Remove deepcopy() to improve the computational speed
Update the parameter's order in Tuner class
Update the saving's bug when using Termination in Multitask
Remove ILA optimizer
Rename "amend_position()" definition in some algorithms to "bounded_position()".
Add a "amend_position()" function in Optimizer class. This function will call two functions.
bounded_position() from optimizer. This means for optimizer level (get in valid range of position)
amend_position() from problem. This means for problem level (transform to the correct solution)
Fix bugs coefficients in GWO-based optimizers.
Fig bug self.epoch in SCSO optimizer.
Fix bug self.dyn_pop_size when pop_size is small value
Move SHADE-based optimizers from DE to SHADE module in evolutionary_based group
Add Improved Grey Wolf Optimization (IGWO) in GWO algorithm
Add Tabu Search (TS) to math-based group
Add get_all_optimizers() and get_optimizer_by_name() in Mealpy
Rename the OriginalSA to SwarmSA in SA optimizer
Add the OriginalSA and GaussianSA in SA optimizer
Update parameters in OriginalHC and SwarmHC
Update ParameterGrid class to produce the dict with same order as original input
Add export_figures() to Tuner class. It can draw the hyperparameter tuning process.
Fix several bugs in docs folders.
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