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Bump Pipeline, k8s, and Knative dependencies
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This change uses non-tagged commits from `` and `` because
their `v0.31.0` releases require a minimum k8s cluster version of 1.22, and I wanted to avoid
requiring that if at all possible. Instead, we depend on the latest commit in each before they
changed to depending on a `` commit newer than the one Pipeline depends on.

Also add a Makefile, sync `.golangci.yml` with Pipeline's (other than requiring comments for
exported functions/types/etc, which I'll come back and do in a followup), and fix some new-as-a-result
linter issues.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Bayer <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
abayer authored and tekton-robot committed Apr 29, 2022
1 parent 693f951 commit 7146397
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 819 changed files with 60,754 additions and 8,827 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,3 +39,15 @@

# Python

# Release-generated source archives, just in case they get committed
# accidentally.

# binaries

# Temporary GOPATH used during code gen if user's Tekton checkout is
# not already in GOPATH.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions .golangci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,30 @@ run:
- vendor
- pkg/client/clientset/(.*)/fake
- pkg/client/injection
- .*/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
- pkg/apis/triggers/v1beta1/openapi_generated.go
exclude: .errcheck.txt
- deadcode
- errcheck
- gofmt
- goimports
- gomodguard
- gosec
- gocritic
- revive
- misspell
- unconvert
- path: _test\.go
- errcheck
- gosec
max-issues-per-linter: 0
max-same-issues: 0
# TODO(abayer): Enable off-by-default rules for revive requiring that all exported elements have a properly formatted comment, like we do in Pipeline.
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
MODULE = $(shell env GO111MODULE=on $(GO) list -m)
DATE ?= $(shell date +%FT%T%z)
VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty --match=v* 2> /dev/null || \
cat $(CURDIR)/.version 2> /dev/null || echo v0)
PKGS = $(or $(PKG),$(shell env GO111MODULE=on $(GO) list ./... | grep -v 'github\.com\/tektoncd\/triggers\/third_party\/'))
TESTPKGS = $(shell env GO111MODULE=on $(GO) list -f \
'{{ if or .TestGoFiles .XTestGoFiles }}{{ .ImportPath }}{{ end }}' \
BIN = $(CURDIR)/.bin


GO = go
V = 0
Q = $(if $(filter 1,$V),,@)
M = $(shell printf "\033[34;1m🐱\033[0m")

export GO111MODULE=on

COMMANDS=$(patsubst cmd/%,%,$(wildcard cmd/*))
BINARIES=$(addprefix bin/,$(COMMANDS))

.PHONY: all
all: fmt $(BINARIES) | $(BIN) ; $(info $(M) building executable…) @ ## Build program binary

@mkdir -p $@
$(BIN)/%: | $(BIN) ; $(info $(M) building $(PACKAGE)…)
$Q tmp=$$(mktemp -d); \
env GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=$$tmp GOBIN=$(BIN) $(GO) get $(PACKAGE) \
|| ret=$$?; \
rm -rf $$tmp ; exit $$ret


bin/%: cmd/% FORCE
$Q $(GO) build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) -v -o $@ ./$<

.PHONY: cross
cross: amd64 arm arm64 s390x ppc64le ## build cross platform binaries

.PHONY: amd64
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/...

.PHONY: arm
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/...

.PHONY: arm64
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/...

.PHONY: s390x
GOOS=linux GOARCH=s390x go build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/...

.PHONY: ppc64le
GOOS=linux GOARCH=ppc64le go build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/...

KO = $(or ${KO_BIN},${KO_BIN},$(BIN)/ko)

.PHONY: apply
apply: | $(KO) ; $(info $(M) ko apply -R -f config/) @ ## Apply config to the current cluster
$Q $(KO) apply -R -f config

.PHONY: resolve
resolve: | $(KO) ; $(info $(M) ko resolve -R -f config/) @ ## Resolve config to the current cluster
$Q $(KO) resolve --push=false --oci-layout-path=$(BIN)/oci -R -f config

.PHONY: generated
generated: | vendor ; $(info $(M) update generated files) ## Update generated files
$Q ./hack/

.PHONY: vendor
$Q ./hack/

## Tests
TEST_UNIT_TARGETS := test-unit-verbose test-unit-race
test-unit-verbose: ARGS=-v
test-unit-race: ARGS=-race
$(TEST_UNIT_TARGETS): test-unit
test-unit: ## Run unit tests
$(GO) test -timeout $(TIMEOUT_UNIT) $(ARGS) ./...

TEST_E2E_TARGETS := test-e2e-short test-e2e-verbose test-e2e-race
test-e2e-short: ARGS=-short
test-e2e-verbose: ARGS=-v
test-e2e-race: ARGS=-race
$(TEST_E2E_TARGETS): test-e2e
.PHONY: $(TEST_E2E_TARGETS) test-e2e
test-e2e: ## Run end-to-end tests
$(GO) test -timeout $(TIMEOUT_E2E) -tags e2e $(ARGS) ./test/...

