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Zeal ORM

Zeal is an ORM layer for Zend Framework applications. It aims to find some middle ground between the power and testability of the data mapper pattern, and the convenience of Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord implementation.

It includes:

  • Data Mapper implementation

    • Adapters - commit data to storage
      • Supports any database supported by Zend_Db
      • Work-in-progress MongoDB support
      • Write your own adapters for any other type of storage (NoSQL, web services etc.)
    • Field types - e.g. an IP address field might be stored as an integer, but your code will always see the string
  • Model layer

    • Rails style associations (has many, has one, belongs to, habtm)
    • Doctrine 1 style behaviours (acts as X)
    • Getters/setters


Extract the contents of the library directory into the library directory of your application. Alternatively, if you are familiar with git subtree, there is a branch called 'library' which contains the contents of the library/Zeal folder, allowing you to perform a subtree merge into your application using: git subtree pull --prefix=library/Zeal --squash [email protected]:tfountain/zealorm.git library.

Register the Zeal namespace with your autoloader, either in application.ini or in a bootstrap method:

protected function _initAutoloader()
    $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

    return $autoloader;

If you want to use the built in Zend_Db mapper adapter, you'll want to register a Zend_Db instance:

protected function _initORM()

alternatively, Zeal will look for an entry called 'db' in the Zend_Registry the first time the adapter is required.



Your model classes should live in application/models (or application/modules/modulename/models) extend Zeal_ModelAbstract. If you want to use the getter/setters (or may want to in the future), define protected variables for each attribute:

class Yourapp_Model_User extends Zeal_ModelAbstract
    protected $userID;

    protected $firstName;

    protected $surname;

    protected $age;

these attributes can then be accessed as normal, or you can define getter and setter methods for custom functionality:

class Yourapp_Model_User extends Zeal_ModelAbstract

    public function getAge()
        return $this->age.' years old';

    public function setAge($age)
        if (!is_numeric($age)) {
            throw new Zeal_Model_Exception('Age must be numeric');

        $this->age = $age;


Your mapper classes should live in application/mappers (or `application/modules/modulename/mappers') and be named the same as the equivalent model class, except with 'Mapper' in the class name instead of 'Model'. Zend Framework's resource autoloader should autoload these classes automatically.

Mapper classes typically define two arrays, the first contains options specific to the adapter you are using. The included Zend_Db adapter will expect to find two values here, one telling it the name of the database table the data can be found in, and the other containing the name of the primary key field for this table. Secondly, the class should define an array of key/value pairs for the fields, where the key is the field name (matching the protected variable in the model class), and the value is the field type (which tells the adapter how to translate that data to and from storage). Example:

class Yourapp_Mapper_User extends Zeal_MapperAbstract
    protected $_options = array(
        'tableName' => 'users',
        'primaryKey' => 'userID'

    protected $_fields = array(
        'userID' => 'integer',
        'firstName' => 'string',
        'surname' => 'string',
        'age' => 'integer'

currently supported types are: integer, string, boolean, serialized, date, datetime. The serialized type will automatically serialize/unserialize contents as they are stored and retreived. The date and datetime types will be represented by instances of Zeal_Date and Zeal_DateTime respectively, which in turn extend the PHP Datetime class. Custom field types can be created by registering them using Zeal_Orm::registerFieldType() (docs to come).

Mapper classes can be loaded using Zeal_Orm::getMapper(). getMapper() requires one parameter, which is either a string containing the name of the class you want the mapper for, or an instance of that class:

$mapper = Zeal_Orm::getMapper('Yourapp_Model_User');

$user = new Yourapp_Model_User();
$mapper = Zeal_Orm::getMapper($user);

Retreiving/storing data

Storing data is best shown with some examples:

// create a new user
$user = new Yourapp_Model_User();
$user->firstName = 'Joe';
$user->surname = 'Bloggs';


echo $user->userID; // outputs 1

// update the user
$user->age = 30;


$user->age = 31;
$mapper->save($user); // save calls create() for a new object, update() for an existing one

Retreiving objects can either be done using the primary key:

$mapper = Zeal_Orm::getMapper('Yourapp_Model_User');
$user = $mapper->find(1);

or using a query object, which you pass to either $mapper->fetchObject() (for one result) or $mapper->fetchAll() (for multiple):

$query = $mapper->query();
$query->where('age = ?', 30);

$users = $user->fetchAll($query);

the query object is specific to the adapter type, so if you are using the Zend_Db adapter the query object supports the same functionality and syntax as Zend_Db_Select:

$query->where('age > 18')
      ->order('surname ASC');

$users = $mapper->fetchAll($query);


Zeal ORM supports Ruby on Rails style associations, which allow easy loading of related objects.

Associations are typically defined in the init() method of the model (which is called automatically by the constructor). There are four association methods, one for each supported type of association: hasMany(), hasOne(), belongsTo(), hasAnyBelongsToMany(). These methods take the association shortname as the first parameter, followed by an array of options as the second parameter. The options array should minimally contain the key className set to the full class name of the objects to be loaded:

class Yourapp_Model_User extends Zeal_ModelAbstract

    public function init()
        $this->hasMany('addresses', array(
            'className' => 'Yourapp_Model_Address'

        $this->belongsTo('employer', array(
            'className' => 'Yourapp_Model_Employer'


$mapper = Zeal_Orm::getMapper('Yourapp_Model_User');
$user = $mapper->find(1);

foreach ($user->addresses as $address) {
    echo $address->address1.'<br>';

echo $user->employer->name;

you can also access a query object for the association, allowing for a subset of the objects to be loaded:

$query = $user->addresses->query();
$query->where('country = ?', 'United Kingdom');

echo $query; // outputs: SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE userID = 1 AND country = 'United Kingdom'
$ukAddresses = $addressMapper->fetchAll($query);

Note: Since loading of association data is satisfied by the mapper of the association class, it is quite possible for associated objects to be loaded from a completely different type of storage. For example, if the mapper for the Employer class in the example above used a custom adapter created for a web service, calling $user->addresses would dynamically load this data from the web service, even though the user itself might be stored in a local database.


An ORM layer for Zend Framework applications







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