There are two parts to this coding exercise. The first part asks you to take on the role of a developer. The second part takes on the roll of QA. But, before you can get started you will have to download this repository. You can either download the zip of this repository or you can pull it down with Git.
src/main/java/ contains the reverseWords function. You will need to implement this function.
src/test/java/ contains a single test case for the reverseWords function. Take the role of a QA tester. What additional tests would you add test reverseWords? Add those tests to this class.
Once you have completed the project zip up a cleaned version of the project. Email the zip file back to the person that asked you to complete this exercise.
You can make the assumption that the tests will be executed using TestNG. Documentation on TestNG can be found here.
This project does include a pom.xml file that can be used to build and test this code. It is designed for use with Maven 2.x. You do not have to use Maven if you do not want to.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this exercise.