Before use, you need to install Python and Perl.
Python3 >= 3.8, perl >= 5
In running quickprot, protein alignment is done using miniprot (v0.12), and ORFs prediction is done using TransDecoder (v5.7.1). For ease of use, these two software are integrated into quickprot.
tar -zxvf quickprot-v1.11.tar.gz
cd quickprot-v1.11
./quickprot -h
# if you used --mask optional of script, you has install biopython
pip install biopython
# if you used script has install natsort.
pip install natsort
To run quickprot, use
./quickprot -q protein.fasta -g genome.fasta
quickprot optional
./ -h
usage: -q str -g str [-p str] [-i float] [--outs float] [--overlap float] [-t int] [-G str] [-s] [-m] [-n] [-b] [-h] [-v]
Quick genome annotation base on protein.
required arguments:
-q str, --query str A file of query protein fasta format.
-g str, --genome str A file of genome fasta format.
optional arguments:
-p str, --prefix str Prefix of a output file. default=quickprot
-i float, --identity float
Alignment identity (0-1). default=0.95
--outs float Output score at least bestScore (0-1). default=0.99
--overlap float If the overlap of predicted ORFs in a transcript is less than default value (0-1). default=0.8,
they will be dissected.
-t int, --thread int Thread number of run miniprot sortware. defualt=24
-G str, --genetic_code str
Genetic Codes (derived from: defualt=Universal
The supported genetic codon tables are Acetabularia, Candida, Ciliate, Dasycladacean, Euplotid, Hexamita,
Mesodinium, Mitochondrial-Ascidian, Mitochondrial-Chlorophycean, Mitochondrial-Echinoderm, Mitochondrial-Flatworm,
Mitochondrial-Invertebrates, Mitochondrial-Protozoan, Mitochondrial-Pterobranchia, Mitochondrial-Scenedesmus_obliquus,
Mitochondrial-Thraustochytrium, Mitochondrial-Trematode, Mitochondrial-Vertebrates, Mitochondrial-Yeast,
Pachysolen_tannophilus,Peritrich, SR1_Gracilibacteria, Tetrahymena, and Universal.
-s, --skip_align Skip run miniprot step. default=False
-m, --mask Soft-masked (dna_sm) genome convert to masked(dna_rm) genome. default=False
-n, --noclean Do not delete intermediate files. default=False
-b, --single_best_only
Retain only the single best orf per transcript. default=False
It is not recommended to use it because when two reference proteins overlap during alignment,
it can lead to fusion during transcript assembly. If a transcript is not set with only one ORF,
the fused ORF will be split in subsequent analysis.
-h, --help Show program's help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
date:2024/11/19 author:guisen chen email:[email protected]