFA:
def __init__(self,obs_table):
self.alphabet = obs_table.A #alphabet
self.Q = [s for s in obs_table.S if s==obs_table.minimum_matching_row(s)] #avoid duplicate states
self.q0 = obs_table.minimum_matching_row("")
self.F = [s for s in self.Q if obs_table.T[s]== 1]

def _make_transition_function(self,obs_table): = {}
for s in self.Q:[s] = {}
for a in self.alphabet:[s][a] = obs_table.minimum_matching_row(s+a)

def classify_word(self,word):
#assumes word is string with only letters in alphabet
q = self.q0
for a in word:
q =[q][a]
return q in self.F

def draw_nicely(self,force=False,maximum=60): #todo: if two edges are identical except for letter, merge them and note both the letters
if (not force) and len(self.Q) > maximum:

#suspicion: graphviz may be upset by certain sequences, avoid them in nodes
label_to_number_dict = {False:0} #false is never a label but gets us started
def label_to_numberlabel(label):
max_number = max(label_to_number_dict[l] for l in label_to_number_dict)
if not label in label_to_number_dict:
label_to_number_dict[label] = max_number + 1
return str(label_to_number_dict[label])

def add_nodes(graph, nodes): #stolen from
for n in nodes:
if isinstance(n, tuple):
graph.node(n[0], **n[1])
return graph

def add_edges(graph, edges): #stolen from
for e in edges:
if isinstance(e[0], tuple):
graph.edge(*e[0], **e[1])
return graph

g = digraph()
g = add_nodes(g, [(label_to_numberlabel(self.q0), {'color':'green' if self.q0 in self.F else 'black',
'shape': 'hexagon', 'label':'start'})])
states = list(set(self.Q)-{self.q0})
g = add_nodes(g, [(label_to_numberlabel(state),{'color': 'green' if state in self.F else 'black',
'label': str(i)})
for state,i in zip(states,range(1,len(states)+1))])

def group_edges():
def clean_line(line,group):
line = line.split(separator)
line = sorted(line) + ["END"]
in_sequence= False
last_a = ""
clean = line[0]
if line[0] in group:
in_sequence = True
first_a = line[0]
last_a = line[0]
for a in line[1:]:
if in_sequence:
if a in group and (ord(a)-ord(last_a))==1: #continue sequence
last_a = a
else: #break sequence
#finish sequence that was
if (ord(last_a)-ord(first_a))>1:
clean += ("-" + last_a)
elif not last_a == first_a:
clean += (separator + last_a)
#else: last_a==first_a -- nothing to add
in_sequence = False
#check if there is a new one
if a in group:
first_a = a
last_a = a
in_sequence = True
if not a=="END":
clean += (separator + a)
if a in group: #start sequence
first_a = a
last_a = a
in_sequence = True
if not a=="END":
clean += (separator+a)
return clean

edges_dict = {}
for state in self.Q:
for a in self.alphabet:
edge_tuple = (label_to_numberlabel(state),label_to_numberlabel([state][a]))
# print(str(edge_tuple)+" "+a)
if not edge_tuple in edges_dict:
edges_dict[edge_tuple] = a
edges_dict[edge_tuple] += separator+a
# print(str(edge_tuple)+" = "+str(edges_dict[edge_tuple]))
for et in edges_dict:
edges_dict[et] = clean_line(edges_dict[et], string.ascii_lowercase)
edges_dict[et] = clean_line(edges_dict[et], string.ascii_uppercase)
edges_dict[et] = clean_line(edges_dict[et], "0123456789")
edges_dict[et] = edges_dict[et].replace(separator,",")
return edges_dict

edges_dict = group_edges()
g = add_edges(g,[(e,{'label':edges_dict[e]}) for e in edges_dict])
# print('\n'.join([str(((str(state),str([state][a])),{'label':a})) for a in self.alphabet for state in
# self.Q]))
# g = add_edges(g,[((label_to_numberlabel(state),label_to_numberlabel([state][a])),{'label':a})
# for a in self.alphabet for state in self.Q])

def minimal_diverging_suffix(self,state1,state2): #gets series of letters showing the two states are different,
# i.e., from which one state reaches accepting state and the other reaches rejecting state
# assumes of course that the states are in the automaton and actually not equivalent
res = None
# just use BFS til you reach an accepting state
# after experiments: attempting to use symmetric difference on copies with s1,s2 as the starting state, or even
# just make and minimise copies of this automaton starting from s1 and s2 before starting the BFS,
# is slower than this basic BFS, so don't
seen_states = set()
new_states = {("",(state1,state2))}
while len(new_states) > 0:
prefix,state_pair = new_states.pop()
s1,s2 = state_pair
if len([q for q in [s1,s2] if q in self.F])== 1: # intersection of self.F and [s1,s2] is exactly one state,
# meaning s1 and s2 are classified differently
res = prefix
for a in self.alphabet:
next_state_pair = ([s1][a],[s2][a])
next_tuple = (prefix+a,next_state_pair)
if not next_tuple in new_states and not next_state_pair in seen_states:
return res
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions
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from time import clock
from ObservationTable import TableTimedOut
from DFA import DFA
from Teacher import Teacher
from Lstar import run_lstar

