PSBackup uses PSD1 files to describe BackupJobs to be performed. Robocopy is the unility that performs the file copy. Multiple BackupJobs can be included in a single PSD1 file. PSBackup will execute all jobs in the file.
Given a properly formated PSD1 file, this command will process and output job details that it finds.
This command takes a PSD1 file and executes its BackupJobs.
This command takes a PSD1 file and performs checks and tests to determine if the file is properly formated to be executed. Returns True or False.
Install-Module -Name PSBackup
PSBackup uses Powershell Data Files (PSD1) to keep BackupJobs. PSD1 files are essentially nested hash tables.
A BackupJob consists of 5 parts: Job Name, Source path, Destination path, job parameters, Log path.
- Job Name - The job name sinply gives the job a name. Please make it something descriptive. The job name must be unique within the file.
- Source - The source path to the data you wish to be backed up/copied.
- Destination - The destination path you wish to copy the data to.
- Parameters - This can be any parameters for robocopy you wish to use except for /LOG
- LogPath - Path to the folder where you would like the log for the BackupJob to be saved.
<JobName> = @{
Source = 'C:\path\to\source'
Destination = '\\path\to\destination'
Parameters = '<robocopy parameters>'
LogPath = '\\path\to\log\folder'
Here is an example of a backup file
Documents = @{
Source = 'C:\Users\thbiv\Documents'
Destination = 'F:\Backups\Backup_User\Documents'
Parameters = '/MIR /V /FP /NP /NDL /BYTES /R:1 /W:1'
LogPath = 'F:\Backups\Logs'
Desktop = @{
Source = 'C:\Users\thbiv\Desktop'
Destination = 'F:\Backups\Backup_User\Desktop'
Parameters = '/MIR /V /FP /NP /NDL /BYTES /R:1 /W:1'
LogPath = 'F:\Backups\Logs'
VSCodeData = @{
Source = 'C:\Users\thbiv\.vscode'
Destination = 'F:\Backups\Backup_User\.vscode'
Parameters = '/MIR /V /FP /NP /NDL /BYTES /R:1 /W:1'
LogPath = 'F:\Backups\Logs'
SSHData = @{
Source = 'C:\Users\thbiv\.ssh'
Destination = 'F:\Backups\Backup_User\.ssh'
Parameters = '/MIR /V /FP /NP /NDL /BYTES /R:1 /W:1'
LogPath = 'F:\Backups\Logs'
While putting together the BackupJob file, you can use Test-PSBackupFile
to test the file for validity.
Test-PSBackupFile -Path 'BackupFile.psd1'
The command will output warming messages for anything it finds wrong. When you are satisfied with the backup jobs you wish to perform, you may use Get-PSBackup
to display details on the BackupJobs in the file.
Get-PSBackup -Path 'BackupFile.psd1'
To perform the jobs that are described in a backup file, use Invoke-PSBackup
. You can use the -Verbose
parameter to see what the command is doing.
Invoke-PSBackup -Path 'BackupFile.psd1' -Verbose
PSBackup is licensed under the MIT License
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