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@csnover csnover released this 05 May 03:13
· 1115 commits to master since this release

Release overview

  • Preparation work for Intern 2.0
  • Better functional test error reporting
  • Updates to Sauce Connect and Istanbul
  • Enhancements to Object interface
  • Bug fixes

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Unintentionally, boolean arguments passed on the command-line to the test runner which were sent to the unit testing client would be received as the string "true" or "false". This has been fixed; these arguments will now be received as boolean true if they were set, or undefined if they were not.
  • Istanbul has been updated to 0.2.7. This should not break any Intern code, but may break code that accessed Istanbul directly and relied on features that changed between Istanbul 0.1 and 0.2.
  • The test runner now performs code coverage of code loaded into the test runner, so additional exclusions may need to be added to excludeInstrumentation.


  • Error reporting has been significantly improved for functional tests. Now, instead of getting a garbage stack trace, you will receive a correct trace that points to the original method call, along with additional information on the method that failed. Significant additional improvements to functional test error reporting will be coming in the next release of Intern. (#178)
  • The Object interface has been enhanced to gain feature parity with the TDD/BDD interfaces when used for functional tests. A function can now be passed to the object interface which will be called once for each environment being tested. The return value of the function should a the normal test object definition. (#185)
  • The test runner now performs code coverage of code loaded into the test runner itself. This allows functional tests and other server-side code to be covered. (21db9da)
  • Istanbul has been updated to version 0.2.7. This update enables code coverage to be disabled by using /*istanbul ignore next*/, /*istanbul ignore if*/, and /istanbul ignore else/` comments. (49f76d5)
  • Code coverage reports are no longer output by the runner reporter when no code coverage data has been received. (#127)
  • Information about the current test mode is now exposed at intern.mode. This value will be "runner" for the test runner, or "client" for the client. (e3f0714)

Bug fixes

  • Chai has been updated to 1.9.1. This partially corrects an issue where stack traces were missing from thrown assertions. (a9e79cd)
  • Error names and messages are no longer double-logged when a stack trace is available. Really. (f8be54e)
  • Boolean arguments passed on the command-line to the test runner are now correctly passed as boolean arguments to the client-side unit test code. (88275c1)
  • A bad regular expression preventing correct loading of non-http(s) URLs has been corrected to allow all valid URL protocols. (f6dbb32)
  • sauce-connect-launcher has been updated to 0.4.2 to eliminate an information disclosure security vulnerability. (#179)
  • The test runner now exits with a non-zero exit code if Sauce Connect fails to establish a tunnel. (b49d8df)
  • Unit test code coverage data is no longer lost when the remote environment is navigated using something other than the PromisedWebDriver interface. (6fe5615)

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cd /my/project/root
npm install intern --save-dev
or Geezer edition
cd /my/project/root
npm install intern-geezer --save-dev

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