CREATING NEW WEB PROJECT SYMFONY symfony new gestion_salle --webapp
INSTALLING TAILWIND composer require symfonycasts/tailwind-bundle php bin/console tailwind:init php bin/console tailwind:build --watch
ENTITIES EVENTTYPE symfony console make:entity EventType name varchar 255 not null description varchar 255 nullable
symfony console make:entity Address
number int not null
street varchar 255 not null
country varchar120 not null
city varchar120 not null
codePostal varchar120 not null
symfony console make:entity Ergonomy
name varchar180 not null
description varchar255 nullable
symfony console make:entity Equipment
name varchar180 not null
description varchar255 nullable
type varchar180 not null
symfony console make:user
symfony console make:entity Notification
message varchar255 not null
createdAt datetime_immutable not null
isRead boolean not null
userId M21 with User (Notification.userId allowed nullable?: No, OrphanRemoval?: no)
symfony console make:entity Hall
name varchar255 not null
area varchar120 not null
accessibility varchar255 not null
capacityMax integer not null
pricePerHour decimal not null (Precision 5, scale 2)
openingTime time not null
closingTime time not null
eventTypeId 121 with EventType(Hall.eventTypeId nullable?: No, eventType->getHall(): yes)
addresseId 121 with Address(Hall.addressId nullable?: No)
mainImg varchar255 not null
symfony console make:entity Reservation
startDate date not null
endDate date not null
startTime time not null
endTime time not null
isConfirmed boolean not null
specialRequest varchar 255 nullable
userId ManyToOne with User (Reservation.userId nullable?: No, OrphanRemoval? :no)
hallId ManyToOne with Hall( Reservation.hallId nullable? : No, OrphanRemoval? : no)
createdAt datetime_immutable not null
updatedAt datetime_immutable not null
.env.local database name db_hall_management
CREATION BDD symfony console d:d:c symfony console make:migration symfony console d:m:m
FIXTURES composer require orm-fixtures --dev composer require fakerphp/faker
LOADED THE FIXTURES symfony console d:f:l
app_hall_edit app_hall_show app_hall_show_all app_hall_delete
app_ergonomy_edit app_ergonomy_delete
CREATING SECURITY CONTROLLER AND REGISTRATION FORM symfony console make:security:form-login SecurityController with /logout and no phpUnit test
INSTALLED UX ICON FROM SYMFONY composer require symfony/ux-twig-component composer require symfony/ux-icon
ADMIN composer req easycorp/easyadmin-bundle symfony console make:admin:dashboard symfony console make:admin:crud
symfony console make:registration-form (UniqueEntity validation?: Yes, send Email?: Yes, include userid in verifcation link?: No, email?: [email protected],name?: hall4all)
composer require symfonycasts/verify-email-bundle
To launch the server mailer
symfony console messenger:consume async -vv
ADDED NEW ENTITY symfony console make:entity Images title varchar 120 not null img varchar255 not null
symfony console make:entity HallEquipment hallId M21 with Hall (HallEquipment.hallId nullable?: No, $hall->getHallEquipment()?: yes , orphanRemoval?: Yes) equipmentId M21 with equipment
symfony console make:entity HallErgonomy hallId M21 with Hall ergonomyId M21 with Ergonomy
symfony console make:entity HallImage hallId M21 with Hall imgId M21 with Images
PAYMENT WITH STRIPE composer require stripe/stripe-php
add PK and SK of Stripe in your .env
PAYMENT Table symfony console make:entity Payment reservationId 121 with Reservation (payment.reservationId nullable ?: No, reservation->getPayment()?: Yes) type varchar 180 Not null amount decimal Not Null (precision:5, scale:2, nullable?: No) paymentStatus varchar 255 Not Null createdAt datetime_immutable Not Null updatedAt datetime_immutable Not Null paymentDate datetime_immutable Not Null
Added PaymentService and HourCalculator inside src/Service and changed in service.yaml (added Stripe api under parameter and different services made under services) parameters: STRIPE_API_PK: '%env(STRIPE_API_PK)%' STRIPE_API_SK: '%env(STRIPE_API_SK)%' services: App\Service\HourCalculator: ~ App\Service\PaymentService: ~
CHANGE IN USER ENTITY symfony console make:entity User fullName varchar 255 not null address varchar 255 Nullable
creation twig CRUD with form index.html.twig new.html.twig edit.html.twig delete.html.twig
CREATED PAYMENT CONTROLLER symfony console make:controller Payment
Reservvation table changed to add totalPrice symfony console make:entity Reservation totalPrice decimal(Precision: 10; Scale 2) Nullable
Full Calender Library Added with its JS and CSS code under public-CSS and -JS and a fullCalender.html.twig with the display of the calender and route for the calender is defined under HallController
sync: 'sync://'
routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: sync Symfony\Component\Notifier\Message\ChatMessage: sync Symfony\Component\Notifier\Message\SmsMessage: sync
Dans src, créer le dossier DTO, le fichier contactDTO.php
Creer make:form Contact => ContactType.php
!!! composer mailer et composer require symfony/twig-bundle sont déjà installé lorsque composer require webapp
Sending Emails with Mailer
Creating Sending Messages.
HTML Content :