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On The Client

Paul Mansour edited this page May 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

The Get function takes a URI and fetches the page or resource:

      m←R.Get ''

NB. In all of the code samples below and on other pages, R is a reference to the Rumba API (Rumba.Core)

The result of Get is a Message object. We can examine some of its properties:

      m.(StatusCode  ReasonPhrase ContentLength)
200  OK  4516    

and look at the content type:

application/json; charset=UTF-8

Since it is JSON, we can dig in and see the title of the book:

      (⎕JSON m.Content).items.volumeInfo.title
 The Road to Serfdom 

The Get function is a thin cover for a set of objects and functions that give more control over the client connection:

     u←ParseURI ⍵
     c←NewClient u
     q←NewRequest u.Resource
     c SendAndReceive q

The ParseURI function takes a URI string and parses it into its various components and returns a URI object. The NewClient method creates a Client object, which may be used to send and receive one or more messages. If NewClient is passed a URI object or string as an argument, then its Secure, Host, and Port properties default to appropriately. These properties may of course be specified later. The NewRequest method creates a new Request object. The default Method property is GET, but may be set to POST or any HTTP method. The SendAndReceive function opens a connection to the server, sends the message, and closes the connection.

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