pip in /. for pip, poetry-pre-commit-plugin, tm-devices, codespell, pygments, pymdown-extensions, psutil, beautifulsoup4, certifi, charset-normalizer, coverage[toml], dataproperty, dnspython, markupsafe, mbstrdecoder, networkx, pathvalidate, pytablewriter, pytz, setuptools, six, tabledata, tcolorpy, typepy, typepy[datetime], urllib3, click, editorconfig, inflect, jsbeautifier, mkdocs-autorefs, more-itertools, termcolor, typeguard, watchdog - Update #965912513 #76
1 error
Dependabot encountered an error performing the update
Error: The updater encountered one or more errors.
For more information see: https://github.com/tektronix/TekHSI/network/updates/965912513 (write access to the repository is required to view the log)