These are my host prep playbooks that are client agnostic.
They contain a few roles, that will assist in docker clean up should you be installing from cloned, or an already installed cluster that is getting a rebuild. I would suggest running the adhoc/uninstall.yaml first, then run the host_prep. They also contain some artifacts from from past versions that are no longer applicable, and post_install tasks.
subscribe_to_repos - Obvious, subscribe to repos. You'll need to add your pool id in the defaults/main.yaml
disable_yum_plugins - I found in one scenerio that one of the yum plugins was set to a higher verbosity that kept the deploy_cluster.yaml from completing. The simple fix was just to disable the plugins, and re-enble once the install finished.
host_prep - main playbook. Docker setup, add your block device in defaults/main.yaml, - Install pre requisite packages - Set selinux policy - Install atomic-openshift-utils - Install Docker - Check to see if Docker was previously installed. If so, run the docker-storage.yaml
docker-storage.yaml - Completely wipes the docker block device. Removes the partitions on
the block device. Wipes everything, then recreates it and extends the
docker LVM to 100%
enable_yum_plugs - Re enables yum plugins
ldap_groupsync - Configures LDAP Group Sync based on AD
node-config - Adds kubeletAruments for resource management