.PHONY: test-yamls
test-yamls: ## Run yaml tests
./test/ --run-tests

.PHONY: check tests
check tests: test-unit test-e2e test-yamls

RAM = $(BIN)/ram

.PHONY: watch-test
watch-test: | $(RAM) ; $(info $(M) watch and run tests) @ ## Watch and run tests
$Q $(RAM) -- -failfast

.PHONY: watch-resolve
watch-resolve: | $(KO) ; $(info $(M) watch and resolve config) @ ## Watch and build to the current cluster
$Q $(KO) resolve -W --push=false --oci-layout-path=$(BIN)/oci -f config 1>/dev/null

.PHONY: watch-config
watch-config: | $(KO) ; $(info $(M) watch and apply config) @ ## Watch and apply to the current cluster
$Q $(KO) apply -W -f config

## Linters configuration and targets
# TODO(vdemeester) gofmt and goimports checks (run them with -w and make a diff)

GOLINT = $(BIN)/golint

.PHONY: golint
golint: | $(GOLINT) ; $(info $(M) running golint…) @ ## Run golint
$Q $(GOLINT) -set_exit_status $(PKGS)

.PHONY: vet
vet: | ; $(info $(M) running go vet…) @ ## Run go vet
$Q go vet ./...

INEFFASSIGN = $(BIN)/ineffassign

.PHONY: ineffassign
ineffassign: | $(INEFFASSIGN) ; $(info $(M) running static ineffassign…) @ ## Run ineffassign

STATICCHECK = $(BIN)/staticcheck

.PHONY: staticcheck
staticcheck: | $(STATICCHECK) ; $(info $(M) running static check…) @ ## Run staticcheck

DUPL = $(BIN)/dupl

.PHONY: dupl
dupl: | $(DUPL) ; $(info $(M) running dupl…) ## Run dupl
$Q $(DUPL)

ERRCHECK = $(BIN)/errcheck

.PHONY: errcheck
errcheck: | $(ERRCHECK) ; $(info $(M) running errcheck…) ## Run errcheck
$Q $(ERRCHECK) ./...

GOLANGCILINT = $(BIN)/golangci-lint
$(BIN)/golangci-lint: ; $(info $(M) getting golangci-lint $(GOLANGCI_VERSION))
cd tools; GOBIN=$(BIN) go install$(GOLANGCI_VERSION)

.PHONY: golangci-lint
golangci-lint: | $(GOLANGCILINT) ; $(info $(M) running golangci-lint…) @ ## Run golangci-lint
$Q $(GOLANGCILINT) run --modules-download-mode=vendor --max-issues-per-linter=0 --max-same-issues=0 --deadline 5m

GOIMPORTS = $(BIN)/goimports

.PHONY: goimports
goimports: | $(GOIMPORTS) ; $(info $(M) running goimports…) ## Run goimports
$Q $(GOIMPORTS) -l -e -w pkg cmd test

.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ; $(info $(M) running gofmt…) @ ## Run gofmt on all source files
$Q $(GO) fmt $(PKGS)

# Misc

.PHONY: clean
clean: ; $(info $(M) cleaning…) @ ## Cleanup everything
@rm -rf $(BIN)
@rm -rf bin
@rm -rf test/tests.* test/coverage.*

.PHONY: help
@grep -hE '^[ a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-17s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

.PHONY: version

@echo $(VERSION)
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions cmd/controller/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ var (
writeTimeOut = flag.Int64("el-writetimeout", elresources.DefaultWriteTimeout, "The write timeout for EventListener Server.")
idleTimeOut = flag.Int64("el-idletimeout", elresources.DefaultIdleTimeout, "The idle timeout for EventListener Server.")
timeOutHandler = flag.Int64("el-timeouthandler", elresources.DefaultTimeOutHandler, "The timeout for Timeout Handler of EventListener Server.")
httpClientReadTimeOut = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-readtimeout", int64(elresources.DefaultHTTPClientReadTimeOut),
httpClientReadTimeOut = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-readtimeout", elresources.DefaultHTTPClientReadTimeOut,
"The HTTP Client read timeout for EventListener Server.")
httpClientKeepAlive = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-keep-alive", int64(elresources.DefaultHTTPClientKeepAlive),
httpClientKeepAlive = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-keep-alive", elresources.DefaultHTTPClientKeepAlive,
"The HTTP Client read timeout for EventListener Server.")
httpClientTLSHandshakeTimeout = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-tlshandshaketimeout", int64(elresources.DefaultHTTPClientTLSHandshakeTimeout),
httpClientTLSHandshakeTimeout = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-tlshandshaketimeout", elresources.DefaultHTTPClientTLSHandshakeTimeout,
"The HTTP Client read timeout for EventListener Server.")
httpClientResponseHeaderTimeout = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-responseheadertimeout", int64(elresources.DefaultHTTPClientResponseHeaderTimeout),
httpClientResponseHeaderTimeout = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-responseheadertimeout", elresources.DefaultHTTPClientResponseHeaderTimeout,
"The HTTP Client read timeout for EventListener Server.")
httpClientExpectContinueTimeout = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-expectcontinuetimeout", int64(elresources.DefaultHTTPClientExpectContinueTimeout),
httpClientExpectContinueTimeout = flag.Int64("el-httpclient-expectcontinuetimeout", elresources.DefaultHTTPClientExpectContinueTimeout,
"The HTTP Client read timeout for EventListener Server.")
periodSeconds = flag.Int("period-seconds", elresources.DefaultPeriodSeconds, "The Period Seconds for the EventListener Liveness and Readiness Probes.")
failureThreshold = flag.Int("failure-threshold", elresources.DefaultFailureThreshold, "The Failure Threshold for the EventListener Liveness and Readiness Probes.")
Expand Down

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