The document describes the automated flink-kubernetes-operator OLM bundle generation process for each release. For every release, we publish new bundle to two online catalogs. Each catalog has a Github repository that uses similar publishing process.
The community-operators-prod catalog comes with OCP (Openshift Container Platform) by default. The community-operator catalog can be optionally installed on kubernetes clusters.
The following steps ran on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 VM. DO NOT run on an existing OS or data lose may occur. Clone the olm repo into the flink-kubernetes-operator repo:
git clone
cd flink-kubernetes-operator
git clone
cd olm
Optionally install the required packages for development for the first time:
Change the variables in
if necessary.
Make sure you have logged in your container image registry. DockerHub example:
docker login -u <registry_org>
Login Succeeded
This will generate bundle, catalog images, and deploy the Operator from local catalog.
Deploy a Flink job to verify the operator:
kubectl create -f
After verifying, the bundle image and catalog image are no longer needed. We only need the bundle folder which has the following files:
├── bundle.Dockerfile
├── manifests
│ ├── flink.apache.org_flinkdeployments.yaml
│ ├── flink.apache.org_flinksessionjobs.yaml
│ ├── flink-kubernetes-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
│ ├── flink-operator-config_v1_configmap.yaml
│ ├── flink-operator-webhook-secret_v1_secret.yaml
│ ├── flink_rbac.authorization.k8s.io_v1_role.yaml
│ ├── flink-role-binding_rbac.authorization.k8s.io_v1_rolebinding.yaml
│ └── flink_v1_serviceaccount.yaml
└── metadata
└── annotations.yaml
Clone your forked community-operators repo
git clone
The bundle(i.e. 1.3.0) folder is all we need to commit into the community-operators repo. Copy the new bundle into the forked community-operators repo
cp -r <flink-kubernetes-operator>/olm/1.3.0 <community-operators>/operators/flink-kubernetes-operator/
Run test suites
cd <community-operators>
OPP_PRODUCTION_TYPE=k8s OPP_AUTO_PACKAGEMANIFEST_CLUSTER_VERSION_LABEL=1 bash <(curl -sL all operators/flink-kubernetes-operator/1.3.0
The expected output:
Test 'kiwi' : [ OK ]
Test 'lemon_latest' : [ OK ]
Test 'orange_latest' : [ OK ]
After the tests pass, commit and push the new bundle to a branch to create a PR.
Repeat the same process for adding new bundle to the community-operator-prod repo. For this repo, run the CI test suits using:
cd <community-operators-prod>
OPP_PRODUCTION_TYPE=ocp OPP_AUTO_PACKAGEMANIFEST_CLUSTER_VERSION_LABEL=1 bash <(curl -sL all operators/flink-kubernetes-operator/1.3.0
See detail for running CI test suits here.