- List of movies released in 2012 in descending order.
- Genre filter option so that you can filter movies according to your favorite genre
- Search option so that you can get your favorite movie just by search it.
- Completely built using React Native.
- Implemented smooth scrolling so that user can get the movies list as he/she is scrolling down.
Install dependencies
go to https://www.themoviedb.org, create an account and get the api key, then use that api key in constants/index.js file
Run The app
Runs your app in development mode.
Open it in the Expo app on your phone to view it. It will reload if you save edits to your files, and you will see build errors and logs in the terminal.
Like npm start
/ yarn start
, but also attempts to open your app in the iOS Simulator if you're on a Mac and have it installed.
Like npm start
/ yarn start
, but also attempts to open your app on a connected Android device or emulator. Requires an installation of Android build tools (see React Native docs for detailed setup).