def extract(rnn,time_limit = 50,initial_split_depth = 10,starting_examples=None):
print("provided counterexamples are:",starting_examples)
guided_teacher = Teacher(rnn,num_dims_initial_split=initial_split_depth,starting_examples=starting_examples)
start = clock()
except KeyboardInterrupt: #you can press the stop button in the notebook to stop the extraction any time
print("lstar extraction terminated by user")
except TableTimedOut:
print("observation table timed out during refinement")
end = clock()
extraction_time = end-start

dfa = guided_teacher.dfas[-1]

print("overall guided extraction time took: " + str(extraction_time))

print("generated counterexamples were: (format: (counterexample, counterexample generation time))")
print('\n'.join([str(a) for a in guided_teacher.counterexamples_with_times]))
return dfa
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions
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import dynet as dy
from Helper_Functions import map_nested_dict

class GRUCell:
def __init__(self,input_dim,output_dim,pc):
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.pc = pc
self.gate_names = ["z","r","htilde"]
self.gate_activations = [dy.logistic]*2+[dy.tanh]
#todo: generalise to layers
self.parameters = {"W":{"x":{},"h":{}},"b":{}}
for gate in self.gate_names:
self.parameters["W"]["x"][gate] = self.pc.add_parameters((self.output_dim,self.input_dim))
self.parameters["W"]["h"][gate] = self.pc.add_parameters((self.output_dim,self.output_dim)) #takes its own previous output
self.parameters["b"][gate] = self.pc.add_parameters((self.output_dim))
self.parameters["h0"] = self.pc.add_parameters((self.output_dim))


def store_expressions(self):
self.expressions = map_nested_dict(self.parameters,dy.parameter)
self.initial_h = self.parameters["h0"].expr()

def gate_vecs(self,ht1,xt):
b = self.expressions["b"]
W = self.expressions["W"]
gate_vecs = {}
for g,activation in zip(self.gate_names,self.gate_activations):
hin = ht1 if not g=="htilde" else dy.cmult(gate_vecs["r"],ht1)
gate_vecs[g] = activation(dy.affine_transform([b[g],
return gate_vecs

def gate_and_next_vecs(self,ht1,xt):
v = self.gate_vecs(ht1,xt)
h = dy.cmult(v["z"],ht1)+dy.cmult(1-v["z"],v["htilde"])
res = v
return res

from functools import reduce
from operator import add
class GRUNetworkState:
def __init__(self,hs=None,full_vec=None,hidden_dim=None):
if not None in [full_vec,hidden_dim]:
hvec = full_vec
self.hs = [dy.inputVector(hvec[i*hidden_dim:(i+1)*hidden_dim]) for i in range(int(len(hvec)/hidden_dim))]
elif not None in [hs]:
self.hs = hs #list of h expressions
raise MissingInput()

def output(self):
return self.hs[-1]

def as_vec(self):
return reduce(add,[h.value() for h in self.hs])
# return np.concatenate([h.npvalue() for h in self.hs]).tolist()

class GRUNetwork:
def __init__(self,num_layers=None,input_dim=None,hidden_dim=None,pc=None,output_dim=None):
if None in [num_layers,input_dim,hidden_dim,pc] or (num_layers <= 0):
raise MissingInput()
if None == output_dim:
output_dim = hidden_dim

self.num_layers = num_layers
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.pc = pc
self.state_class = GRUNetworkState

self.layers = []
if self.num_layers > 1:
for _ in range(num_layers-2):

def all_gate_and_next_vecs(self,state,input_vec):
res = []
x = input_vec
for layer,h in zip(self.layers,state.hs):
x = res[-1]["h"] #output of one layer is input to the next
return res

def next_state(self,state,input_vec):
v = self.all_gate_and_next_vecs(state,input_vec)
hs = [lvals["h"] for lvals in v]
return GRUNetworkState(hs=hs)

def store_expressions(self):
for l in self.layers:
self.initial_state = GRUNetworkState(hs=[l.initial_h for l in self.layers])
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import itertools
import random

def mean(num_list):
return sum(num_list)*1.0/len(num_list)

def n_words_of_length(n,length,alphabet):
if 50*n >= pow(len(alphabet),length):
res = all_words_of_length(length, alphabet)
return res[:n]
#else if 50*n < total words to be found, i.e. looking for 1/50th of the words or less
res = set()
while len(res)<n:
word = ""
for _ in range(length):
word += random.choice(alphabet)
return list(res)

def all_words_of_length(length,alphabet):
return [''.join(list(b)) for b in itertools.product(alphabet, repeat=length)]

def compare(network,classifier,length,num_examples=1000,provided_samples=None):
if not None == provided_samples:
words = provided_samples
words = n_words_of_length(num_examples,length,network.alphabet)
disagreeing_words = [w for w in words if not (network.classify_word(w) == classifier.classify_word(w))]
return 1-(len(disagreeing_words)/len(words)), disagreeing_words

def map_nested_dict(d,mapper):
if not isinstance(d,dict):
return mapper(d)
return {k:map_nested_dict(d[k],mapper) for k in d}

class MissingInput(Exception):

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