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Thane Thomson edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 5 revisions

Defining your data models with Statik is a breeze. It's important to note that every YAML file in your project's models/ folder represents a database table in the in-memory SQLite database. Therefore, if you create a file called models/MyModel.yml, Statik will create a corresponding MyModel table (the filename minus the extension) with the relevant fields within it.

Model Format

Your model file should adhere to the following format:

field1-name: Field1Type
field2-name: Field2Type
field3-name: Field3Type
# etc.

Field names with hyphens in the names will automatically have their hyphens converted into underscores (_), so field1-name will be converted into field1_name, and so on.

Standard Fields

The following standard field types are currently supported:

  • String - A simple string field (a standard VARCHAR field in SQLite)
  • Integer - A 32-bit signed integer (INT field in SQLite)
  • DateTime - A standard DATETIME type in SQLite
  • Text - A larger text field than the String field (TEXT field in SQLite)
  • Boolean - Simple boolean true/false value field
  • Content - A Text field whose contents are automatically interpreted as Markdown content from the main content of a Markdown file.

NOTE: Only one Content field is allowed per model. This is because there's no way at the moment for Statik to know which field to populate from your Markdown file's Markdown content (the content outside of the YAML preamble).

Primary Keys

By default, every model will have a pk field of type String added to it when it is created. This field will be populated with the file name (minus the extension) of the model instance file in your data/ folder.

One-to-Many and Many-to-One Relationships

Standard SQL foreign key relationships are supported in the following way: if you have two models defined, say Post and Author, where Author is defined as:

# models/Author.yml
first-name: String
last-name: String
email: String

and Post is defined as:

# models/Post.yml
title: String
author: Author

you will see that Post has a FOREIGN KEY relationship to Author on the field author. This allows you to query the related model in your views' queries:

# yourview.yml
# ...
    posts: session.query(Post).all()
<!-- yourtemplate.html -->
{{ posts[0].author.first_name }}

Reverse Relationships

To define a "reverse" relationship (i.e. backwards from the foreign model), simply do the following:

# models/Post.yml
title: String
author: Author -> posts

This allows you to perform such queries:

<!-- yourtemplate.html -->
{% for post in author.posts %}
  <!-- ... -->
{% endfor %}

Many-to-Many Relationships

Defining many-to-many relationships is just as easy:

# models/Post.yml
title: String
tags: Tag[] -> posts
# models/Tag.yml
tag-name: String

The syntax <ForeignModel>[] with the [] brackets indicates to Statik that this field must be considered to be a many-to-many relationship. As you can also see in the example above, the Tag model will now have a reverse relationship called posts for easy lookup of the posts associated with the tag:

<!-- yourtemplate.html -->
{% for tag in post.tags %}
  <!-- do something with tag -->
{% endfor %}

{% for post in tag.posts %}
  <!-- do something with post -->
{% endfor %}